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DOCVARIABLE MonthStart \@ MMMM \* MERGEFORMAT April Kindness Calendar DOCVARIABLE MonthStart \@ yyyy \* MERGEFORMAT 2020SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Wednesday = "Sunday" 1 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Wednesday = "Monday" 1 IF =A2 0 <> 0 =A2+1 2 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Wednesday = "Tuesday" 1 IF =B2 0 <> 0 =B2+1 3 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Wednesday = "Wednesday" 1 IF =C2 1 <> 0 =C2+1 2 "" 21 IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Wednesday= "Thursday" 1 IF =D2 1 <> 0 =D2+1 2 "" 22 IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Wednesday = "Friday" 1 IF =E2 2 <> 0 =E2+1 3 "" 33 IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Wednesday = "Saturday" 1 IF =F2 3 <> 0 =F2+1 4 "" 44Write a thank you note to someone special.Draw a picture for a friend or family member.Let someone else go “first” in your family.Help make food for your family. =G2+1 5 =A4+1 6 =B4+1 7 =C4+1 8 =D4+1 9 =E4+1 10 =F4+1 11Pick up 3 pieces of litter in your community (wash your hands!)Do a chore for someone in your family.Teach a family member something that you are good at!Smile at everyone you see today!Cheer someone up with a silly face or joke.Hold the door open for someone in your family.Tell someone you care about that you love them and why they are special to you. =G4+1 12 =A6+1 13 =B6+1 14 =C6+1 15 =D6+1 16 =E6+1 17 =F6+1 18Call a family member on the phone/I-pad.Read a book to someone.Make someone’s bed for them.Give everyone you see or meet a compliment today.Take the day to not complain about anything.Reduce your water and electricity use today.Be a good listener. =G6+1 19 =A8+1 20 =B8+1 21 =C8+1 22 =D8+1 23 =E8+1 24 =F8+1 25Reuse old socks to make funny sock puppets. Put on a show for your parents.Clean up someone else’s mess.Write a kind chalk message on the sidewalk or deliver your neighbor a picture.Do something kind for the Earth (plant a seed, make a bird house, clean up garbage, etc).Make a family member breakfast in bed.Offer help to someone.Take the time to appreciate a sunset/sunrise with someone you love.IF =G825 = 0,"" IF =G8 25 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =G8+1 26 "" 2626IF =A1026 = 0,"" IF =A10 26 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =A10+1 27 "" 2727IF =B1027 = 0,"" IF =B10 27 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =B10+1 28 "" 2828IF =C1028 = 0,"" IF =C10 28 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =C10+1 29 "" 2929IF =D1029 = 0,"" IF =D10 29 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =D10+1 30 "" 3030IF =E1030 = 0,"" IF =E10 30 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =E10+1 31 "" IF =F100 = 0,"" IF =F10 31 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =F10+1 30 "" Clean up your room or another room in the house without being asked ?Make a thank you sign for sanitation workers when they come to pick up your garbage/recycling.Write a letter to a soldier overseas or a veteran.Be kind to yourself today!Learn hello in another language. ................

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