Word Cloud Rubric.doc.docx

Word Cloud Activity Rubric ConstitutionTeacher Name: Student Name: ? ? ________________________________________ CATEGORY 4 Exceptional3 Appropriate2 Adequate1 MinimalUse of Class Time Used time well during the class period. Focused on getting the project done. Never distracted others. Used time well during the class period. Usually focused on getting the project done and never distracted others. Used some of the time well during the class period. There was some focus on getting the project done but occasionally distracted others. Did not use class time to focus on the project OR often distracted others. Met RequirementsAt least ten accurate words are displayed in the cloud. 7-8 words are displayed in the cloud. 6-4 accurate words are displayed in the cloud. Less than 3 accurate words are displayed in the cloud. Word ChoiceWord choice demonstrates exceptional knowledge of the topic.Word choice demonstrates a good working knowledge of the topicWord choice demonstrates reasonable knowledge of the topicWord choice demonstrates little knowledge of the topic. ParticipationStudent participated in discussion, used appropriate voice level and stayed on topicStudent participated in discussion, but either didn’t use appropriate voice level or strayed from topic , but after redirection worked appropriatelyStudent participated in discussion, but was asked more than once to use appropriate voice level or stay on topic, but after redirection worked appropriately Student did little participation in discussion and was reminded multiple times to use appropriate voice level and stay on topic and was unable to stay on task after being redirectedScore: ________ ................

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