
[Pages:9] Parkinson's testimonial

Oil TestimonialsI could tell you hours of testimonials with the oils but I will just give u some highlights. Wow.

Ashlie A. Jun 14 I just got back from a mission trip to Haiti. There is a mosquito borne virus there, chickungunya. It's brutal. It causes extremely high fevers & dehabilitating joint paint. It looks absolutely awful. I used terrashield as my primary bug spray & didn't get a single bite. Several on our team were bitten & infected with the virus. In addition, nearly every child at the orphanage had it. I used peppermint to break fevers after the team doctors couldn't get fevers to break with Tylenol & Motrin. After the 3rd fever was broken with just peppermint - he was a believer. We also used deep blue on the joint pain. So glad to have my oils. They helped so many suffering last week.

Debbie B Jun 15 Some of my successes with doTERRA: PastTense has gotten rid of my severe headaches and I no longer need Neurontin. Since using Doterra Hair Care products, I am re-growing hair on my scalp where the hair line had receded and hair hasn't grown there in years. I also have noticeably less gray hair and my natural hair color is enriched with color and shine and no longer 'mousey'. The Women's Health supplements have gradually gotten rid of my 'hot flashes'. The LLV supplements have given me renewed strength and energy and have diminished my arthritic pain and stiffness. They have also increased my metabolic rate and I have lost weight without changing my diet or exercising. My husband has been able to get rid of his Albuterol inhaler by diffusing Breathe, OnGuard and Lavender every night, and applying Lavender, Lemon and Peppermint on the bottom of his feet every night. What a blessing doTERRA has been for us! We will always use doTERRA!!!

TMI alert.. but since it is important I will share anyway. I just looked at my app I use to track my cycle. Before doterra, my average cycle was 36 days apart. But had reached 46+ days between on several occasions, and very heavy and lasting about a week. Over the last year since I started LLV and oils it was steadily becoming more and more normal (by accident. I wasn't focused on that aspect, I was working on other health concerns) I started the women's health phyto estrogen, bone nutrient and clary calm 3 months ago, and my cycle is consistently 28 days apart now, normal flow and only lasts 4 days. I my oils!

This month my pre monthly acne outbreak was ganging up on my chin...I had about 5 of them n one painful cluster. I couldn't find my clear skin so I tried melaleuca n lemongrass neat right on top of them. After 2applications they are gone without ever heading!!!

Charlotte W.-On Wednesday, October 16, 2013, my husband had a brain stem stroke and shouldn't have even survived, or could even have ended up on a ventilator. Trudi Askew and I started dosing him mostly with frankincense within the first few hours. We applied it topically, and diffused 24/7 . By Friday morning , he could stand. By Monday, he was discharged and sent to in-patient rehab. By Thursday, October 31, he was home, and by Monday, December 2, he was back at work teaching bilingual 2nd grade.

I praise God for these gifts he's given us.

Renee Apr 17. 2014. Hello everyone. I am so sorry that I could not make it tonight. We live in Albany and my son has already made one trip to Abilene and back today for therapy. He is having one of his difficult days so I don't want to push it with another car ride. Ian, my son, has sensory processing disorder. He has had difficulties sleeping through the night his whole life. When he was a baby people would tell me "oh he will out grow that". I would hear about 1 and 2 year olds that sleep through the night and wonder why my child was still waking up crying and unconsolable. Then, after his two year well child, we started occupational therapy and started to discover a lot of sensory issues...which explained a lot of this behavior. Now, the problem was, what do we do to help him with it?

I hadn't really heard a whole lot about essential oils but having known Leah for a very long time, I know her well and trust her opinion on things. She told me about the doTERRA essential oils and how they helped with her girls and thought they may help with Ian too. My initial thoughts were doubtful, especially since I had an almost three year old that didn't sleep through the entire night unless he was just absolutely exhausted. An almost three year old who normally would take an hour or more to fall asleep each night.

Leah recommended a combination of the Serenity and Balance blend oils. She recommended we diffuse them AND put a few drops on him as well.

For about two months now we have been using this "herbal Xanax" combo of Serenity and Balance on Ian. I diffuse three drops of each and I put a drop of each on the bottom of each foot. The oils take only a few seconds to absorb. I also put a drop of each on his chest and on the nights he will let me, I rub the serenity on his forehead, on the back of his neck or on his back between his should blades.

