How to Install and Run Trinity (for RNA-Seq De novo Assembly)

Author: Bernadette Johnson Updated: 21 August 2019

How to Install and Run Trinity (for RNA-Seq De novo Assembly)

About this Protocol

This protocol is for users who are interested in assembling transcriptome data that is available from the NCBI SRA library. It is also useful for users who would like to set-up and run Trinity for the first time.

Challenge Level: Requires some working knowledge of Linux, and determination. Once run, Trinity can take several days to assemble transcript sequences. To know if Trinity is the right choice for your research, please visit and learn about Trinity via their GitHub ().


Computer requirements and recommendations: ? A Linux subsystem, or a Linux virtual box ? Additional hard drive, other than your Local Disk (C:) drive, with ~5 TB of free space ? Available memory RAM of at least 50GB, but preferably more ? Available CPU of at least 4, but preferable more

*In Windows 10, CPU and RAM information is available by CRTL+SHIFT+ESC >More details > Performance.

Total programs downloaded for this protocol: notepad ++, SRA toolkit, zlib, bowtie2, g++, salmon, java 8, SAMtools, wget, python, numpy, jellyfish, CMake, Trinity

Information for working example: Context: For this project, I am interested in assembling and comparing the testes transcriptomes of four fish: croaker, knifejaw, puffer, and rockbream. Their sequence data is available through the NCBI SRA library. System: I will be using a Linux virtual box installed on Windows 10. I have an additional hard drive with 5 TB of free space, 120(out of 128) GB of RAM and 6 (out of 12) CPU logical processors that I will use to run Trinity. In my home directory, I have a folder named 'shared' which I will work in for most of the process and examples.


Let's get started Preparing your computer beforehand:

1. Download Notepad ++ for writing scripts on Windows. Notepad++ is a text editor and source code editor for use with Windows. It is great for freely editing scripts outside of the Linux system, and is user-friendly. It will also be useful for copying and pasting information such as NCBI accession numbers from your internet browser.

2. Create a new folder, such as "shared", on your additional storage device (not your Local Disk (C:) drive).

Now we will work through the Linux terminal: 3. Now create a symbolic link to a newly created folder, so you can locate it in the home directory. This allows you to see this folder when working in the Linux terminal. > ln -s /mnt/e/shared/ Please note: In this case, the path to my folder "shared" is through the (E:) drive. You can check your path by navigating to "This PC" on your Windows 10 system and checking under the "Devices and drives" section. If I had my folder in the (D:) drive for example, I would instead use "/mnt/d/shared/". This step is important to ensure you do not fill up your (C:) drive.

4. Update your Linux system. This will update the available packages but does not upgrade any packages. In the terminal window enter the command: > sudo apt-get update Please note: Using the command sudo for the first time for your instance will require you enter your password.

5. Then upgrade all packages to install the newest version. Make sure to update before you upgrade, updating allows the package manager to access information on available upgrades. This step can take about 20-40 minutes. > sudo apt-get upgrade

Installing SRA Toolkit:

Additional SRA Toolkit help can be found here: ()

1. Download the SRA Toolkit. These instructions are for the latest version, but newer versions might be available, so please check. > wget ""

2. Navigate to where the downloaded file is located. > cd path/to/the/downloaded/file

3. Unpack the downloaded zipped file: > tar -xzf sratoolkit.current-centos_linux64.tar.gz

4. Now we need to add the fastq-dump program to your system path. This allows you to use the program from any directory, even ones outside the downloaded folder. To do so, navigate to your home directory, and then list all files: > cd > ls -a

5. Locate the bashrc file to edit. >nano .bashrc

6. Specifically, we want to add the folder named 'bin' in the downloaded SRA toolkit folder, because it contains the files needed to run fastq-dump. Without deleting or editing other parts of the .bashrc file, scroll all the way down to the bottom of the file and add the following: export PATH=$PATH:~/shared/sratoolkit/bin/

Please note: $PATH: echos back the path already in the computer; ~/shared/sratoolkit/bin/: adds the path of a folder named 'bin'. This path is specific to where you have placed your sratoolkit folder and must start from your home directory. In my case, starting from the home directory (~) I have a folder named 'shared', with a subfolder 'sratoolkit' and 'bin' where the program fastq-dump is located.

