Public Requests to Address the Senate (3 minute limit):

Los Angeles Pierce College Associated Students Organization SENATE MEETING MINUTESSeptember 29, 20201:00 P.M. – 3:00 P.M. – Senate MeetingZoom (visit ASO website – Student Events tab for link)WelcomeCall to Order at 1:01 pmRoll CallPresident Jamie Crespin - PresentVice President EinnaMarie Macavinta - PresentTreasurer Janelly Gutierrez Morales - PresentClub Council President Sofia Zaragoza - PresentSenator Adrian Altarejos - PresentSenator Dani Torralba - PresentSenator Jacarra Knowles - PresentSenator Mahnia Mohebbi - PresentSenator Maria Oorloff - PresentSenator Olivia Buchbinder - PresentSenator Romel Melgar - PresentSenator Rosmelle Melgar - PresentSenator Ruanne Catapang - PresentSenator Savannah Booker - PresentSenator Shira Ben-Ami – PresentSenator Sierra Bledsoe – PresentAdvisor Dr. Astorga - PresentAdvisor Dr. Conrady - PresentAdvisor Geremy Mason - PresentPublic Requests to Address the Senate (3 minute limit):This segment of the meeting is reserved for persons desiring to address the LAPC’s ASO Senate on any matter of concern that is not stated on the agenda. A time limit of three (3) minutes per speaker shall be observed. The law does not permit any action to be taken, nor extended discussion of any items not on the agenda. The LAPC’s ASO Senate may briefly respond to statements made or questions posed, however, for further information, please contact the LAPC’s ASO Vice President for the item of discussion to be placed on a future agenda. (Brown Act §54954.3)No public requests.Discussion Items:Student Health Center Weekly Update – Kira - Student Health Center staffNon-essential businesses are still closed. Health Center is looking for suggestions to advertise to students and suggestions on services students need. Health Center was advised to not send mass-emails but the website has a lot of information available. There are mental health services available – both individual and group meetings. Individual and group therapy is available for students. Group sessions must have 4 interested and committed participants for a 6-week session. All staff was interviewed by The Roundup so there are articles available as well in the newspaper. Janelly offered to advertise on her social media. Health Center is available on social media as well. Appointments can be made via phone (call the office and leave the information requested in order to schedule an appointment). Telehealth and video chat are available. Testing is available for bloodwork. Family health is available. Physical exams are available off-site. Staff can help with immunizations and physical exams. Sofia encouraged center to utilize social media, as it plays a major role in providing information versus using email. Lara requested for flyers to be sent to ASO, as ASO can advertise on the ASO social media pages. No flu shots will be available since students are not on campus. Sierra recommended posting the information available on the website on social media pages and other avenues to keep students informed and active with the social media page. Olivia recommended using the banner on canvas to provide information/links for the Health Center. Ruanne also recommended connecting with instructors to see if they can provide information to students in their classes.Student Representation Fee – confirming usage for Civic Engagement & Virtual Voter Registration Event on 10/7/2020 – electronic gift cards (not to exceed $1,000) – Dr. ConradyCivic engagement – Dr. Dixon-Peters, student leaders, Dr. Robb, and a voter outreach rep from LA County will be present for the panel and will be available for questions. They will be helping students in breakout rooms with questions. The event is 1 hour on October 7th in the afternoon. This is a non-partisan event (candidates will not be discussed); it will be about being a civically engaged citizen. This request it intended to request funds from the student rep fee to fund aspects of this event. Student rep fee is used to provide services for lobbying and advocating, as well as providing events about these topics. Since we are not able to travel for lobbying and conferences, ASO would like to utilize rep funds to sponsor events about civic engagement, advocacy, lobbying, etc. ASO would like to offer $50 gift cards for students that participate in the event. The amount is up to the senate, but no more than $1,000. Olivia asked a question about past utilizing of funds. Dr. Astorga described past advocacy events and retreats to both prepare students to advocate and to cover fees for students to travel to conferences/events where students represented their constituents. These funds are very limited in terms of usage, but whenever there are opportunities because one of these themes is addressed, it’s a great chance to provide that advocacy and civic engagement for students. The business office made the recommendation to utilize the funds to purchase gift cards since we are in a remote environment. Dr. Astorga clarified to the senate body the process of requesting for funding from the ASO for new student leaders. Dr. Conrady further elaborated on the process involved in requesting funds from ASO. Sofia asked how to distribute the gift cards. Dr. Conrady informed the student leaders it would be up to them. Sierra asked if senators could participate to receive a gift card as well. Dr. Astorga stated that in this case, if you’re organizing the event, it would be a good idea to refrain from receiving a gift card. However, it is up to the student leaders to decide how to distribute the gift cards. Ruanne asked if event planning would take place during the senate meetings or other meetings. They would take place outside of ASO Senate. Jamie asked if the number of gift cards can be adjusted based on the number of students that participate. Dr. Conrady clarified that this request is intended to fund this event only. Olivia provided input on one method for distributing the gift card. Dr. Conrady stated the senate has the ability to make suggestions and amend the amounts if they wish.Jewish Discrimination Awareness – Senator Shira Ben-AmiIn the past few years, anti-Semitic attacks have increased – 56% increase since 1979 when they began recording this information. Shira provided stats and reports of anti-Semitic attacks and harm perpetuated against Jews. Also stated that a lot of these attacks come from colleges in the UC system. Wants ASO to let Jewish students on campus know that the ASO is here to support them and wants to know how the senate can support. Sierra encouraged Shira to attend the diversity committee meetings. Dr. Astorga recounted events in recent history about attacks on the Jewish community and stated how important it is for students to have a space to feel validated and supported. Sofia asked which campuses – Shira stated Berkley, UCLA, and another 4 or 5 colleges