
Online Interactive Tutorials_HT204d_0Sun, 10/18 9:11PM ? 1:28:37SUMMARY KEYWORDSpart, feel, technique, step, core, state, transformation, hypnotherapy, client, focusing, called, peace, therapy, people, intended outcome, intention, chain, outcome, transform, person00:01Moving on to core transformation. All right, let's turn the page here.00:07The technique itself again, like most things in the school, I've been highly modified. It was originally designed by Connie Ray Andreas, she was one of the co co founders of neuro linguistic programming, she's still active today doing work as I understand. And while I don't know a lot about her other work, she did do a wonderful book called heart of the mind, some nice things in it. It's really core transformation that is, so as I know, her crowning achievement is what she's definitely known for. The technique I've learned in different schools and different trainings. And when I first learned it, I learned it in a way that actually I liked better when I went through another training, and the teacher was showing it a certain way. I said,00:53let me show you how I do it. And it's like, oh, it's a lot better. Yet, both ways that I'll talk to you about have a lot of value. And because of getting trained multiple ways, with this, using it for so many years, integrating it into our protocols, it is beautiful. And it's beautiful, because it really epitomizes why I got into the practice number one was to clear the blockages. Number two, was bringing people to states of bliss bring them to places of oneness and joy. I wanted people to people to feel like static. I mean, when I first got into this whole thing, it was for my own personal spiritual experience. And I was feeling a state of oneness, joy, bliss, no fear, a moment, just a moment. It lasts for a little while. But I know ego was just clear and perfect and healthy and harmonious and deep connection. And I would say, this is what I want to feel for the rest of my life. I didn't feel it for the rest of my life, it went away the next morning and had to gradually learn to tap into it. And I learned you have to clear a lot of the blocks to be able to feel that way more and more and more. And then once I learn core transformations like wow, this can help get people there. What I'll say about the technique is the more powerful the clearing, the more powerful will be the experience of the core state. So if you adjusted focusing and inquire transformation, it won't be as monumental as what you'll see in the regressions. Or when we do breath work, it gets even more powerful. So the technique is perfectly good by itself. Although because it starts with identifying a part of you usually needs something to get in touch with that part. Focusing is really good for that. However, like I'm saying over and over, if you just do focusing on core transformation, here missing a lot of what you're going to be learning through the training again, you'll practice it in house just as a way to start learning these techniques, it will come together in a much bigger picture over time. There are three major phases of this work. Yeah, let's start by just defining it looking in the training manual here. Core transformation. The Core state is understood by the following. It's a state of being as opposed to doing getting having knowing relating, such as being These are words people use, and it's a feeling they have it's not a philosophy or religion or belief system. It's Wow, this is my subjective inner experience right now. Pure beingness inner peace, love okayness oneness fullness, wholeness, spiritual connection. If you can think of the best ways a person can feel in fact, you see a video in the regression training where I say to the woman versus regressing How do you feel she's like, I'm like orgasm, even like here down right now. orgasm is one of the best feelings that most people end up feeling. She even started feeling better than that. As the session progressed, you'll see it it's a fH classic.04:07Though word so it doesn't matter the word but you'll know it's the core state because it can't get any better and it doesn't require anything outside of you to feel better. You'll see that as we define it more to it's not dependent on others like appreciation from others or love from others. Remember, we don't program in and hypnotic programming and fundamentals. Everyone loves you. Everybody treats you with respect. everybody appreciates you. We can program other people. We can only get the person to feel fulfilled from within. And so you feel love, lovable, but it doesn't matter if people actually love you. You know you are worthy of appreciation. That doesn't matter if people appreciate you. The Core state is when it comes from inside. It's not reflexive, like loving myself. It doesn't require05:00Some type of action to be able to get it it just is to stay to be. It's not a specific emotion such as confident, hopeful, satisfied, courageous, proud, etc. There are always ways to feel better than the words that are listed in number four. And that's how the technique work, it's going to be okay, you're here, or what can be better, what can be better? What can be better, until it just can't get any better? Five, when your Explorer, which means your client reaches the core state, he or she can go no deeper, either just like no, that's as good as it gets. And if you like double check in, like, No, I was like, that's as good as it gets. Now, not everybody gets to the core stage, sometimes they're blocked, or sometimes he realized, he gets better. But I'll leave it at that for now, you know, we took a few steps. That's good, but just know human beings are capable of feeling much better than what you're describing it. That's what we're going to get into today. And at least, it's far better than it was before. Yeah, technically, when you're truly in what's called the core state, you can't go any deeper the person and deeper doesn't mean deeper into trance, it means you can't get any better. The person often shows a major change of state relaxation, skin color changes changed and breathing changes in tempo, a glorious smile, you're going to see in will go back to the06:25exercises eight and nine, where you've seen me do core transformation with shell that she just opened up to some motion. And then you'll see the process unfold. In the end, you'll see she's all lit up inside, she's feeling great.06:37It's nice to know, you can do that with the person. So when we talk about focusing and the felt sense shift, when you get the shift,06:47it still might not be good enough. And it might suspect Okay, well, I felt better. with quite a transformation, we can keep going. That's why almost anybody in the school who's learned what you guys are learning, you'll see your supervisors if they're demonstrating, like, I can't just stop at focusing, I know there's so much more. And that's why the techniques combine well, notes, write down the outcome chain from Phase One is the Explorer generates it.07:15Oh, the thought, what you'll see is when I define eliciting an outcome chain in just a moment, every word they say that leads to the core state you want to write down or you won't be able to do the technique well, so you'll see as Cheryl is pointing over there, see the video you don't get when Cheryl and I pull back in that video. And you'll see Cheryl go through the process. You'll see every time she says a word, I'm writing it down. These are all positive words, and they keep getting better, better better.07:44Trust your basic understanding of this technique more than the reading of it verbatim. Again, there's a very simple way to do this. Quick transformation is a process that incorporates very powerfully with other therapeutic modalities such as focusing parts therapy, and regression therapy. Again, don't get caught up in the word therapeutic. What I mean by that is transformational. therapeutic in Florida law, of course, is like medical conditions. It's now what we're really saying here. What you saw in the video with Michael, what you're seeing in the video with Cheryl that I'll bring back in. These aren't considered therapeutic conditions. These are normal people with normal emotions. And we are helping them to transform those emotions. So the word therapeutic needs to be understood again, all right, three major phases of this, we elicit an outcome chain, this is basically going from wherever they're at the part of them, we're usually doing the center part of them their mind, and we're bringing it all the way to the core state. That process you'll see is called eliciting an outcome chain that takes many steps usually get that reversed in the outcome chain, just as an overview is to show them every step you thought you needed to get to this state of let's just use the word peace is already contained in peace. I'll give you an example. Let's say one of the things in the movement towards change the word joy was I want a pony and we say okay, step into the feeling of having a pony and they go Yeah, I can feel it.09:19Now once we get them that pure joy, like you know pure joy without needing anything at all, you're just filled with joy. You say can you see that the feeling from the pony that you want it is contained in joy. Like when you have joy. You can have a pony but you don't need the pony to feel joy. Most people live their lives the other way. Anytime you have the thing to be this state of being you don't have to have to be You do not have to have to be you don't have to do to be core transformation teaches us this you don't have I mean this actually deeper teachings from other traditions. But this technique definitely shows you10:00Don't have to do to be, you don't have to do the thing called get apone to be the thing called joyful. You don't have to do the thing called meet your soulmate to be in a state of love to be the thing called love. You ready our peace, you're ready, our joy, you ready, our love core transformation shows you these feelings live inside of you. It's just that they are covered by these scars, they're covered by these blockages, they're covered by the negative felt sense with all the negative emotions and beliefs. Now you're starting to get a sense of transformation of work versus programming. Programming is like leaving all the blocks. And then just saying nice things. These techniques are literally clearing those blocks when the felt sense is gone. And it's replaced by joy. The sun scar is gone, the blockage is gone. The