Gunnison City Council Special Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 12:00 PM

Gunnison City Hall, 38 West Center

Gunnison, UT 84634

Present: Mayor Lori Nay, Councilmembers: Robert Andersen, Shawn Crane, Stella Hill, Justen Mellor, Rod Taylor, and City Recorder Janell Braithwaite

Presiding: Mayor Lori Nay

Invocation: Councilmember Justen Mellor

Public Comment

No one requested public comment time.

Discuss Personnel Vacancy with Proposed Approval to Move Forward with Hiring Process ~ Mayor Nay

Mayor Nay thanked Recorder Braithwaite for the service she had provided to the city, and wished her well in her next position. Mayor Nay reported she had spoken with the City Attorney, Mandy Larsen, regarding the process that needed to take place for recruitment. She explained a written notice needed to be put into place for the eligible Gunnison City employees, and start with an internal recruitment. She had written up the notice with the help of Attorney Larsen. Mayor Nay referred to the City Code, 3.3.100 Means of Recruitment, and read through the document. This would be opened up to the employees for seven days, then if anyone applied for the position they could review those applications on Wednesday, June 3rd at the regularly scheduled council meeting and make a decision at that time. The Council could then make a decision from those applications or open it up to the public after that. The Council agreed to move forward as recommended by Attorney Larsen according to the city code.

Councilmember Crane made the motion to post the internal written notice to the Gunnison City employees for the city recorder opening. Councilmember Andersen seconded the motion. The motion passed with a 5-0 roll call vote.

City Business and Future Items

July 4th: Councilmember Crane mentioned the 4th of July Committee had met with the different service organizations, and they were all on board and ready to go. The usual celebration plans were in the works, as well as hopes for a move to "green" by then. If not green, then they would try to make the plans scalable enough to make a celebration happen. The Lions Club and the Trails Committee would take over the auction, the JayCees would take care of the children's games, and the food vendor preparations were underway. Councilmember Crane would hold another meeting in the near future, and bring in the rest of the committee to continue moving forward with the plans. Councilmember Crane would work at making sure the committee meetings were posted from now on. Mayor Nay indicated minutes would also need to be written up for the meetings.

Trails: Councilmember Mellor indicated a meeting had been scheduled for the Trails Committee on Monday, June 1st at 7:00 p.m. The agenda should include: G-Hill grant, 4th of July auction planning, future planning of the G-Hill, and approval of minutes. Secretary Michelle Hill would contact Recorder Braithwaite to get the agenda prepared.

300 South Road: Councilmember Hill pointed out there was roadwork being done on 300 South today, and was concerned this would have to be redone when the property lines were adjusted. Mayor Nay remarked the property line work would only involve titles. Mayor Nay explained the resurfacing currently taking place on 300 South was part of the 10-year road plan that had been put into place. This roadwork had been subcontracted out to M&M by Hales Sand & Gravel, and they would be doing the slurry seal as well. Mayor Nay pointed out they had made it a priority to finish the road on 500 South so the CDBG grant could be closed out shortly.

G-Hill Grant: Mayor Nay stated she had gone up north to attend a meeting regarding the G-Hill grant, and was appreciative of her attendance at the meeting so she could answer any questions put forth by the committee. She indicated the G-Hill grant had come in at either #1 or #2, and noted unofficially the city would be awarded the grant, and officially, they would know in August. Mayor Nay felt the grant would be awarded at the full amount since it came in at #1 or #2.

Beautification: Councilmember Hill reported the hanging baskets would be put up shortly. Berkley had been working hard at the cemetery to get it cleaned up, and the big flower pots had been put out today. Mayor Nay and Councilmember Hill both commented on the many compliments they had received about how good the cemetery looked.



Recorder Training: Recorder Braithwaite reported the Recorder's Institute & Academy through Southern Utah University had been rescheduled for the last week of June so that would work out great for the new recorder to attend online. It was determined Bruce Parker would be helpful with the P&Z training.

Economic Development: Mayor Nay had received a call from Kevin Christensen with the county regarding Bed & Breakfasts noting Gunnison City must be the only city in the county without a Bed & Breakfast. Mayor Nay noted why it was important to have a Bed & Breakfast in the city, and the economic help it provided to the city. Councilmember Taylor reported the Planning Commission would be looking over the airbnb rough draft document sent by Bruce Parker. Councilmember Taylor summarized their concerns regarding airbnb's and the concerns the Planning Commission had in making sure they amended the city code to allow for them, and making sure they didn't hurt existing businesses. The different experiences the Council had experienced with airbnb's was discussed further.

Closed Session

Councilmember Hill made the motion to move into closed session pursuant to the Provisions of Section 52-4-205(1) of the Open Meeting Law for the purpose of (a) discussion of the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of an individual. Councilmember Crane seconded the motion. The motion passed with a 5-0 roll call vote.

12:33 p.m. Closed Session. Recorder Braithwaite left..


12:45 p.m. Adjourn


Janell Braithwaite, City Recorder


Lori Nay, Mayor


Approval Date


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