in the UC system. Shira also posed an idea about an Instagram campaign that allows students to post incidents. Janelly proposed the idea of hosting a Jewish holiday event via zoom for students to learn more about the Jewish community. Sofia proposed the idea of posting a question on social media and allow people to post anonymously in a type of “confessional.” Fall AGS State Conference 2020 – Dr. Kaycea Campbell ($500)AGS as a state organization must remain in good-standing in order for students to apply for scholarships. AGS normally nominates 3 students and our campus may have 2 to 3 students win. In order to remain in good-standing, the campus-based AGS must attend state conferences. This year, the conference is $20 per student. AGS is trying to recruit students that are eligible via email. AGS would like to send 25 students to the conference. It is October 17th and fully online. Sofia asked for a current number of AGS members. So far, the club has received 10 new members and about 40 members from the previous year. They are expecting 30 returning members but are sending 2,000 invites to students that meet the qualifications. Sierra requested the link for students that are interested in joining – Dr. Campbell provided it in the chat. Ruanne asked if there is a criteria for selecting the students to send. Dr. Campbell stated that there is no criteria – it will be first come, first serve to club members that are interested and able to join. Mahnia asked for some clarifications – Dr. Campbell stated students must have and maintain a 3.0 gpa and must have already completed 12 units or will complete 12 units by the end of the semester that they become a member. Members also must complete events for the community in order to remain eligible. Dani asked about hour reductions for completing hours – Dr. Campbell clarified that the executive board has determined the point-requirement and has adjusted for the late start. Dr. Conrady provided the information on the next steps for a finance request, as the first finance committee is not tomorrow, but next Wednesday. Sofia asked for the link – Dr. Campbell posted the link in the chat. Action Items:No Action Items.Reports: Executive OfficersASO President - No one has agreed to attend Enrollment Management Committee and the president wants to know who is interested in being the permanent representative for that committee. Shira volunteered to attend the meeting this coming Thursday. Student Support Committee requested another committee member, in addition to Dani. Enrollment Management Committee is looking for a student voice now so if anyone else would like to attend, notify the president.ASO Vice President – Attended SSCC – Student Senate for California Community Colleges. It has a leadership program called the Professional Development and Leadership Training. This program has student leaders from all campuses in the district discuss issues that they may be having at their respective campuses. One topic was about the issues facing transfer students in terms of applying for transfer amid covid.ASO Treasurer – Looking for a senator to volunteer for the finance committee meetings. ASO Club Council President – Announced the winners for the Create to Win Video Contest – Film Club, CD Club, and BESA. All winners will receive $100 into their club account. First club council meeting is next week.AdvisorsDean Juan Carlos Astorga – Left meeting early to attend another meeting.Dr. Lara Conrady Wong - Club Finance and Fundraiser Training is scheduled for tomorrow and will cover fundraising, event planning, and utilizing funds. Student Services Fair is scheduled for Thursday. Senators that participate will be eligible for senator hours. Forward items for discussion to the vice president so that they can be added to the agenda. Next week, time limits will be enforced for discussion items.Geremy Mason – Congratulated the senators on a great job on Friday. Linktree is available for links – however, it is limited in the number of links that can be added due to the account type.ASO CommitteesNo ASO Committee Reports.Participatory CommitteesPierce College Council (Jamie) – Committee reported the campus has the second highest enrollment rate at this point (compared to last year) in the district. The committee voted to create a surplus finance team. This team would help to address the college deficit. The committee voted to look for different opportunities for generating revenue. A point of contention was raised about these alternative revenue options because they would allow others on campus while students and faculty are not allowed on campus.Academic Senate (Jamie) – The senate debated on voting in the meeting due to the number of members that were absent. A number of members were not present due to Yom Kippur. Committee voted to allow voting in the meeting. The committee proposed an anti-systematic racism resolution. There is a section addressing reform in the Administrative Justice department that the AJ department is fighting against. The reasoning for proposed changes to the Admin Justice department is because many students due become first responders following completion of these types of programs.Academic Policy Meeting (Savannah) – multicultural week will be held in October was announced. There is a drama production reading about the Trevon Martin case. They discussed improving African American outcomes following George Floyd incident. African American students are feeling pressured because issues are not being discussed. The committee wants to change subjects to encourage African-American student participation. CPAP was also covered. There is an issue with students taking classes in high school and students manually enrolling after the enrollment deadline versus an instructor adding them. The committee is trying to figure out the solutions to this issue.Student Success Committee (Mahnia) – The committee is planning for the student success conference. The committee discussed topics to cover and is planning on hosting more meeting to plan for the event.Announcements:Savannah – Discussed the war in Armenia and announced a petition that is circulating (shared in the chat) to encourage the admission of the Armenian genocide. Dr. Conrady – Announced the Peer to Peer event on Thursday. Senators are encouraged to attend. Old Business | 5 min:This segment of the meeting is reserved for LAPC ASO Senators and Executive Board to discuss any matters of concern under the jurisdiction of the ASO Constitution and Bylaws.No Old Business.Adjournment at 2:40 pmThis meeting is held in accordance with the Brown Act, Robert’s Rules of Order, and the policies of Los Angeles Pierce College and the Los Angeles Community College District. Further, the meeting is chaired by the ASO vice-president and is conducted solely at their discretion. ................

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