But let me tell you, since we have started this process every night he SLEEPS GOOD all night every night. He also falls asleep in about 15-20 minutes too. It's fantastic! There was only one night that he woke up crying, but that was because his diaper leaked and he was a little congested as well. Other than that we have been able to sleep through the night without having to wake up for an hour to try to console an unconsoleable crying child. It has been wonderful and we even sleep better with the diffuser going as well.

Also, on days like today when he is just having a hard time, I turn on the diffuser during the day the balance blend on him as well. It helps to calm him a LOT.

I strongly urge you to give doTERRA a try on your child. These oils are not expensive. One bottle lasts us about a month so it's NOT a big investment to give it a try.

I was a a little bit skeptic at first but now I am a firm believer -and a well rested believer at that!

Thanks for listening to my doTERRA testimony.

Donna M 4:33pm Apr 13 My personal success story.......I have Fibromyalgia. Since I have been taking LLV the last 2 months, my symptoms has been reduced drastically. The fatigue is drastically less, if any at all. My pain is minimal and is no longer a daily occurrence. When I do experience pain, it's easily controlled with Deep Blue Rub. My anxiety and depression are gone with my use of balance. Last but not least, I can SLEEP all night because of lavender. doTERRA has, and continues to, change my lie daily by giving me relief. The best part is that I no longer need OTC or prescription!

Megan N Apr 11 SUCCESS STORY: I have been on hypothyroid medication since I was a teenager, over 20 years ago. Every 6 months, I would go and get my lab work done, get the phone call from the doctors office because there was a problem, go see my doctor, and either have the meds increased or decreased. I was always either getting too much of the hormone, or too little, and I never felt great no matter what the dose adjustment was. I started taking the LLV at the beginning of March, started with just 1 of each per day, and slowly worked my way to the full dose by about 3 weeks ago. I had my lab work taken, got the call from the doctors office, went to visit my doctor...but this time...my doctor was completely blown away to the point that she didn't know what to do with my dose. My lab results-after 20 YEARS of being out of wack...were completely NORMAL. What?!

alyssa H. 11/14/13 Hey my aunt went to her oncologist today before chemo and he said that her white blood cell count is up and the swelling In her spleen is down tremendously. He said chemo does not work that fast it's only her 3 rd treatment. She has been using frankincense 4 times a day everyday.

Colette H 10:42am Nov 5 My 5 year old is always getting into scrapes. He was hit in the mouth and had a fat lip. He kept telling me how it kept hurting. I put lavender on for healing, but it still hurt. So I pulled out the White Fir and dabbed a bit on the split lip area. He almost immediately stopped complaining, told me "It doesn't hurt anymore!" and ran off to play!

Taylor R 9:03pm Nov 4 I love dTERRA because it has truly changed my family's life. My kids were getting sinus infections frequently from allergies. Doctors were constantly putting them on antibiotics :( Claritin,Zyrtec,Allegra,Benadryl NOTHING made a difference! I was beyond frustrated. Thanks to Kaye Resch Gilmore for introducing me to dTERRA, we have not been to the doctor in SIX MONTHS! My son can now tell me which oils are needed for what. So cute! If he gets a cut he asks for melaleuca. I love it! My husband and I are now healthier thanks to LLV and my daily ritual of LLP and on guard and of course diffusing. We feel truly blessed that our Father provides us with wonderful essential oils to use for our healing and well being. We love Doterra.

Kelli R. 2:55pm Nov 4 My 3 year old had a bit of a runny nose for a couple days and we were using LLP roll on along with Breathe and OnGuard in diffuser at night. Well, Saturday we were outside at a wedding all afternoon/evening and we didn't do the diffuser. :( Sunday she woke up with runny nose which got worse throughout the day. By bathtime it was really bad, thick, green, seemingly neverending mucus. (sorry TMI, maybe? :/) And she just didn't feel good. I was wishing I could use the OnGuard Plus capsules but she can't swallow them. So I poked a hole in one, squeezed it in one of my little sample bottles and added a little bit of FCO. I rubbed that on her feet and spine along with Breathe on her chest. I also poked a hole in another capsule and squeezed it into the diffuser and diffused it in her bedroom. This morning she woke up completely snot free!!! None! I had her blow her nose and it was nice and clear! I reapplied from my mixture from the night before and her teacher said she didn't even have to blow her nose at school all day! Reapplying this afternoon and tonight and I will diffuse again also. LOVE these oils!