issue is cleared. Again, these two techniques alone aren't necessarily the answer. Yet, you're getting a lot of pieces of the puzzle that will come together.11:06Once we brought the part to the core state, and we showed it, you don't need anything else to feel this good. Then we grow the part up. What you'll learn about as we move along is parts of our psyche, including the inner child are parts that never fully mature, they get stunted, they get stuck there at the times of the negative issue. When the negative event when we revisit them. We're like, well, how old are you so call him five like the video is Cheryl. She regresses back to being five years old. And with her mom treating her that way. That's a part of her psyche. That's the inner child at the age of five. There's many inner parts many inner children, depending on the events, you know the age so we get in touch with a part and then we go through a process of growing it up Fritz perls. And Gestalt therapy called it maturation, we're literally going to grow the part up so we don't have a can remember, we're talking about clearing conflicts, well, my adult mind knows I'm supposed to be loving, but my inner child is really angry. Now that we're gonna heal that guy and bring him the peace, but we're going to grow him up. So he's an emotionally mature adult, instead of an angry child. And that's what you saw in the video, if Michael is carrying an angry child, once that's healed and transformed, at least that part of his psyche is no longer going to function that way. It doesn't mean there aren't 20 or 40 or 80 other parts, and that a person needs more than one hypnotherapy session. Yet that part has been transformed. And part of transforming it is to grow it up. So there's an overview. Now, let's look at the entire process pretty much over a few pages spelled out.12:54Then I'm going to give you our version and do it as simple as possible. Okay, so we're just gonna look at the words now. If you need to zoom in, you can make this fullscreen I believe, the Explorer is a kind word for the client or the kind of word for patient, of course, what feeling behavior a thought Do you want to change where when with whom do you want to have this mostly we're just saying there's something you want to transform, there's a part of you you're going to heal, it's more of an inner thing we're going to change. Take a moment to relax and turn inward. Think about a specific time that this event occur like we did with Michael, think about with your boss, mentally step into the situation, seeing it feeling and hearing it. As you relive the experience.13:42Seeing and constantly generate this as if some part of you generated it, he may begin to sense as part of you in your body or around you Where do you sense as part of the lives because you can see if focusing is a really good way to start core transformation. Because it gets you in touch with where this part lives. And so we've got an in touch with a part is the major point of number one and two, even though you don't know what the positive intention of this part is, you can begin thinking this part for being there, because you can trust it has some positive intention. So there like I said, there are two ways that I learned this. And this is the really the way it was it is it's not as powerful as how I originally learned it. So when I saw this well my intention.14:35So here's how it works. Let me explain.14:38If you ask a decision like this with a client recently, but again, I do it all the time. If you ask someone to think we even talked about this in a previous class, a mom is being rude to her child and you say Mom, what is your highest intention? Why are you being this way? Why being so mean is and eventually you will find out. Mom is totally saying I'm trying to make you15:00Good. Mom is actually saying something like I'm trying to feel love.15:05underneath it, every negative behavior is an attempt to feel good. I think about every dysfunctional behavior, every cruel action is an attempt for the person doing the action that feel good. What you'll learn in parts therapy, and we just talked about over and over and over again is every part of you is inherently good. There's no part of you that bad or evil in any way, the way that technique can be used is to unfold the highest intentions of the part.15:35If I did that with Michael, then he would have said something like, well, I just want to feel love with my dad.15:41Knowing he wants to feel it is very different than feeling it. Now, understanding getting the highest intention of a part is very valuable. Yet, it's more than just the intention. It's the state of being I want the person to not just admit to themselves, they want to feel love, I want my client walking out of their blissed out, I want them feeling love. And again, not love necessary for another person. Love is an inner state of being. That's what core transformation is about. So there's two ways you can do this. And I'm sure you get clarity on that as we move along, you can find out what is your highest intention, or you can just bring them into that feeling state. When I told my teachers the second time and when I learned this, I said, I learned to do it, you know, and the way I've kind of modified it is I get the person to feel it, not just a think it makes sense. So I definitely encourage you, yes, every part has a positive intention. It's a good teaching. Yeah. Do you want them to just think it and know it? Or do on the field? Sometimes it's good to get parts to think you know, it can be really helpful, actually. So we'll come back to that concept of intention for sure. You're gonna ask this part of you, what do you want? Now, if we go back to did I raise it?17:00Or can we pull it up? We can go back up here.17:03If we go back here to focusing, and we do asking, remember asking is, what do you need to feel better? What do you want? That's what we're saying here? Just so what's your story? What are you all about? But then really, we're asking the part, what do you want? The real question is, what do you need to feel better right now? And then we give it what it wants? What it's asking for? So you're just asking the part? What do you want? After you ask this question aside? Relax. And notice what response you get back from the part. Thing two, Part Four response? What do you want? Well, I want to be loved. Now, when they say it, six, just like asking receiving any give it what it asked for, invite this part to step into what it's like to have, and whatever the word was, if it said, What do you see? Is this part of you who's hurting? When do you feel better? I just want to hug, okay, step into the feeling, I invite you to have that feeling. As as part of you when you have that hug fully and completely.18:03Actually, we'd say you see our language pattern, we say, let me know. If anything hold you back, let me know as well. But then the concept is, what do you want through having a hug? What's even more important again? Like what would it feel even better? The concept is we're going to repeat steps six and seven over and over and over again, until they're in the core state. And what would be even better? Is there anything even more important to you than having the hug? Yeah, I want love. It's now the out. That's the outcome chain. It's going to be more than just one or two words. For most people. They're far removed from the core state, they're going to need usually about five to 10 steps to get there. So it might be like okay, well, what do you need to feel better? I want a pony. Okay, well, I feel better. I want to go outside and play with my pony. Okay, and well feel even better ice cream. I am what would feel even better? For my mom and dad to give me a big hug. Okay. What we're feeling better for mom and dad to love each other. Okay, and will it feel even better for them to really love me? And will it feel even better?19:13And then you kind of have to nudge them a little bit it goes from outside feelings to inside feelings. Well how about self love? And sometimes you know to get left alone I want to love myself. Step into that world feel even better.19:26That's pretty good. Well, more feeling because not the question won't feel even better. Well, I like to feel just unconditional love that just pours to my whole being okay, step into that. Well, it feel even better. I just want to feel a sense of oneness with the whole universe. That's unconditional, all permeating love. Or they might say love of God could be their way of describing that. I'd step into that world feel even better. It's usually around there that people say I can't feel any better. I mean, there's a complete sense of perfect Oneness and love with all that is.19:58That's pretty much the core state. The script20:00Okay,20:02I'm going to explain this over and over. So just take it in. Now we had one brief explanation on the page before, this is a little bit more thorough, don't worry, I'm going to explain it again. So we're eliciting an outcome chain, we're doing a process a technique that'll bring them to the core state. That's the phase one of this version. phase two, we're going to reverse the outcome chain.20:25So look at what she has here, somehow, our inner parts get the idea that in order to experience core states, such as bliss, or peace, or total oneness, we have first to do certain things or get certain things, unfortunately, it doesn't work very well. We don't have to get to experience our core state very often, when we go about it. That way, we don't get to experience it that often. If we do it that way. The way to experience a Core state is just jump to step into it and have it.20:54So we're gonna do this a little bit different, of course, yeah. Number two, go invite this part of you to just step into bliss, step into love. And ask this part when you already have bless this core state word in ongoing way. How does having bless make things difference? This is a powerful concept now that you're in this state. And so like in Michael session, you see now that you're in the state of peace, I think that's the word. But either way, it'd be a Core state word, how does that change this original issue of anger, like, I just don't need to feel anger. It can, when you're in the core state, your issue is really seen in a very different light. As his part How does having bliss as a way of being transform or enrich your original issue. So we're relating the core state to the original issue. But reversing the outcome