7. Now, exit (CTRL+X) and save (`y' then ENTER). Now, fastq-dump will run from any directory.

Running SRA Toolkit:

1. Create folders where the SRA files will download to. In "shared", I am creating a folder "bernadette" with sub-folders of the species I am interested in downloading SRA files for. These folders are named "croaker," "knifejaw," "puffer," and "rockbream". Within each of the four species folders I have two more folders "testes" and "ovaries," since I am interested in downloading testes and ovaries transcriptomes. It is best to organize files ahead of time, as SRA names can be difficult to organize after downloaded.

2. Write a script for running fastq-dump using notepad ++. Here is part of my script: #!/bin/bash #spotted_knifejaw_testes fastq-dump --defline-seq '@$sn[_$rn]/$ri' --defline-qual '+$sn[_$rn]/$ri' --split-files -O ~/shared/bernadette/sra_download/knifejaw/testes SRR5666978 SRR5666989 SRR5667091 #spotted_knifejaw_ovaries fastq-dump --defline-seq '@$sn[_$rn]/$ri' --defline-qual '+$sn[_$rn]/$ri' --split-files -O ~/shared/bernadette/sra_download/knifejaw/ovaries SRR5666719 SRR5666724 SRR5666739

#rockbream_testes fastq-dump --defline-seq '@$sn[_$rn]/$ri' --defline-qual '+$sn[_$rn]/$ri' --split-files -O ~/shared/bernadette/sra_download/rockbream/testes SRR2886786 #rockbream_ovaries fastq-dump --defline-seq '@$sn[_$rn]/$ri' --defline-qual '+$sn[_$rn]/$ri' --split-files -O ~/shared/bernadette/sra_download/rockbream/ovaries SRR2886787

Please note: 1. Instructions and options for running fastq-dump can be found through your Linux terminal: > fastq-dump ?h

Important options you should specify: -O: the output folder, where do you want fastq-dump to download the files? This should be your work folder on your additional storage device. SRA files are large and can crash your computer if not enough space is available. For this reason, to protect your main (C:) drive, you should consider using an external drive for your main working folders. Here I specify my output as "-O path/to/folder"

where my home directory is set up on the external drive. I also have the reads deposited into labelled folders, making it easier for me to sort them out later. --defline-seq '@$sn[_$rn]/$ri' --defline-qual '+$sn[_$rn]/$ri': used to reformat an SRA file header into one compatible with Trinity. --split files: used to split pair reads into two files for fwd and reverse reads.

2. Saving your script: When using notepad ++, you will want to save with a .sh format extension. Once you save a script for the first time, it might not be in a format that Linux can read. To fix this, navigate to the file in the Linux terminal and edit it through the terminal using nano. (nano Enter a space anywhere then delete it (we just want to prompt a new save). Exit (CTRL+ X) and `y'. Then nano will ask, "File Name to Write:". We want to save it under a different format, holding down (ALT), hit the key `m' to toggle between options until there is no specific format [DOS] or [Mac], then hit (ENTER).

4. If you already have downloaded and saved the SRA files (.sra) separately: You can use fastq-dump to convert the .sra files into .fasta files from the local computer, instead of downloading them again, which was relatively faster. Start by copying .sra files into the folders where you want the .fasta files to save to. Then, being sure to enter your own SRR# below, use the command: > fastq-dump --defline-seq '@$sn[_$rn]/$ri' --defline-qual '+$sn[_$rn]/$ri' --split-files SRR#.sra

5. Move the stored cache files out of C: drive: The files will now download onto the specified output file but, the original output folder will store cache files about ~2GB per SRR file downloaded. In my case, the original file is easily found by searching for "ncbi" within (C:). I recommend moving all the SRA files to the output folder. It is also possible to set the default output folder within fastq-dump, however the version I am working with presented an error that I was not able to circumvent.

6. Make note of progress and time requirements: This process will take several hours (or even days) to run. The status of the script can be checked by opening an additional terminal window and using the command "top" which lets you see what is running, and for how long.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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