I purchased my first Model A, a May 1931 Deluxe Coupe, at age 16 for only $125. Unfortunately my parents sold this car when I entered the U.S. Naval Academy three years later.

In 1987 I joined Orange County Model A Ford Club (OCMAFC).

Next I purchased a 1931 Deluxe Roadster in 1987 and started a body off restoration.

The club named me their annual Pancake breakfast Chairman in 1996. This is the largest annual Model A Ford event in California serving 1000-1200 breakfasts and drawing 300-350 Model A’s as well as other antiques and classics every year. I have chaired this event for the past five years.

I was elected President of OCMAFC in 1997 and I’m serving a fourth consecutive year as club president.

I purchased a late 1931 S/W Town Sedan in 1997 and started restoration. The car is original but little remains of the upholstery fabrics. A total restoration will be in order.

The OCMAFC membership selected me as 2009 Member of the Year in December 2009.

My wife Eileen and I have attended national MAFCA club events at Tacoma, Reno, Riverside, Portland, Mansfield, Dallas and Vancouver as well as regional events and national membership meetings.

I have qualified as a Senior Judge and participate as a fine point judge.

In August I became president of the Model A Youth restoration Award program replacing Charlie Viosca.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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