chain, the way we're going to do is gonna be a little bit more elaborate than that. Because says repeat step three with each intended outcome before moving on. Again, trust me relax into it. I know how to teach this, you'll get it, you'll catch on soon. As the part How does already having bliss is a way of being transformed, learn rich, and then we'll go to an in simpler feeling. There's an outcome chain, let's say one to 10. We're gonna reverse it from 10 to one, if you hold that idea, it'll start to make sense.22:20Okay.22:22Then we grew up the parts. Basically, let's not even go too much into this now. But you'll see turn within How old are you we're checking with the age of the part like with Cheryl, she's exact, there's a five year old in there who feels this, you have to worry about the script so much. Now what we're going to say is we're going to grow this part up through the years, and enrich all it Richard with all these experiences that didn't get to feel bliss and joy and love when I was growing up. Now let's let it do that. Where's the part located in your body invites this part to now move inside your body, bringing in the full sense of love with it. Notice that the sense of love spread through every part of your body.23:05Now this part is your current age fully throughout your body knows what it feels like to have bliss as a way of being you can notice how this changes your experience of whatever your all the issue is. So now that you're in a space of peace and love, hence the transfer and this you don't have an interchange the child it was grown up and transformed it was integrated in. And now how does that change your relationship with your boss, I'm going through this quickly because I'm going to give you a modified script that we use in the school. And that's all I really want you to focus on this is Martha gave me the idea, just kind of like rising all the way up into the state, showing you how everything you thought you needed to get there is ready, they're gonna grow the child up to be in the state, and your present day and integrated in. So you're just one whole emotionally mature, usually blissed out adult rather than the child who is stuck there. Okay, now, phase four are working with all parts involved, the concept is you're going to deal with any part of you. So once we get to court, so once we get to parts therapy, then we're gonna bring in maybe two or three or four of these parts. And we're going to work with all of them simultaneously, transforming each part through the parts therapy modality. And then we can do core transformation and each part left for now I'm going to skip phase four. And just know that once we get to parts therapy, you can do this with multiple different parts. Let's keep it simple for now. But you can read this in your own Of course, summary working with all parts involved parts in pairs.24:39Sometimes when we have a part of ourselves that is extreme in one direction, we also have two opposite. For example, one part wants to binge out and the other part wants to have a totally rigid diet. When we do the visual squash pattern in NLP, like our hands turned up and you get a sense of two different parts. Once we get into parts therapy, you get a very clear sense25:00have conflict major conflicting parts. And that doesn't just mean the inner parent inner child, it can be what is being referred to here, the part who really wants to smoke.25:10And the party feels terribly guilty for smoking in both parts needs some work. Guilt isn't good. And smoking isn't good. So we're going to transform both and actually work to integrate the parts so that they're not separate and conflicted.25:24So again, don't worry about that too much objecting parts.25:29Again, I'm going to let you read that one on your own yet, I will explain it in my own way. When we're listening and outcome chain, sometimes a part jumps in and they say, No, I can't feel it, like you say, step into self love and they go, I can't do it. That's what the objecting part is. When I do this in a notepad, I'm going to show you25:51what to do with an objecting part. And basically, the simple answer is you do core transformation on the objecting parts. So let's take a moment actually what we'll do this, we learned enough to write out a mock example of it, and show you what it could look like.26:18Okay, so26:21first, in the kind of focusing model,26:26or finding a par.26:30And that can happen through parts therapy or focusing other techniques will get us in touch with parts of us, including the inner child, we're finding the part that needs attention that needs transformation, we're going to elicit an outcome chain and again, I'm not really teaching exactly how to do it yet. So hang in there, the park will say, so let's say we have the angry child.26:54We're going to help that part to start to feel better. So basically, we're going to say what do you need to feel better? Now, by the way, with a lot of our protocols, the angers already been cleared before we start doing this, okay, childhood feeling a lot better. Now, what's going to help you to feel even better? And the child says, I want to go outside and play. Okay, and so I write down play. And what would feel that's actually number these just so it'll be easy to understand a bit. What would feel even better child you can feel playing outside. We're feeling better this son. Okay, so yeah, warm sun in your face. Step into that. You feel that? Yeah, that's great. What do even better friends I want to have friends. I want people to like me. So friends, but also, you know, being liked. would feel even better to go home and to a peaceful house. That's good. Peaceful home environment. Okay, and will it feel even better for mom and dad, to?28:01And dad to be loving? Okay, good. And what would feel even better for them to hug me so you get your homes. And what would feel even better? for mom to say that she loves me28:20speak or feel even better that dad loves it always goes back to love that loves me won't feel even better to love myself is usually the movement and then you see it starts moving inwards. What would feel even better.28:38And besides self love, it would be good if I could forgive myself and holding on to anger towards me. Okay, self forgiveness, well, I feel even better self acceptance. So you can see a person is kind of far away from the core state. Meaning like, you know, if you want to use the word God, for the core state, people feel very separate from that source. And they think they need all these other things to get there. In some sense, they do. Mostly the inner feeling so self love, self forgiveness, self acceptance, will it feel even better? And they say, I know it feels great. So you might say what's the word for it and they go love. Wonderful. Well, I feel even better. And they might say you could hear this love of God. Again it might appear model but trust me it's other people's model. And therefore you have to go with it if they do, and will it feel even better? They could say oneness with God.29:32And you know, if you're not loving the god word here, you might say here's I'm like oneness with my source, or just the state of oneness with about that oneness with love. Just pure love. I'm only feeling love. That's all there is. Now we're in the core state, it really just can't get any better. The only thing you might hear is to let others feel this to be of service, which is kind of the beauty of the concept. Now, let's say we got it, we had an objecting part. So we'll do that here.30:00Number 10.30:02Can you feel self forgiveness? Nope.30:05objecting part,30:08then what you're going to do is the same process of eliciting an outcome chain. You'll do it on this part. So it's like a side deviation, where we're going to have to say,30:25what do you need to feel better to forgive yourself? I need to30:32I need to know I'm a human being doing the best I can human being doing his best. Okay, step into that when you can feel that let me know. Okay, good. I'm there. What else would you need to be able to forgive yourself? I need to know them. Like everyone else. We all make mistakes. We all make mistakes. Okay, good. Now you're feeling a lot better, what would feel?30:57And then it's like so now Can you forgive yourself? If they say yes, you're able to move on what would feel even better, and now we're able to continue with self acceptance well feel even better. And they say self acceptance. So the point is, if they can move into a part, if you have an objecting part, you do quite a transformation on the objecting part. You can read about that here. Though, basically, it's just a side track to get back on track. So these two dashes that I wrote, it might go on for, you know, three or four times to get them to be able to say, Okay, yeah, I can, I can now finally forgive myself. And then of course, we can move on. So objecting parts in part of this. Now in parts therapy is a little bit different. Because we get to talk to multiple parts. This is just done as part of me that won't let me forgive myself. Or you can see it at any other stage too. So let's just say we had a problem with friends. Number three, I don't know like, I can't feel like I have friends. Well, what do you need that to help you to step into it? Um, I need to feel more confident in myself. Okay, confidence, confident in myself step into that when you can feel that I mean, now, and again, if they can't, it's another objection. You help them get there. confident. What else would help you to feel better to walk with my head? Hi, good. Well, I feel even better to step into having friends and to know that I'm likeable.32:24Good, what would feel even better to have friends? To be friendly?32:30Okay, great. And now, can you step into the feeling of friends? Yes. And then we're able to say what we feel and better now they can move beyond it. Okay, so sometimes they can step into it right away. So we have this side deviations, that help them overcome an objection. So again, let me just copy and paste and show you what I just did. There was an example of how when they say, Nope, I can feel friends, we call it an objecting part, we will do the same technique on that part. And we would help it to feel better until I can move to the next level of being,33:06we're gonna keep that there for a sec. There's other interferences, I'll let you read that on your own, we're only gonna take so much time. Okay, so let's leave this here, what's on the left, and let's look at another