/ www.holynamestlouis.org Parish Established Holy Name of ...

Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church

10235 Ashbrook Drive, St. Louis, Mo., 63137 / 314.868.2310 / Fax 314.868.3919 /

Catholic Church Founded in Northeast St. Louis County 1908 ? 2005 Holy Name of Jesus Parish Established

Sixth Sunday In Ordinary Time

February 13, 2022


We Are A MISSION PARISH With A Mission



The Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic continues to affect many parish life activities and our worship together. Our Parish Directory reflects our hope for schedules to return to something more normal.

Continue to consult the Parish Bulletin for more specific real-time information as well as listen for the most recent information being announced by St. Louis County and the State of Missouri.


10235 Ashbrook Dr., St. Louis, Mo. 63137 314-868-2310 Parish Office Hours Monday - Thursday 7:30 am - 4:00 pm Friday 7:30 am - 12:00 noon Father Michael Henning, Pastor mickeylee48@ Father Ray Iwuji, In Residence Theresa McWilliams, Director of Music tmacwms@ Deacon George Watson, Permanent Deacon hgwatson@ Deacon Matthew Duban, Permanent Deacon meduban@ Sister Mary Lawrence, SSND Parish Evangelization srmaryec@ Sandy Miesner, Parish Secretary parishoffice10235@ Joseph Vassallo, Facilities Maintenance Coordinator David Vaughn, Parish Custodian

Human development is primarily a vocation, every person's calling from God `to be more'. Therefore, the Church teaches

that the essential quality of `authentic' development is to promote the good of every man (person) and of the whole man (person).


Liturgy of the Eucharist (Weekend & Weekday Masses)

Saturday 4:00 pm (CST) / 5:00 pm (DST) Sunday 9:30 am Tuesday ? Friday 8:00 am

Holy Days of Obligation 9:00 am & 7:00 pm Civil Holidays See Bulletin Mass Intentions for Time

Sacrament of Reconciliation


2:30-3:30 pm

3:30-4:30 pm (Daylight Savings Time)

Day & Evening Times during Advent & Lent Weekdays

Anytime by Appointment with Fr. Mike at Home / Church

Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick 1st Saturday of Every Month--After Evening Mass 3rd Sunday of Every Month--After 9:30 am Mass Anytime by Appointment with Fr. Mike at Home / Church

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Tuesday 8:30 am -12:00 midnight

Perpetual Help Devotions 8:30 am--After Tuesday Morning Weekday Mass

Parish Rosary 8:30 am--After Weekday Mass 3:30 pm CST / 4:30 pm CDT--Monthly on 3rd Saturdays 7:30 am & 10:00 am--Monthly on 3rd Sundays



Sixth Sunday In Ordinary Time

February 13, 2022

mission notes

we are a mission parish with a mission

from father mike / february 13th, 2022

every parish member is called to pray & listen

As I wrote here last week the All Things New pastoral planning process invites every Catholic to join in the effort of creating a "new Church" for the real world we all live in here and now. Please do all you can to keep yourself informed about this initiative and participate in the various activities which will take place this year. On the next page you will find a timeline for the work ahead of us. You may want to use this link to learn more about this Archdiocesan wide effort in our parish and all parishes. You can also signup for a newsletter which will also keep you up to date on all activities.

I am most grateful for the willingness of these parishioners to serve on our leadership team. Please don't hesitate to speak with any one or all of them about this planning initiative and the various ways in which we are hoping for your voice to be a part of the process. As our team learns more from you and about our parish, we will continue to count on your prayers and participation.

All Things New Parish Leadership Team

Mark Tranel Sister Mary Lawrence, SSND

Peg Warnusz Mary Meredith Father Mike Henning

parish wide survey begins march 2nd your voices need to be heard

Holy Name of Jesus Parish will soon take a first and most important step into the All Things New Archdiocesan wide pastoral planning initiative. Beginning March 2nd through April 4th our parishioners and all Catholics in St. Louis will be participating in a parish survey about discipleship conducted by the Catholic Leadership Institute! Survey participants will share their thoughts and hopes for the Catholic Church of St. Louis. Catholics and all parents with children in Catholic schools are invited to complete this survey concerning their beliefs, participation, satisfaction, and attitudes about their faith and their local parish/school experience. For this effort to be successful we need your help! Surveys will soon be available on-line and on average should take about 10-15 minutes. This is your opportunity to reflect on your own spiritual growth and to provide feedback on our parish's efforts to help you grow. All responses will be confidential and the parish will only receive information about the community as whole. We will share the link with you a bit closer to the launch of the survey.

