[Pages:13]C&C / 3Q 2019


3rd Quarter Online Activities

Lesson 1

Be the Difference Focal Scripture: Matthew 5:13?20

Jesus compels His followers to be both salt and light. In the first column, write down some of the ways that your life benefits from salt and from light. Then, in the second column, write down ways you can enhance the lives of others by being salt and light in the world, showing people the love of God.

Column 1 _______________________________________

Column 2 _______________________________________













Consequences What are the consequences of breaking human laws (local, state, federal)? Have you ever been caught breaking the law? What were the consequences?

Think about the times when you have broken God's law? What have been some of the consequences you've suffered for breaking His laws?

C&C / 3Q 2019

Lesson 2

Love from the Heart Focal Scripture: Matthew 5:21?32

Think about the many ways that we use the word love. Look up the definition of love in a dictionary and think about the ways you use the word casually. You may "love" a new pair of shoes. You may "love" going to watch your favorite sports team play. You may "love" a certain entr?e at a local eatery. Of course, this is not the kind of love God desires us to have. The Bible has many different words that are translated "love" in English:

? Storge: A natural affection between relatives; those brought together with a common bond.

? Phila: The love between friends; a strong bond between people who share common values, interests or activities.

? Eros: sensual or romantic love; the term originated from the name of the mythological Greek god of love, sexual desire, physical attraction, and physical love.

? Agape: the highest form of love in the Bible; defines God's immeasurable, incomparable love for humankind. Agape is perfect, unconditional, sacrificial, and pure.

1. After reading each definition of love from the Greek language, think about how you have experienced each type of love, and from whom.

2. As you read each definition, think about how your life might be different if that type of love did not exist.

3. Why do you think God created human beings with the capacity of feel these different types of love?

______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

4. What purpose does each type of love dserve? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

5. How can you show glory to God through each of these forms of love? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

C&C / 3Q 2019

Lesson 3

All You Need Is Love Focal Scripture: Matthew 5:38?48

1. How do you know when you are in love with another person? How can others tell when you are in love? How do you show it? _______________________________________________

______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________.

2. How do you know when you truly love God? How can others tell that you love God? How do you show it? ________________________________________________________________

______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________.

3. God loves all human beings, even people who do not love Him in return. Could you continue to love someone who did not show love in return? How would you deal with loving someone who does not love you? How do you think God deals with people who don't love Him in return?

______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________.

C&C / 3Q 2019

Lesson 4

The Pursuit of Truth Focal Scripture: Matthew 7:1?6, 15?23

1. What are the dangers of misjudging others? _______________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

2. Have you ever been judged (rightly or wrongly) by another Christian? How did you deal with the person passing judgment? __________________________________________________

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3. What does Matthew 7:6 mean to you? "Do not give what is holy to dogs; and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under foot and turn and maul you."

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4. What are some ways that Christians can "throw pearls before swine"? __________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

5. How can you "judge the fruit" of someone who professes to be a follower of Jesus? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

6. Have you ever known someone who does not "bear the fruit" of his or her faith? How were you able to determine that the person's faith was not authentic? _____________________

______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

C&C / 3Q 2019

Lesson 5

A Trusted and Loyal Friend Focal Scripture: 1 Samuel 18?20

What criteria do you use for developing a deep/close friendship with another person? On a scale of 1?10, rate the importance of each of the following criterion for establishing a friendship:

Friendliness __________ Good sense of humor __________ Shared interests/hobbies __________ Similar educational background __________ Shared friendship with others __________ Shared faith __________ Similar church affiliation __________ Common life experiences __________ Age/Generation __________ Gender __________ Marital Status __________ Character traits __________ Similar lifestyle __________ Similar income bracket __________ Similar views on politics __________ Similar church attendance habits __________ Personal habits __________ Personal values __________

After reviewing what you consider most important in a close friend, does your list align with the kind of relationship that is pleasing to God.

What is the greatest sacrifice you have ever made for a friend? Did the friend prove worthy of that sacrifice?

Do you have what amounts to a covenant relationship with your closest friend? How did that relationship evolve to a covenantal level?

C&C / 3Q 2019

Lesson 6

Loyalty and Devotion Focal Scripture: Ruth 1:6?11, 14?18

Why was it a sensible idea for Orpah to return home, as her mother-in-law, Naomi, suggested? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Ruth decided to stay with Naomi. Why do the things God sometimes calls us to do go against what seems reasonable and practical to the human mind? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Think of a time when you were like Orpah, choosing security over a faithful risk. Have you ever regretted the decision? Explain your response. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

What is the best posture for a Christian to have when faced with an uncertain future?

______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Have you ever chosen Moab (safety) over Israel (faith move)? What is your Israel--the place you are longing to reach? What do you think prevents you from getting there?

______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

C&C / 3Q 2019

Lesson 7

The Reward of Commitment Focal Scripture: Ruth 3:1?6, 8?12, 16?18

1. Why was Ruth and Naomi's survival critically dependent on Boaz's acceptance of his position of kinsman-redeemer? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

2. What are some of the safeguards within our society today that prevent women from needing to seek a husband to avoid being destitute?

______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

3. What are some of the reasons why widows like Ruth and Naomi's situation was so precarious in biblical times? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

C&C / 3Q 2019

Lesson 8

Family Commitment Focal Scripture: Ephesians 5:21?33

1. The Apostle Paul outlines the structure of a godly marriage. Still about a third of practicing Christians get divorced, according to some statistics (). What are some factors in contemporary society that may make it difficult for Christian couples to stay married?

______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

2. What does Paul mean by "the husband is the head of the wife" (Eph. 5:23), and how does that structure play out within marriages of contemporary Christians?

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3. Why are feelings of love for one another insufficient to sustain a long-term marriage? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

4. What are some ways that a contemporary Christian marriage can give glory and honor to God?










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