version of this modified version. Choose a part to work with, experience it, receive it, welcome it. So that happens in focusing, and we got in touch with the part, at least at this stage of your training, we got in touch with a part. Now discover the purpose, the first intended outcome, ask this part, what do you want, and they say, number one, I want play, I want to go out and play. So that's what we have over here to the left and notes 39. I just want to play discover the outcome chain, ask your part, if you had play intended outcome from the previous step, pulling completely, what do you want to having play that is even more important, they say, Well, you know, being on the sun is more important. So that's what that is.34:05The number three is a way of again, this isn't the script, I'm gonna ask you to use just another way of teaching. Finally, I'll give you our final script. But I believe in teaching, it's to you, you should understand the evolution of the technique, not just give you the final version and tell you this is core transformation. Because what we do in the school is more modified and more refined than what you're seeing here. The concept is, you're seeing a language pattern if you had let's use the word friends,34:36fully and completely. What do you want to having that that is even more important? Well, really be on friends, I just want a peaceful home. I want to I want to just I want love from my parents, your friends are good, but really what I want is to go home to a nice home life. And why do you want by having that and you keep basically repeating until the whole outcome chain is elicited the question35:00State reaching the wellspring within take a moment and enjoy a Carstairs tonight in a state of oneness with love your source with God. Again, whatever words they would use. Now we're ready to reverse the outcome chain, there's three ways to look at it here.35:14This is going to be going from 14 back to one, we went from one to 14, we brought them into the core state. Now we reverse it. General, invite your part to notice when you have Core state, so let's just use the word pure what to say the word is love. Keep it a 12. So they're in a place of love. When you have love as a being as the beginning is a way of being in the world. How does ready having love make things difference? That's not the for reversing, but it's definitely a very general simple way to start. Okay, now you're in love. How does that change everything? You know, you were angry. Remember? See, look up here, this guy was angry. Now. He's not as angry anymore. He's in a state of love. How does having love change that? specific How does already having Love is a way of being transformed and rich radiate through. And then the intended outcome, your life in your relationships with others, you were talking about issues with your boss. But now how does having love transform all of that, or all of the intended outcomes all of your goals? transform the original context? How does it ready having love as a way of being transform your experience of and then again, you can go back to anger or relationship with your boss. Again, I'll show you a slightly different way that we do this. In the end, I'll actually do it our way. But you can see here, this is a pretty basic all these are very basic ways to reverse the outcome chain.36:50Again, I'll show you our version, then we grew up the part asking part How old are you? Which we may already know, depending on how the session was going? Do you want to have the benefits that come from evolving forward in time to your current age with love fully present? Most inner children most of these parents will say yeah, I'd love to grow up feeling like this. Of all four through time. from whatever age it is all the way for to your current age having love. They're through every moment.37:19Sometimes parts stop. And if they stop at a certain age, then you do quite a transformation at that age. So on No, I didn't grow up all the way up. Okay, did you stop at a certain age? Yeah, what uh, how are you? I'm 25. What happened? I was really horrible relationship. Okay, what do you need, and then you go through core transformation on that age, you get to the core state, you continue growing up. Once they're all growing up, bring the part fully into your body, notice where your part is located now and allow it to flow fully and throughout your body permeating every cell with love37:57this,38:01okay?38:02Don't worry, because we're not using the script this has reversed in the outcome chain, again, with the particle in your body. We don't do it twice. So don't worry about number eight. And again, you're not gonna worry about any of the scripts here. It's just for teaching. Check for objecting parts, is there any part of you that objects to your having love now as a way of being in the world, bring any objecting parts in and any additional parts associate with the issue and do core transformation on them. Now you might have the objecting part as you're listening the outcome chain, or there might be an objecting part once you're ready there. Because we do parts therapy and our techniques are so much more in depth, we never do this by itself, then you're not going to necessarily do Step nine either. And the timeline is actually just to imagine going back in time and seeing the state of love radiating through your life. Steps eight, nine and 10 because of our work are really ups irrelevant. And you'll see why as we move along. Mostly I want you to focus, let's go back here.39:08To these three things, we listen outcome chain, we reverse the outcome chain, we grow the part up and there's sense of integration. Mostly, that's what you're going to focus on now.39:22envision moving forward through time. So there's a sense of it's called future pacing, we're going to look at your life forward.39:30Basically suggestion therapy and visual imagery moving forward. Again, this is just for teaching you enough to too caught up in this. You don't have to do this several times faster each time. Again, just give me an example of a script. Before we move on, that should talk about how you can use this with other modalities and then I'll be sure I teach it to you exactly the way I would want you to be doing it. I'm going to show you the video. You can do focusing and go right into core transformation. The moment you find the negative parts40:00Feeling bad, you can start the core transformation process in parts therapy, you would actually bring in the parts you're going to work on, you're going to transform all heal all of them. And then you can do core transformation on each part. Or as you learn parts therapy, you'll learn. You can do core transformation on one part, not just with making it feel better, but that's where the highest intention could come in. Alright, you got a part of you who's smoking? Well, what is your highest intention? Why the What are you trying to get from smoking.40:31You see how that can play out the more we talk about parts and intentions and you'll see, you really don't need to do anything. Now just know we can integrate core transformation in parts therapy. In regression therapy, we're doing it on the inner child or breath work, which leads to regressions, quite often, we are trends, we're doing core transformation at a certain point that's going to have the person feeling ecstatic. In real really, when you see these regressions the way I'm doing them, you watch regressions, largely Gil Boyne earlier work, and then you watch me doing and you're gonna see with all this stuff integrated, it's a whole nother it's apples and oranges. Really, I mean, Gil laid a really nice foundation. Yet, when we start bringing in things like breath work and focusing and core transformation. And different techniques we haven't mentioned yet. It's stuff that Gil blindness wasn't using at the time. Once a person is in the core state, you can be doing anchors and triggers, right you know about those now, if you went through ht 109 and LP once a person's at a peak experience, you can anchor it in, give it a trigger phrase, they can return to it anytime they want.41:38I'll we'll go to the visual squash in just a moment. So41:42let me cover the training manual. And I'm going to bring in exercise nine, and show you exactly the way we're going to discuss doing this now. Let's review it fyh style. And we'll use the outcome chain we have to the left, once a part that needs so this is exercise nine. This is like what you're practicing class, this is one of your note cards or if you want to do many pages for this, but copy and paste what's here and practice this. Do it our way. Alright, so once a part that needs help is identified, going to step major step one, you will elicit an outcome chain, ask what do you need to feel better? That's all you have to do. It's just what do you need to feel better? The part will answer and it'll say something like number one over here, play, need to be able to play. Okay, good. Now, as you can conceive of that feeling of play, now, as you can conceive of that feeling, you can step into it, because you can conceive of it, you can feel it. So you're telling your client to step into the feeling of play, and you'll see them they'll be happy inside. Take your time, when you can feel that fully and completely let me know. And if anything holds you back, you can let me know as well. Okay, so if they say no, no, I can't play? Well, that's already giving us a chance to find an objective part. So it's very valuable in that sense.43:05If anything holds you back, let me know as well. I know I can feel play number three, good. And what would feel even better. And then you repeat steps two and three until an outcome chain is elicited. That leads to the core state, be sure to write down each step in the chain. So you can feel play Yeah, what would feel even better son being on the sun? Good, and what would feel even better? Friends however, the language pattern is now as you can conceive of having friends step into it. Take your time, and you're changing your voice. You can see like, I'm like, step into it. And we can feel fully completely let me know. And if anything, hold you back, you can let me know as well. And they say Nope, I can't feel it. Nope. And that's an objective part. Just go back to this question. And what do you need to feel even better? If you can't feel? What do you need to feel friends? I need to feel more confident. So we're getting them to be able to move into France? And