Doc-To-Help Standard Template

TRAK I Data Collection Module (DCM)


Version 2.1

September 2, 2009

New Year Tech, Inc.

12330 Pinecrest Rd.

Suite 100

Reston, VA 20191



© New Year Tech, Inc. 2009

Table of Contents

Table of Contents 2

General Guide to Download Data Files 3

Download Lookup Data Files to the portable computer 8

How to Download Lookup Data Files to your Windows Mobile Device 8

TRAK I DCM Windows Mobile Software Updates 11

How To Download and Install Updates 11

TRAK I DCM Scanner Program Installation 15

Contacts 20

For Issues Please Contact 20

General Guide to Download Data Files

1. Open your web browser and navigate to the site


2. Right click on the link TRAK I DCM Data Files to open the popup menu. Select “Save Target As…” to open the “Save As” window.


3. In the Save As window (shown below). Navigate to your Desktop, but clicking on the Desktop button highlighted in red.


4. That tells Internet Explorer to download the file to your Desktop. The “Save As” window should look like this.


5. Press the Save button. If you see the following message – just click “Yes” to replace the existing file.


6. If you receive a message that informs you that the


7. You have now completed the first step. You downloaded the data file archive to your Desktop.

NYT does not use Winzip so we cannot capture screenshots of the following process


8. Now you must navigate to your Desktop. Just minimize or close all of your windows.

9. Look for the file “”. You may not see the extension “.zip”.

10. Double click on that file to open Winzip.

11. Highlight all the files using one of the following methods

a. Press A -- This should automatically highlight all the files as long as the winzip application has focus.

b. Use the mouse to draw a rectangle around all the files.

c. Click the top file, Press and Hold , Then click the last file

d. Hold down and select all the files one at a time.

12. Once all the files are selected press the “Extract” button.

13. Winzip should popup a window that asks you where you want to extract the files to.

14. Make sure you tell Winzip to extract the files to “My Documents\TRAK I DCM Lookup Files”

15. Once that is done, press OK or Extract to start the extraction process.

16. The password is nytnih

Download Lookup Data Files to the portable computer

Before you can use the portable computer, you must download the required data files. This is done using the items on the Download menu (As shown below). For the purposes of this document we are assuming that you have already prepared the data files to your computer in the folder “My Documents\TRAK I DCM Lookup Files”.

How to Download Lookup Data Files to your Windows Mobile Device

1. Before starting this process make sure your windows mobile device is docked and connected to the computer via ActiveSync.

2. Start the TRAK I DCM application on your computer.

3. Select “Download Lookup Files” from the Download menu.


4. The will open the Download Data screen.


5. Click on the [pic] button to open the File Selection Dialog Box and Navigate to the folder where you stored your data files. For this example we will navigate to “My Document\TRAK I DCM Lookup Files”.


6. Once you select the folder, press the [pic] button to select the folder you just navigated to.


7. Press the “OK” button to initiate the download.

Note: Some of the data files are quite large so this download process will usually take at least 20-25 minutes. Some users have indicated that this process sometimes takes even longer. If that is not acceptable then you can follow the instructions on the next page to manually copy the data files to the portable computer. Error! Reference source not found.

TRAK I DCM Windows Mobile Software Updates

Updates made for the TRAK I DCM Windows Mobile module will be made available on our NYT website.

How To Download and Install Updates

1. Open a Web Browser and navigate to the URL


2. Right click on the link “TRAK I DCM Windows Mobile Setup File” and choose “Save File As”


3. That will open a “Save As” dialog box. Navigate to the folder C:\Program Files\New Year Tech\TRAK I DCM


4. This will show that the file file will be saved to the TRAK I DCM application folder. Press “Save” to complete file download.


5. Once the download completes you will see the Download Complete Dialog box.


6. Press the “Close” button. DO NOT PRESS THE OPEN BUTTON.

7. You have now downloaded the latest TRAK I DCM Windows Mobile Setup File. To install this new software update follow the instructions in the section Error! Not a valid bookmark self-reference. in Chapter 1.

TRAK I DCM Scanner Program Installation

Now that you have installed the TRAK I DCM GUI, you can use the GUI to install the scanner program on your Windows Mobile based device.

1. From the Windows Start Menu select “New Year Tech->TRAK I DCM” to start the TRAK I DCM application.


2. As shown in the screen above select “Install Scanner Program” from the Install menu. That will display the following screen.


3. Click [pic] button on the following screen to download and install the scanner program to the device.

If your device already has the scanner program installed you will see the following message:


Click [pic] button to continue, or [pic] button to cancel the installation

4. Once installation begins, the following window will be displayed to you.


5. Once the application has downloaded and initiated the scanner program installation on the Windows Mobile device you will see the following message.


6. Click [pic] button to close this Window. You are now down with the PC portion of this installation.

7. Please look on your Windows Mobile device to complete the installation.

8. If you have previously installed the Scanner program you will see the following message


Click the “OK” button to continue with reinstallation or “Cancel” to terminate the reinstallation.

Otherwise please just continue to step 9.

9. Now you will be presented with the “Choose a location” window.


10. Leave the default settings and tap the “Install” button to initiate the Scanner Program installation on your Windows Mobile device.


11. Once the installation is complete you will see the following screen.


12. Your scanner program is now installed on your Windows Mobile Device.


For Issues Please Contact

Edward Chu

Email: echu@

Voice: (703)564-0290 x210


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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