Evangelization means bringing the Good News of Jesus into every situation and

seeking to draw others closer to Christ by the power of the Gospel message.

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI has said that evangelization is the idea that we "propose the faith". We don't force it upon others. And yet, we don't hide it.

Ultimately, it's how people witness us living out our commitment to Jesus as Catholics.

We need the highest level of participation possible. What we learn from these surveys will be invaluable to Father Mike, our parish leaders, and our various ministries as we plan for the future and strive to be the best disciples and stewards we can be. This spring/summer we will receive results and share what we have learned with the parish. For those who prefer, a paper copy of the survey will also soon be available. More information about this survey with instructions on how to participate will be available in the coming weeks. Thank you now for helping with this important project! Please keep yourself informed and tell as many others as you can about it. Do all you can to spread the word and encourage others to participate.

on the next page

We encourage everyone to review the timeline for your participation in this planning effort and for the work of parish leadership teams in our planning region.

Sixth Sunday In Ordinary Time

February 13, 2022

as we plan

your voices

need to be heard


our leaders

will do with all they learn

ORIENTATION MEETINGS, SURVEYS & LISTENING SESSIONS with Clergy, Parish Leaders, Ministry Leaders, and Archdiocesan Administrators (Curia) PARISH & SCHOOL SURVEYS

All Catholics and all parents with children in Catholic Schools are invited to complete a

survey concerning their beliefs, participation, satisfaction, and attitudes about their faith and

their local parish/school experience

The goal of pastoral reorganization is always the strongest possible presence of the Church in the local community ... With Christ we can do all that the Father asks of us ... especially when it is difficult for us.

Pastoral Letter on the Reorganization of the Northeast Deanery, February 2005

PARISH LISTENING SESSIONS across the Archdiocese to provide feedback

and offer changes on initial models for reorganization within each region

Post Listening Session Surveys of participants concerning their experience and

meeting outcomes

Our parishes, ministries, and institutions need to effectively share the faith in a way that is suitable and sustainable for our children and for generations to come.

Father Chris Martin, Vicar for Planning

October 2021 thru January 2022

Spring 2022 March 2nd

thru April 4th

Summer 2022 May 19th

thru June 29th

July 5th thru August 5th

August 19th Fall 2022 October 8th thru November 19th

October 8th thru December 15th

Winter 2022 December 22nd thru March 23rd

Spring 2023 April ? May 2023 Feast of Pentecost

May 28th, 2023

ORIENTATION MEETINGS for Parish Leadership Teams

The Christian community is called to "keep us from becoming

a `museum church', beautiful but mute, with much past and little future."

Pope Francis, October 2021

Key Parish Leaders gather for REGIONAL MEETINGS AND DISCUSSIONS of survey results and parish data workbooks for the purpose of proposing initial models for reorganization within their region ARCHDIOCESAN PASTORAL COUNCIL (APC) ? lay, religious, and ordained representatives from each Deanery ? review and provide feedback on initial models Archdiocesan Priests & APC gather to review models to be presented at Listening Sessions

"We are called to participate in the salvation story in a new way ... to re-energize and reshape our effort

to share God's saving message".

Archbishop Rozanski, January 2022

Archdiocesan Leaders REFINE PROPOSED AND DISCUSSED MODELS FOR REORGANIZATION for review and feedback from clergy and lay leaders FINAL DISCERNMENT by Archbishop

ARCHDIOCESAN PLAN ANNOUNCED by Archbishop with 3?4 year implementation

steadfast in faith * forward in hope

Sixth Sunday In Ordinary Time

February 13, 2022

Please pray for the repose of the soul of all who have died this week. May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen.

Stewardship of Treasure

Your Gi s of Support for Our Parish Mission

February 6, 2022



Tuesday 8:00am Wednesday 8:00am Thursday 8:00am Friday 8:00am

February 15 Communion Service February 16 Communion Service February 17 Communion Service February 18 Communion Service

Saturday 4:00pm Sunday 9:30am

February 19 Mary Ann Harris February 20 Maria Nguyen

Online Giving (included above) Budgeted weekly offertory This week's Budgeted weekly expenses This week's

$2,398.00 $8,028.00

$546.79 $12,843.00


JANUARY 2022 Special collec ons:

Seminaries Cardinal Glennon St. Vincent DePaul

25.00 5.00


PRAYER CHAIN If you or someone you know is in need of prayer, please call Betty Kondracki @ 868-0176