what do you need to feel even better than confidence? Walk with my head? Hi, what would feel even better to be likable? And will it feel even better? friendly? Good Now, can you feel that you can have friends? Yes, good, what would feel even better, and then they're able to move to the peaceful home feeling. And that's hopefully it's starting to come together now for you. You keep going with number three repeating steps two and three, until they reach the core state, then so that's an outcome chain, you have to write it down or you can reverse the outcome chain reversing the outcome chain so our word is actually peace there. So I'm gonna change it to peace and the notes. Now that you have peace corps state, as whatever the word is, is a way of being. Can you see that calm? So the way the outcome chain would have been would be that the word calm would have been before. Can you see that calm is contained within peace? Yes, can you see that self forgive45:00infiniteness is contained within peace. Yes. Can you see that loving yourself is contained within peace that every step along the way that was leading up to peace is contained within it. Now this outcome chain is different than the word peace. But let's do it again for just a moment45:19without objecting parts, so I hear angry,45:25we helped.45:28You're angry and we helped this part of you to feel somewhat better so we say good and what do you need to feel even better? Will it feel even better now that you're feeling good? I'm going to feel safe. Good step into it when you can feel that feeling completely let me know. Yeah, if anything hold you back, let me know as well. Now I got I feel safe, good with you even better, to be able to relax, good, okay, great. It won't feel even better to feel calm, and tranquil, great, nice and warm, it feels even better, to feel perfect. Peace. It says the word peace but like, you know, they're really there. So I'm in a state of peace. Okay, good. Now, that's the outcome change doesn't have to take 10 times it could for some people, they're not that far, especially once you did a lot of the work we do. There probably when you start this pretty close to the state already, by the way, because again, we'd never use this by itself. It really is better combined with other hypnotherapy techniques to reverse the outcome chain in this example number four, now that you have pieces were being Can you see that calm and tranquil? is contained within peace, meaning, like pieces, all encompassing, calm and tranquil? are just steps towards it's like, it's like, they're halfway steps? And then you do it again. So number five, move backward through the entire outcome change one step at a time, say now that now can you see that save? As an example here, the next one would actually be relaxed. Can you see that relaxed is ready contained in the state of being known as peace? Yes, can you see that safe is contained in the state of being known as peace, meaning, when you feel safe you like you're trying to feel peace, but when you feel peace, you feel all the other stuff. And peace is an internal state. It's a Core state.47:17Six now how does having peace is a way of being transform or enrich the original issue came in with so how does having peace transform or enrich the anger issue that you had? Oh, my God, the anger is gone. Now that I'm in peace. Now, hopefully, you're catching on if you haven't already as to how significant The technique is.47:36Please remember number six, a lot of students tend to forget it. They just reverse the outcome chain, they'll do four and five, but they'll forget Step six. Step six is very powerful. Because it the client says oh my god, I came in with peace. I came with anger. He brought me to peace. I don't have anger anymore. And you're saying to them with number six? How does having peace as a way of being transform or enrich your original issue? Oh, my god, it completely transforms my issue entirely enrich would depend on the context. But this in this case would be transformed. growing the part up and integrating NASA as part of you that you've been working with, if you'd like to grow up feeling this good? We're not even so concerned with this age? Because in hypnotherapy, we probably already know So I'd probably be like, okay, in regression, okay, so five year old Cheryl, would you like to grow up feeling this good? Yeah. Now, sometimes they say, No, I want to stay a child. And that's fine. You'll see that in a future video. I'm like a lever is an inner child, no problem. When they say yes, which is 95% of the time, imagine taking this part, as if by the hand and growing this part up through the years, until he or she is caught up to your present day sense of self. If this part stops, at any point, you can let me know, when this part is all grown up, you can let me know as well. They say yep, I'm all grown up. Again, if they stop, do core transformation on the part of them, the age in which they stopped. Now imagine this part turned around so that his back faces your chest, and you hug him into you so that you become him and he becomes you. When you feel this part is fully integrated into the whole of your being let me know. This is what clears the split mind. It's what resolves the inner conflict. Now you're one whole and complete person in a state of peace. So not only is what I'm showing you now a highly refined version of all the complicated scripts I showed you before it blends seamlessly into our protocols. And what you'll see in the video that I'll show you now is it leads perfectly, and it leads perfectly from focusing into this exact protocol. Just remember, this exact protocol, eight to nine will not ever happen with a client, you'll do step eight, focusing in the beginning of the session, after a lot of transformation and they're all the blocks are cleared. Then you do Step nine to take them all the way to the core state. You don't want to do all this stuff.50:00blocks. So you might do regression the childhood, you heal the inner child, and then inner child, how do you feel great? Or what would feel even better? And what would feel even better, and you won't feel even better. And next say no like, Oh my god, just like pure bliss good step into it. The more powerful the transformation of modality, the more powerful this process therefore focusing is lukewarm. Actually, it's a cold compared to some of the stuff we'll do.50:31Part of core transformation by itself, kind of lukewarm and actually not good enough because it doesn't get you in touch with this part as deeply as focusing does parts therapy, getting a little bit warmer now because we're getting more in touch with these parts. Regression much more powerful because the inner child is a huge part. You can do car transformation with the inner critic to the inner parent, by the way, and to get that part feeling great. With that part, then the highest intention becomes very important. All right, so let's watch this unfold with the script right there. I'm gonna leave the camera on since we've been having technical issues today. Everything should work fine.51:08Okay, so I just kind of started saying I'm about to go into exercise nine now into core transformation. And51:16and we're going to go into core transformation, we're going to elicit an outcome chain step one, the question is, number one, what do you need to feel better? client says, I need to know Mommy loves me. And then I can say based on step two here, now as you can conceive of that feeling, you can step into it Take your time, when you can feel that feeling completely let me know if anything holds you back and let me know as well. So you can be honest with that, do you feel like you can step into that or do something hold that back? Which means it holds you back? No, she needs to love me unconditionally? Is that it? Okay? So I'd like you to step into that as you can conceive of that you can feel it Mommy loves me, unconditionally. When you can feel that feeling completely. Let me know if anything holds you back. Let me know.52:12Ask a five year old five six shell shell what would feel if52:27to be accepted?52:29To be accepted for who you are?52:32accepted for who I am. As you can conceive of that feeling you can step into it. So take your time. Let five year old child feel I am accepted for who I am. When you can feel that feeling completely let me know if anything called setback, Kyla knows.52:55Ask her again. What else would you need that help you to feel even better?53:00To know I'm safe, it's good. Be safe. As you can conceive of that feeling you can step into it Take your time.53:09And when you can feel that fully completely let me know I think holds that back up. He knows.53:21Good, nice and again, ask her what would feel even better.53:33That's the best word for that feeling. Now that she's safe and accepted and loved unconditionally and actually feel53:42secure, secure. Just take a moment and step into the feeling of safe and secure where you can feel secure feeling completely limited.53:58Excellent. Now just once again, double check is there anything that feel any better for her than the feeling of secure just ask her? for anything else you need to feel even better?54:10Okay, good. Now, for the sake of just staying in the focusing model. Let's say all we did was ask to get that part to feel better. Check in with your body right now. Your felt sense. How does that feel right now?54:26splitting54:27splitting feeling isn't there. Okay, good. Now for the sake of the demonstration, I'm going to ask a show that in you understand you can take up on the feeling of secure we're going to keep moving with the core transformation model. Just know that in focusing how we're looking to do is get the felt sense to feel better. I can bring this to her present a relationship and integrated a bit more and there's more that can happen here. Yeah, let's keep going with core transformation eliciting an outcome chain. Shall I know your conscious mind knows it can feel better than secure. So55:00Her as the little girl you know ask your conscious adult mind to what else would feel even better than just feeling safe and secure love I'm55:13connected, connected to55:16well55:18my conscious mind knows that there's more55:24than just but feel good to have that constant connection55:30what regardless of what's happening I'm still55:34connected yes you're connected to the divine beautiful your conscious mind is part of the process and if you can conceive of something you can offer