
Privacy PolicyAn overview of how I collect and use your information This is an overview of: ? the types of information I collect about you ? how I collect and use it ? who I might share it with ? the steps I’ll take to make sure it stays private and secure ? your rights to your information.If you have any questions about this privacy policy do not hesitate to contact me on katrinasummerfield@The types of information I collect about youI collect information directly from your contact form on my wordpress website. You’re responsible for making sure you give us accurate and up to date information. If you provide information for another person on your account, you’ll need to tell them how to find the Privacy Policy and make sure they agree to us using their information for the purposes set out in it.I keep client information that relates to your business need and contact details. This is stored on Google Drive and documents with personal information are password protected. Hard copies of notes relating to processes are stored in a filing cabinet.Any passwords provided for access to your business are kept in password manager.Email management is provided through Microsoft Outlook.I do not keep any sensitive personal information.How I’ll use your information I will use it to provide any products and services you’ve requested and to offer you other services ie believe may benefit you unless you ask us not to.Who I can share your information withI will not share your information with a third party unless a lawful order is received. If an associate is used to meet your business need, information will not be released unless you give permission.Data Security & storage.I have access to google drive from my desktop computer and mobile phone. Both require passwords to access google drive and have McAfee virus protection.My desktop operating system is Windows 10 Home edition.My business accounts are backed up hourly to the computer and weekly to stand alone hard drive and One Drive.Your rights You have a number of rights relating to your information e.g. to see what I hold, to ask me to share it with another party, ask me to update incorrect or incomplete details, to object to or restrict processing of it, to make a complaint etc.Data Handling & processingThe data you provide in my contact form on the website is used to send you a quote or set up a client consultation meeting or discovery call. may collect statistics about the behaviour of visitors to the websites, however, does not disclose personally-identifying information.Your quote and email are copied to a Google Drive account for accounting purposes.The signed contract and terms of reference are password protected and saved in Google Drive.Any invoice is logged in my account spreadsheet which is saved on Google Drive.Any projects or tasks that require collaboration are managed through . No personal information will be kept on these boards only your name and company information.Any passwords required to complete the service you require are managed through Privacy Policies from affiliatesGoogle Drive (Outlook & One Drive) Trello Wordpress Change Log.13/04/18 Version 1 created ................

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