Directions: Use nevertheless, however, even so, that ...

Instructions: Fill in the blank with a linker from the list at the bottom of the page.

Check off each linker after you use it, and don’t use any linker more than once.

The first two are done for you. NOTE: There are some linkers that you will not use at all.

1. Ostriches run fast but can’t fly at all. Likewise______________,chickens are e_tremely poor fliers.

2. He didn’t have his watch on. Therefore_________________, he couldn’t tell her what time it was.

3. He had dinner and did his homework. After that_____, he watched TV for a while.

4. He gives money to anybody who asks. In the same way_, his wife gives to lots of charities.

5. He gives money to charities. In contrast____________, his brother never gives a penny to anybody.

6. He’s rich and is known for being philanthropic.Understandably_______, he gets lots of calls from charities.

7. He gives too much homework and too many tests. For that reason_______, I’m planning to drop the class.

8. He needed an education. Thus____________, his parents decided to send him to school.

9. He wanted to ask her her name. However___________, he was too shy.

10. He was in a car accident. Happily__________, he wasn’t badly injured.

11. He was panting loudly and sweating profusely. Obviously__________, he had been working quite hard.

12. He was taking a shower. Meanwhile_________, she was in the kitchen cooking.

13. He was very hungry. Nevertheless___________, he didn’t touch anything on his plate.

14. He went to see a movie with his girlfriend. Unfortunately_______, it had sold out by the time they got there.

15. He won the lottery. Soon after that___________, relatives he didn’t even know started calling him.

16. He’s rich, loaded to the gills. Despite that___________, he never gives to charities.

17. Her dear old aunt came by to visit her after many years. Sadly__________, she wasn’t home at the time.

18. I love any kind of meat. On the other hand_____________, seafood makes me sick to my stomach.

19. She loved him with all her heart. That notwithstanding__________, she finally decided not to marry him.

20. The car had run out of gas. Fortunately____________, there was a gas station on the ne_t block.

21. Pigeon poop was everywhere, and neighbors complained. Still_________, she continued to feed the birds.

22. The policeman was screaming, and his face was red. Apparently__________, he was angry about something.

23. The secretary typed slowly and inaccurately. Even so___________, the boss refused to fire her.

24. He took care of all her financial needs. Similarly__________, she made sure his house was always clean.

25. I hated him because he was ill tempered and nasty. What’s more__________, he had bad breath and body odor.

_x_After that,


___All the same,



_x_Despite that,


_x_Even so,

_x_For that reason,





_x_In contrast,

___In this day and age,

_x_In the same way,








_x_On the other hand,

___On top of that,



_x_Soon after that,


_x_That notwithstanding,





_x_What’s more,

___Without doubt


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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