to that part of your belly to that little girl in sight How would it feel to offer her the feeling of you're connected to the divine you're connected to your source to all that is offer her that take your time when she can feel that feeling completely? Let me know anything hold you back, let me know as well.56:07Good nice. And once again whatever part of you can answer the question what would feel even better56:20beyond being connected to the divine to have that feeling that I am nice that your identity or oneness with the divine I am that stepped into Take your time step into it to feel it fully and completely. sound a little five year old back there you are this feeling? Good. Take your time and you can move into that state of being feeling completely let me know.56:47Let me know as well.56:53It was pretty good. Nice. Good. What would feel even better?57:00Okay, excellent. What's one word for that feeling?57:10fullness names, only says a word for the course state. So57:18if we're looking at our notes here for number nine, we brought the person all the way to the course state. Now we can go to number four in that. And I'll just read here directly now that you have wholeness as a way of being Can you see that? Now we use this feeling that can be four? Can you see that? The feeling that I am that being is contained within? coldness.57:42Good. Kenny and then we go to number five, can you see how within home is is the feeling of being connected to the divine?57:51Can you see how within wholeness that you're safe and secure?57:57Can you see how within wholeness the next step did for who you are?58:03Whether mom does or doesn't, and wholeness and makes that comes from within? When you're in a state of pure being a state of wholeness. Can you see that the feeling of unconditional love that you're looking for is already in that state? And the feeling that wanting to get love from mom is contained in that state. Good now.58:25Number six in the process, we just reverse the whole outcome chain number six. How does having a wholeness as a way of being transform or enrich this original feeling that you had? I must be stupid if I can't make dinner good enough for mom. How does having wholeness change that original thought system?58:49erases it removes it and the58:52next bit of course, it's58:58it's59:00not there anymore. Yeah, it's just not an issue anymore. When you're in a state of wholeness, this original thing is just an issue. Good. Now that you can see how it transforms the core of this. We'll go to number seven. Growing up the partner integrating now assets part of you and I'm only reading so you guys have the exact words that I'm using. So you're not confused and where we are now asked this part of you that we have been working with. Would you like to grow up feeling this good?59:30To ask a five year old show would you like to grow up feeling this good? Because it's a step eight. I like to take this part by the hand we're going to grow her up through the years feeling this good. I'm a whole I am that divine being I'm connected to that divine being I'm safe and secure. I'm accepted for who I truly am. Grover all the way up to your present day age. If he stuffs a point you let me know. When she's all grown up. You let me know as well.1:00:03Good, beautiful. Now I can imagine that she's right here in front of you with you. And you can imagine that she turns around and so her back faces your chest, you're going to integrate, and 102 you become an her, she becomes you. One person who is whole is connected to the divine, was unconditionally loved and accepted, safe and secure. And you can feel that but completely let me know.1:00:29Beautiful. Now, I'd like you to bring that to your original issue with your boyfriend, knowing that he is not fully there yet. He's not as engaged, this is not into this stuff. How does having this feeling and this way of being in this integration you have, transform or enrich your relationship with?1:00:53Well, I see now that I can, I can be there for him. And1:01:00allow him to learn1:01:03that1:01:07it isn't it. It's not me, the way he thinks and believes has nothing to do1:01:14with how he feels he can love me and still be in the place he is. And I can respect that honor that hold that place for him and not get pulled into it.1:01:26Just continue to be home and allow him to be who he is. And we can still nice, beautiful. So in the state of wholeness, you tend to see Velcro, this desire that I have to fix him and he has to become metaphysical and he has to stuck with him for 12. Now, you're holding complete within yourself. You're not responding from the little fiber offices, but I got to make mommy be a certain way because she's the closest person to me. Now it's like I can just that my boyfriend be himself. I can love him. He can love me. I can be myself. So you don't have to push before saying I want to push him away. And I don't want him to be there wasting my time. And can you see that? That's Now perhaps irrelevant? Yeah, cuz it's your talk. And I'm actually reliving my experience from this morning. And I'm responding in a whole different way. And now I'm now I'm actually putting my arm around them and kissing him on the cheek and feeling like I want to move into him. Now, instead of that feeling hurt so now I can move into him and love him and even be demonstrative but that1:02:32right? It's1:02:35because what are you learning most through this? what you've been through the tranquility, learning most of that when Hypnotherapy? You know, what's the essence of it all? Well, I would never have this. It's just amazing that that memory was even in there and that somehow1:02:50it 51 years old, I'm connecting shoreland behavior to that wound. Yeah. Just amazing. And yeah, it made a very profound sound. That was horrible. Yeah, except for the phone to me. Yeah. And how I can now see myself reacting completely different.1:03:09And now there's, like Ramana look at this new memory now, because I've just relived my experience this morning, and reframed it now there's this golden light around the memory and there's this love feeling with the memory instead of that.1:03:24Like wanting to swat a fly feeling. You know? Yeah, completely hundred 80. Guys, exactly. Yes. That's if I want to make when I asked, What did you get out of like, what have you learned? I kind of all the hypnotherapy training, what's metaphysics about? It's about love. So here's Shawn here, here's his name. So well, now Shawn, your boyfriend is calling out for love, is not feeling good, he's in pain. And the best thing you can do to help that is not some technique, but is to embrace him to be there for him in a space of love. Because that's really what he's still working. And I can see that now is when he's that feeling that I'm getting of him. sucking me in is actually him calling out for love. And since I have the negative attachment to that feeling, now I can recognize that what he's doing is calling up for him and I can give him some love. Nice, beautiful. So you have a completely transformed perspective on this. Now, just to check this now go back to focusing. Focusing requires for this to know that we truly did something are meaningful, that even though she's saying good things her body has to that has to be clear in her belly. So now think about it comes up to you. It's like, I have wrist pain. I was up at 12 in the morning, I'm exhausted. And you Cheryl is asking for you to use your techniques. But you've got all these techniques, that now how does all this feel? Now when you say that what I'm feeling it's like this golden light. It's all open. And if it's like I'm actually seeing gold rolling right now in this area and it's just open1:04:59excellent.1:05:00So that's the true body felt sense shift. Everything else we did could have been any technique. And I could have demonstrated 20 different techniques. And there's even better ones that we just used yet. The point is, we know some significant transformation is occurred. And you can see the connections and realizations. But no matter what technique focusing implies, when Dr. glenlyn, who designed the focusing technique, about getting in touch with the felt sincere, he listened to thousands of therapy sessions, and he said, sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't. He realized, it doesn't matter what technique you use, what matters is if you're connected to the felt sense, you're using some technique that transforms that on that level. And then in the end, that's changed. And we just saw that today, we didn't need to go into Step nine, exercise number nine core transformation, because focusing by itself is usually just not enough. We could have gone to other techniques to In fact, there's a whole list here of the leaf systems and emotions that we might use hypnotic programming with, or our next exercise I've been therapy, we can use movement therapy to help to clear this even more. Or we could even use time movement therapy instead of information, the clear which is came up. The point is we made the shift, and we did it with the next technique, the next tool, a new bag of tricks. Okay, excellent. Second, open eyes before I stopped recording anything else you might want to share. One thing I would like to share is that in the beginning, when I was crying, it was sadness. And then at the end, when I was crying, it was like there was just so much bliss that had to come out somehow. So it was such a dip, you know, same action, but completely different emotion. So those were like tears of just joy and an understanding and like, Oh my god, I get it. Yeah, can be.1:06:51Right, right. So Exactly. So regardless of where he's at, and what he's going through, you don't have to fix him. It's not a reflection on you and your company and see as a professional, he realized kind of fine girl who is responding, actually about my little1:07:06part of me, that was still wonders, right? Certainly, yeah. And you know, everybody's got those little buttons, there's just been always make the connection. So your body would have made that connection ever, ever. Definitely. And because your body can't live it, it's like there's something you need to look at here. So we have the quote, if you don't hear the whispers, you have to hear the shout. So the shoe would have been in there continually. Being in there with like that wound, and wounds don't tend to get better fit on it, you know, now Gemini acknowledging that result, it's better for your body, it's