Offertory: Envelopes, Loose, Holy Days Online Giving-Offertory Total Offertory January Budgeted Offertory Difference

$ 23,555.07 6,691.00 30,246.07 32,780.00

$ (2,533.93)

Donna Lane, Bob Seidel Jr, John Spaedy, Matt Cody, Bernette Goymerac, Mildred Miller, Mary Masterson, Tim Downs, Cooper Treacy, John Baboer, Maureen Williams, Gerri Yester, Mary Williams, Al Haines, Betty Kondracki, Jerry Nogalski, Mary Lou Sammelman, Patty Corbin, Chris Deaton, Glen Marstall, Anne Marlowe, Dorothy Anderson, Joan Geerling, Carol Jones, Parker Jackson, Mike Swoboda, George Lawler, Phyllis Lawler, Lynda Brand, Joseph Bochantin, Sr., Audrey Corbin, Robert & Diana Bochantin, Marjorie Dubray, Geraldyn Jesters, Colin Schultheis, Bill Oliver, Mike Coffer, Whitney Coke, Linda Zappe, Ken Ellis, Tom K., Carol Lawrence, Lisa Erickson

February 19


Judy Mantych

February 20


Bea Okohson

February 19


Marilyn Gittemeier

February 20


Laura Petroff

Sixth Sunday In Ordinary Time

February 13, 2022

TODAY'S READINGS First Reading -- The one who trusts in the L is like a tree planted beside the waters (Jeremiah 17:58). Psalm -- Blessed are they who hope in the Lord (Psalm 1). Second Reading -- Christ has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep (1 Corinthians 15:12, 16-20). Gospel -- Blessed are you who are poor, hungry, weeping. Woe to you who are rich, filled, laughing (Luke 6:17, 20-26). READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Jas 1:1-11; Ps 119:67-68, 71-72, 75-76;

Mk 8:11-13 Tuesday: Jas 1:12-18; Ps 94:12-13a; 14-15, 18-19;

Mk 8:14-21 Wednesday: Jas 1:19-27; Ps 15:2-4ab, 5; Mk

8:22-26 Thursday: Jas 2:1-9; Ps 34:2-7; Mk 8:27-33 Friday: Jas 2:14-24, 26; Ps 112:1-6; Mk 8:34 --

9:1 Saturday: Jas 3:1-10; Ps 12:2-3, 4-5, 7-8; Mk 9:2-

13 Sunday: 1 Sm 26:2, 7-9, 12-13, 22-23; Ps 103:1-4,

8, 10, 12-13; 1 Cor 15:45-49; Lk 6:27-38

THIS WEEK IN FORMED This week, in our bulletin, Father Mike, has given us an overview of the All Things New Archdiocesan Planning Initiative. As parishioners, we take part in this process of remembering and re-envisioning Holy Name of Jesus Parish and the pastoral re-organization in the Archdiocese. We are also reminded that we are an evangelizing community and how important our role in evangelization is to the future of our church. Our role as evangelizers hasn't been emphasized to us as Catholics in the past. We need to learn more about it. This video might be a place to start. This week in FORMED I've selected a video: Formed Now! Evangelization in the 21st Century (30 Minutes)

Monthly Candlelight Community Peace/Social Justice Vigil Our monthly candlelight community peace/social justice vigils are held outdoors on the front steps of our church on the last Sunday of each month. Our next vigil will be held on February 27 at 7 pm. In case of inclement weather, we will gather in the Church vestibule. This monthly vigil is sponsored by the Holy Name of Jesus Social Justice group, Justice Grows, and lasts 30 minutes. The purpose of these monthly vigils is to pray for unity in our community, to raise awareness of social justice issues in our greater metropolitan community, and to pray for an end to violence, especially gun violence. These vigils consist of music, a time of silent reflection, and group prayer. All are welcome to join us every month or whenever you're available to pray with us. We hope to see you on February 27 at 7 pm!

This link is also on our Holy Name of Jesus Website. Go to the drop-down menu at the top of the homepage and click on Parish Life and then on FORMED to watch the video.

To find other books, movies, videos you might be interested in use the magnifying glass to search for a topic of interest. The magnifying glass is at the top of the home page.

IMPORTANT HOSPITAL NEWS If you or a friend, relative, neighbor, etc. are being admitted to a hospital please contact the Parish Office to let us know.

Sixth Sunday In Ordinary Time

February 13, 2022


SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2022 10:00 AM

HOLY NAME OF JESUS CATHOLIC CHURCH 10235 Ashbrook Dr. St. Louis, MO 63137

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