Cindy G 4:35pm Nov 4 I love these oils! When I first started using the oils is when i heard thyme oil helped with snoring! My hubby snored loudly and kept me awake night after night, but ever since I started applying thyme to the bottom of his big toe and along the ridge of where his toes stop and his foot begins has been a true blessing! No more sleepless nights! He now applies the oils himself everynight and when he doesn't he usually gets a little shove from me and asked did you put your thyme on tonight?

Karon W11:22am Nov 4 My husband had a heart attack and a stroke 2 years ago. It affected his speech and short-term memory. He has worked hard and has no speech problems now and the short-term memory is improving but not to his satisfaction. About two months ago, we began rubbing Frankincense on his big toe every day. He has seen remarkable improvement in his cognitive functions since using the oil. As a preacher of a large congregation, short-term memory is imperative! Sunday, several people told him that he was "back" to pre-stroke form! Thank God for Frankincense!

Trudi A. 11:46am Nov 4 I have had many health issues since January 2011, but by the grace of God I have slowly started to come through them all. I have Chronic Hives, which is triggered by gluten. By eliminating gluten and taking over 17 prescription and nutritional supplements, I have been hive free for the past 10 months. I started praying over 3 months ago that God would lead me to the right balance of vitamins to take; I just knew taking 17 different pills a day for life was not sustainable for good health. But every time I started to get off a pill, I would start itching again. In steps doTerra in my health story. I started doTerra in September with only the goal of using the essential oils. With each oil success, I started to look at the business side. Then Roxy said something

very wise to me, "You can't recommend the products unless you use them yourself". So I decided to try the LLV. I didn't know any better and started taking 4 of each every day. By day 2, my knee pain had stopped and I was feeling great! Then I started coming off each pill one at a time "WITH NO ITCHING". I am down now to 6 of the 17 pills. What a miracle for me! No more prescriptions and I lowered my monthly cost on supplements by $75 per month.

Another LLV Testimonial: A consultant who just signed up is an 85 year old woman, who used to be an oncology nurse. She started taking LLV about a week ago. She has had numerous back surgeries and lives in constant pain to where she can't walk. She started out slowly and within 3 days she actually walked to the clubhouse where she lives.

KW here's another testimony. I suffer from migraines (8-10 per month). When introduced to DoTerra I began using Peppermint to ward off those headaches. To my surprise, the oils worked 99% of the time. I have since used Past Tense, Wintergreen, Marjoram, Lavender, Deep Blue all to alleviate the pain of those headaches. Thank God for these oils and the benefits that they bring to our health!

Lady at church got off her prescription Meds for migraines with frankincense and past tense. She was taking 1-2 pills a week!! She has only taken 2 pills since January. She was spending $150 a quarter on her meds. No down time either!

A friends 4 year old fell in a camp fire pit the day after a camp fire. His back, arms, hands, were burned 2nd degree. She had her oils with her. She put lavender and melaleuca on them right away and he stopped crying immediately! He kept saying my thumb my thumb but she couldn't see anything on the thumb. The next day he was still complaining of the thumb, a small blister had formed. She treated it also and the pain subsided. I saw his wounds the 4th day and they were already completely flat and brownish purplish - well on their way to healing. Not bubbly or oozing at all. That alone saved her a ER visit in the middle of her vacation in the middle of nowhere.

My niece had a fever. We brought her fever down with applying lemon and peppermint to her spine and feet every 30 minutes.

My niece had a severe ear ache. Cris put a drop of melaleuca and lavender on a cotton ball and placed it in her ear. She stopped crying immediately. Cris reapplied 3x a day for 3-4days never developed any further.

We had a similar Exp with Josiah. We keep reapplying the oils for ear, basil, melaleuca and lavender, the third day his ear leaked out the infection!

My friend was shooting at the gun range. The shell shot up his long sleeve shirt and burned his wrist. He put melaleuca immediately in the burn. The next day I saw the burn It was completely purple and flat!

A neighbor got off all her prescription sleep aides she now uses Serenity instead.

A friend calmed her dogs during thunder storms by putting lavender on the paws.

Friend uses white fir or Roman chamomile for twins teething pains. All fine but rubbing a drop On outside of cheek!


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