better for your energy body, it's going better for your relationship. It's better for your career. And there's pretty profound change in that one man. Still, as we're talking, I'm still seeing in my mind's eye that golden light. Yeah, it's still absolutely. And even though we're not in that part of the training yet at all, you're talking about third chakra, energetics, which is something until later in the training. But this area deals with issues of personal power. So you hear people feeling frustrated when this area is being pushed to weird places. But a manifest in the body is relevant. This is about I'm not able to do it. I'm a failure. I'm not good enough. Moms make me feel like I'm not good enough. Transforming that and opening that healing that they're each chakra has its own energetic, this was about personal power, but it has its own color when it's blocked. And I feel kind of dark and murky. When it's open. That color that's usually associated with that is a yellow, golden light. So you're feeling what it's like to have opened that region. For those of you who are familiar with that model of chakras and energetic healing. We don't open in this goal chakras through crystals or acupuncture needles or our hands. It's a memory, their beliefs and emotions there, we just transform that and you get to see that really open using only the power of the mind not having to touch sockliner manipulator energy field in any way. The shift comes from inside of her with connections that are profound that you don't get in many other ways. Quickly, right. So that was excellent. Very nice. Thank you.1:09:09Very good.1:09:14Alright, let me get this way and the camera on. I have to say that is awesome.1:09:23There we go. I get on focus in a sec.1:09:26Okay, here we go.1:09:28So1:09:31I don't know when I see that kind of stuff know sitting back here gone. This is really great work. And what you're seeing again, is you ain't seen nothing yet. But there's a client who just came in she had an issue. She didn't even know why she had it. We use some of the most basic techniques we were able to find even the root cause of that just do the focusing method and inquire transformation through a couple of movements and outcome chain. We already get the body felt sense shift. Now. We get to1:10:00Here's a bolus, completely different response in her relationship. For those of you who are familiar with the model, the chakras and energetic healing our third chakra lit up with golden light that she's sensing from within, she feels and in her body, we've literally cleared you now know the term sanskaar, we've clear this and scarf pattern there. And she will have a very different way of being from it. I can tell you having worked with Cheryl, here's a student who's a client, she's now a supervisor and a big part of the team.1:10:29The light experiences that she's had in hypnotherapy, she can tell you are mind blowing, like she was in my office, like, everything is just like, there's like, everywhere, just like it's not possible, like, yeah, it's gonna work we do. And now she does. And that's why she's so you know, so into this, because it's truly a beautiful thing to, to facilitate this for someone and to be on the receiving end, of course. Alright, so that's focusing in core transformation. Remember, everything you learn, you will can that's important, which is kind of all of it. But the exercises will continue as you move along. We do parts therapy, we'll do focusing and core transformation. Why do regressions were definitely as you start to see in the video with Michael, we're doing focusing, and then eventually, you'll see him go through core transformation. Even if you're like, sure I fully get this yet, you'll do it and you'll see a demonstration in practicals. You'll practice in practicals. And then when you come back again, you'll practice it again and practicals. So you'll never let go of some of these things. Okay, so I understand well overwhelmed factor, can I do it Matthew can do, maybe not yet, yet, eventually, I know, of course, you can just go and take a little bit of time to study and practice. Okay, we have close this with one more technique I need to share before I move on.1:11:53Even I know that could be a lot for you, I keep this relatively brief, the visual squash pattern, it's actually an NLP technique. It's primarily only here as a teaching tool to lead you into parts therapy yet be caused as part of this section, I'm going to give it to you now. Part of why I put it here is again, to prepare you to understand parts therapy yet also to understand that parts have high intentions, even though their ways of being could be highly dysfunctional. So you can literally be someone who is physically hurting themselves. I know cutting loose people cut themselves and of course, cutters. There's people who are like wounding themselves, or who are just doing very destructive things, kind of consciously or unconsciously anger yelling, fighting. Yet underneath it all. They have a high intention, they have a positive intention. So we want, I want to use this technique to help to teach that to you. If you use the visual squash, I don't have a demonstration video because it's really not intended for that. Yet, if you really do read one through nine, you will be able to do this with others. I'll demonstrate with my hands, you can tell the client So first of all, it says they're working with conflicting sub personalities for conflict resolution. Remember sub personalities you're learning about more intuitively, once we get to parts therapy, I'll formally teach you those but there's like, oh, there's an inner child, there's a shadow side, there's this part of my belly, there's a part of my heart. There's this seven year old, there's his five year old. So there's parts of us that are not integrated into the wholeness of our psyche, it's literally we're healing the split mind we are bringing a person back to wholeness again, if you understand what that means beyond just Oh, that sounds cool.1:13:43From a spiritual point of view, or a psychological point of view, that's he huge. So these type of techniques really are bringing a person back to wholeness, and you do enough of this, you pretty much won't have any other parts to find, you know, little little hinges and we're all all everybody's always growing and learning you can clear these blockages so this technique isn't going to really clear huge blocks but you'll find sometimes with a client it's really great to bring this in at a certain moment by itself I would never use this to replay anyone NLP technique would never replace our major protocols personal point of view. But I think you'll see that when I explained client comes in and they have an issue that's see the script is totally blank. So what choose an issue Let's choose, let's go to anger. So1:14:34anger or even guilt would be a fun one to use. Anger and guilt. I'm angry at others I'm angry at myself. Okay, so, client, turn both palms up in your left hand and it doesn't matter which hand just keep it simple in your left hand bringing the part of you that wants Now this could be I want to attack others I'm angry. I want to hurt others. Or I'm angry I want to hurt myself.1:14:59Guilt1:15:00Or I want cigarettes, or I want to overeat, or I want to stay at home and hide and never leave the house.1:15:08Or I want to hoard all my food or wealth. So nobody else can have anything, any dysfunctional part. So bringing in and you can imagine standing there kind of like a little Barbie doll size figure in your left hand, I want you to bring in the part of you that it gets very angry, and that you're beginning with the more dysfunctional part. Ask this part. So you're gonna have the client asked this part like, I will ask this part, what is your highest intention? So remember, I said, we come back to highest intention, not just what would feel better, but helping to understand the highest intention of apart? What is your highest intention? What do you want most? This is kind of core transformation. Because the part might say, well, I just want to kill everybody. And then you say, Well, why do you want that? Because if they're all dead, then I'll finally be at peace. That's kind of what it's actually saying. If you think about it, so really, you want peace? Yeah. And that's what I come down to why you're reading I'm trying to feel fulfilled. Why are you trying to feel fulfilled, I'm trying to, I want us want to feel joyful inside. And but you realize the food is bringing you joy, while you turn the cigarettes on trying to relax? Why do you want to relax? I want to be a piece of cigarettes ever brought you true peace? Nope. So you'll show the part very quickly. What you're doing, isn't getting you what you want. The dysfunction is, I have a behavior that isn't getting me what I want. But my insanity of it is I keep doing it anyway. That's what anger and guilt is it's insane thoughts, my belief that attacking myself will actually bring me peace and joy and love. But you show this part that once it sees it, then number four, once the highest intention is established, because you don't need my hand up for the demonstration. Number four, once the highest intention is established to ask, Is it working? Is your way of being getting and as be for the client. So this hour, it's the client. So here is1:17:07the angry part, your highest intention is to be a piece is are the attack thoughts working?1:17:15Is the overeating getting you fulfillment? Is the smoking bringing you love? Is the1:17:22abusing your significant other? Is that actually bringing you the love and joy and oneness you're looking for? The part will very humbly have to answer No. So it's once again number four, the highest intention is established ask, Is it working? So Matthew asked as part of it is your way of being getting or actually going to part. So part in the hand is your way of being getting Matthew what he really wants, the parts is going to have to very humbly admit no God, it's just not working. But it has a high intention. Again, the part isn't bad. It's just confused. It is an it's in error. It's making mistakes sent bad. It's not simple. It's not. It's wrong in the sense that it's misguided. But you know, it's inherently wrong. It's inherently evil, it's a very important thing to see, I've never seen a part of any human being. And I've worked with a lot. I've never seen a part of a person that was inherently evil.1:18:18Now turn to your right