Ms Moorhead's English Website - 9 English

The Adoration of Jenna Fox- QuotesComplete the following table, explaining how the quotes help the reader to understand themes and characters. The quotes are in chronological order.QuoteHow this quote helps us to understand a themeHow this quote helps us to understand a characterI don’t love her. I sensed that I should, but how can you love someone you don’t know?”- Jenna about Claire p7-10So little. Is this all Jenna Fox adds up to?” Jenna looks at her room. P11-2“It seems that everyone in this house is reinventing themselves and no one is who they once were” Jenna thinks about her family. P15-22“I don’t hate you...I simply don’t have room for you”. Lily talks to Jenna p30-35“Are you her keeper or her mother?” Lily confronts Claire p35-8“It’s like we are fighting for control of Jenna Fox” Jenna talks about her relationship with Claire p58-61“She seems to have surrendered herself to the adoration of Jenna Fox...I am too important” Jenna talks about Claire p77-8“An out of control medical system” “if someone had regulated antibiotics long ago, when they first knew about the dangers of overuse, she and millions like her would have had a different fate”. Allys talks about the state of medical science p87-93.They’re trying to preserve our humanity Ethan” Allys talks about the state of medical science p87-93.It is the most important ten percent” Claire explains what has happened to Jenna p109-112“How dare you play with my brain! How dare you pretend with me that I’m normal! How dare you program me!” Jenna challenges her parents decisions p142-5I know what a monster is, Jenna, and it’s not me, and it’s not you.” Ethan responds to finding out about Jenna p154-8Maybe I just can't accept that I did. Maybe that would make Jenna's permanent fall from perfection." Jenna thinks about the accident p174-80"The dictionary says my identity should be about being separate or distinct, and yet it feels like it is so wrapped up in others." Jenna consider who she is p181Does the soul cling to the last vestige of humanity until there is no more?" Jenna thinks about her existence p187-8"I'm afraid that I feel wildly alive and grateful and like the Special Entitled Miracle Child Jenna Fox...I am afraid I am becoming something that the old Jenna Fox never was...I am afraid that for the rest of my two or two hundred years I will still have all these questions and I will never fit in." Jenna considers her existence p201-3Identities aren't always separate and distinct. Sometimes they are wrapped up in others. Sometimes, for a few minutes, maybe they can even be shared." Jenna talks to Mr Bender p204-12"you've always been two people. The Jenna who wants to please and the Jenna who secretly resents it. They won't break you know, your parents never thought you were perfect. You did." Lily confronts Jenna p221-3"would the old Jenna have jeopardised her future for the sake of someone else?" "Betrayal. Loyalty. Survival. sacrifice. Choose Jenna." Jenna thinks about her decision to destroy her backups p239-47"Some things aren't meant to be known. Only believed." Jenna is baptised p248"Not that percentages really matter anymore. There are others like us now. The world is more accepting...but I am still the standard. The Jenna Standard, they sometimes call it. Ten percent is the minimum amount. But people change. And the world will change. Of that much I am certain." ?Jenna explains the current rules p250-1 ................

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