hand, bringing the part of you that wants and this is going to be the apparently healthier part. So this is the one who wants to stop smoking. The one who wants to lose weight, the one who wants to be nice and peaceful to others. Basically the opposite of this, excuse me the opposite of the part of your left hand. Okay, turn to this help this part. So bringing about Barbie doll size. Here's there's anger Matthew in here is peaceful. Matthew, the part he wants to be more peaceful. Number six, ask what is your highest intention? What do you want most, most likely, in this case, it's going to say I want to be peaceful. I just want to be nice to others who are over eating. I, I just want to be at my this part is saying I want to be my ideal body weight. I want to eat healthy. You know, I'm the healthy eater part. That's just what I do. I want to do it to be healthy. Why do you want that? So health is not the core state but it's kind of good enough in this case. Because this part of reading is not getting us health and happiness. But why do you want health? Well, because when I'm healthy and happy, it really does come down to health you know want that because I want happiness. Now.1:19:23Number six S is part which is intention when you want most seven once the highest1:19:30intention is establish say Is it working? Is your way of being getting clients name, what he or she really wants. Usually the part says yes, but remind the part that when they're in conflict, they're not getting what they want. This part cannot get me peace because this part is still getting angry. So how am I going to have peace when they're conflicting in their ideas of how to get me what I want. A kingdom divided against itself will always fall to quote a little scripture for you.1:20:00A kingdom divided against itself will always fall. Really what that's referring to is your own psyche, kingdoms are only built by human beings. And when the kingdom of the people in the kingdom are divided, it's not going to work. You want your mind totally aligned clarity of intent, fixity of purpose, I know what I want, and I get it. But I'm not getting what I want. Because this guy is going this way, this guy's going this way. And so I'm just stuck, usually with a dysfunctional behavior, and only getting glimpses of the way I'd like to be or they're just fighting it out. So I never really reach my goals. Now, explain the brain, the how both parts one exactly the same thing, like, wow, and that interesting, he wants love, and he wants love. He's getting love. By being nice, he's getting love by attacking,1:20:47it doesn't work. So both parts want the same thing. They both have the highest intentions of the clients in mind. So you kind of explained that to your client. Number nine, now bring both your hands. So this is done quickly without thinking now bring both of your hands together, let these parts come together, have them let go of that which does not work. And keep that which does that then become one part working together in the healthiest way possible, to help you to achieve love. In the case of that, if you do this on your own,1:21:19you really need to just like have like record this. Have someone walk you through it or do your best for your mind to go through each step. And if you do have somebody facilitate this for you, and you know you do for your clients, at least you'll hear what they'll say when they go.1:21:35Wow, now, it's only like, Oh, okay. To me, it's not only more of a teaching tool online, it's more of a teaching tool when the clients in the intake chair, I just helped to show them Can you see the smoking part really isn't ever going to get you what you're looking for. But it's not bad. It has a high intention. You can use this way of thinking when you get into parts therapy, you can use it even with regression when you're dealing with the inner parent. So Mom, why you being this way to your child, I'm trying to get love is what it comes down to. Mom isn't working. You can pull the rug out from the inner critic from the negative inner parent from a negative dysfunctional part very easily by just asking what is your highest intention? And once the inner critic realizes, oh my God, I've been beating up myself to try to make me a better person. They're trying to make me happy trying to make me good. Wow, I'm insane. And here's the thing when somebody realizes that their thinking is mad when the thinking is insane, they'll let it go very easily. Nobody holds on to insane thoughts once they catch on to what they're really doing. You've created a willingness to let go and you've shown the part wasn't bad the part of you that's protecting closing your heart. It's not bad. What do you want part is closing the heart. I want you to feel safe like I want you to be at peace.1:22:56Where are you and I want you to feel loved once you feel joy. Why are you getting that when you close your heart? No. But I'm doing the best I can to keep them safe. And then you can transform all that and you have techniques to do that. we clear the blocking parts we open the heart we clear the blockages we clear the inner child clear all these sub personalities, and we integrate a person's mind into wholeness. Now this would work on people who technically are considered mentally ill and diagnoseable. But remember as a hypnotherapist when we talk about this we're talking about average functional, healthy people who aren't enlightened yet, right? They still have conflict. They still have issues, but they don't need therapy. So Gil Blaine called hypnotic and go Why didn't use all this stuff, by the way. But Gil Boyne called hypnotherapy a therapy for the people. That's what this is about. These are techniques that can help people like you saw in the video with Cheryl even Michael was really angry. But uh, so what? Like, you didn't need a diagnosis or a medication if we have techniques that can transform that which you know, you do you seen all these videos that people transforming, you see it in your practicals you'll see it with your clients.1:24:07It basically just says, like, these are normal people who we can help them to move into a state of wholeness. Okay, so please remember that even though I'm using terms like split mind and resolving inner conflicts and even the word healing, we are talking about working within the scope of our practice. The visuals, NLP sliding scale anchor squash, is basically you're going to do it on the arm, same technique, you'll bring in the part here and you'll touch you as a therapist with a therapist when use the hypnotherapist will touch here and say okay, here's your dysfunctional part. go through the same process. Here's your dysfunctional part. Go so dysfunctional and functional. It doesn't matter. Just create an anchor for the part here and the part standing here and the part is standing here. Eventually you'll have the two anchor set. Once you get to Step nine.1:25:00Step nine, or are there and you get to Step nine, you will say, Okay, let's bring these parts together instead of doing it this way, you just do it this way. Why is it Todd only just to make it a more comprehensive training? Since the technique exists, I want you to know, but you can just do it with the hands. The point is, you could do it on somebody's arm, and you could slide the anchors together. And they they come together that way. I think this is actually more powerful. How powerful is it? Actually, compared to most hypnotherapy? It's not that I hope you found it beneficial as a teaching tool. For the models we're working with every part is inherently good. There's no part that's bad in any way. Every part does have a function that's trying to benefit you. Even though that job it has might be completely dysfunctional. The truth is, it is trying to get you what you truly want when it comes down to it. Okay, with that said, let's review our s ellos. explain the importance of opening the artwork and how it relates to the practice of hypnotherapy, say that very thorough talk. And you understand if you're not in touch with what's in here, especially now that you've seen focusing the chant, the transformation is just not that powerful. And opening the heart lets you become obsolete in the lives of your clients. When they learn those teachings.1:26:15I demonstrate all six steps of the focus in protocol, very well covered, clear, deliver a clear explanation of the core state covered and why we use it you got to see with Cheryl there, demonstrate the major steps we did and explain how it's used in various modalities. We did and demonstrate the visual squash on explaining that all parts have good intentions. Okay, that's done very quick. Let's do a little review here.1:26:43Things that are relatively important that I put into our teachers training manual, what are some of the methods used to open hearts to get clients in touch with their emotions, the opening the heart teachings, books, and the topic focusing itself can help clients to get in touch to why is it important to be in touch with one's emotions, one emotion is flowing. We have access to the subconscious. What are the six steps of focusing, you can review those? Remember, we've modified it. So our script is really what I want you to focus on the three major steps of core transformation, the outcome chain, reversing the outcome chain, and growing up the part what words describe the core state list peace, love, wholeness, fulfillment, fulfillment, fullness, spiritual connection. And in an NLP visual squash pattern, what is the major presupposition about the parts that are brought in all parts of the mind are having the good and have as their highest intentions the best interest of the client at the root of their thinking? All right, let me move this aside. Okay, good job. We had technical issues in this one. Yeah, we made it through and I'll give you a passcode. Now passcode B, four ht 204 is 0094 asked could be ht 2040094. So once again, the last passcode for the section 0094. I don't want to stop the recording immediately, or sometimes it cuts off at the very end. So let me thank you for going through this section. I hope you see techniques are coming together in more profound ways than you may have realized. And as I'm telling you ain't seen nothing yet. It just keeps getting more and more profound, more effective. So I will see you in ht 205 and we'll just keep delivering techniques that transform lives. See you soon. ................

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