Come, Enter the Mikvah – Set-Apart unto Yahuwah

TODAY’S THREE-PART PLAN FOR AMERICA LAID OUT IN SCRIPTURE I begin with a dream, sent to me by dear brother Ryan, that he had January 13, 2015 – a dream of the coming war on America. “Last night I dreamed that my family and I were all sleeping in an upstairs room of a house, but it wasn’t our current house.? A roaring wind came and opened the top part of the window.?My daughter’s blanket blew out and was caught high in a tree.? Looking out the window, I saw fighter jets flying overhead along with maybe 3-5 huge flying aircrafts, almost looking like huge aircraft carriers although they were flying overhead.? They circled back and hovered over our house.? They transported us on the aircraft and were separating us into separate pods.?I was going to be removed from my family, and I asked the guy on the aircraft if I would see my family again and he said `probably not.’? I pleaded with him to let me stay with my family, and he did.?Upon the aircraft, all I remember is going around to various areas. I recall observing various rooms where people were being trained for what seemed like an upcoming battle or war.” Dreams similar to this have been seen by various children of Yahuwah for nearly 200 years. Now, a three-part plan to fulfill all these dreams is being discussed by, not just the Watchmen of Yahuwah, but by enemies preparing to make it happen. I received a dream from a grandma that her grandchild Asher had in 2019. Young Asher said to grandma: “I had a dream at Daddy's place that Yahushua came and talked to me." Grandma: “What did He say?” Asher “He said, `Be Ready. I am coming back soon.” Grandma: “OK. What did you say to Him?” Asher “Thank you for the message.” Absolutely precious! Grandma wrote: “I am encouraged! So much useless foolishness has been wiped out. It’s just awesome, the sense of peace it’s bringing in spite of what is on the horizon.?Shabbat Shalom and blessings…” Oh the faith of a little child! He said to Asher: “Be Ready I am coming back soon.” Shouldn’t we all obey His words to Asher? Please read: “Thirty Clues and More…”/Mikvah of Preparation, plus “End-Time Babylon”/Mikvah of the Great Adventure. This is a study that began in 1992 as Abba revealed to me that America was end-time Babylon. It is historic face. America is the home of the largest concentration of the “House of Judah,” which include the tribes of Judah, Levi, and Benjamin outside of Israel, and home to the largest concentration of the 10 northern tribes of Ya’cob, the House of Israel, in the entire world. In podcasting Acts 16 on May 15th, I had a revelation that I passed on to you. In this chapter, Sha’ul and his friends were preparing to take the Good News into Asia, to the east of where they were in western Turkey. But, that night Sha’ul had a dream of a man from Macedonia, on the coast of Greece, who begged him to come to Macedonia. The Spirit impressed on Sha’ul not to go to Asia but west to Macedonia. He instantly prepared to obey the Spirit. What would have happened if he had not obeyed the Spirit? Today, we would have been idol worshippers, like those in China worshipping Buddha or worshipping 3 million gods in like Hindus do in India. Why did the Spirit tell obedient Sha’ul to go West? Because, after being taken into captivity to Assyria in 722, the 10 northern tribes began migrating West – across Europe, across the U.K. and into America. If Sha’ul had not obeyed, we would not have had the Good News of salvation preached to us from the 1st century on. He sent Sha’ul and the apostles to the House of Israel/Ephraim/Joseph – the 10 northern tribes!!! The 10 tribes were dispersed in 722 BCE and restored just as prophecy indicated to the very day September 13, 2007/2008 Yom Teruah. What a Sukkot, with representatives of the whole House of Ya’cob/Israel – all the tribes – together in Jerusalem! The Jewish rabbis were ecstatic with joy, and all the Ephraimites who came to worship the King in Jerusalem were also ecstatic with joy. Please read my reports on that day: 1) The Shmittah Year Prophecy, 2) The 48-Hour Transition, and 3) The Report from Jerusalem. Please follow up by reading the 2017 article “The Shmittah Year Prophecy Revisited.” All under the Mikvah of Preparation. All the tribes are once again represented in Israel under the governmental and rabbinic banner of “Jews.” However, by DNA-testing and much study by men like Orthodox researcher Ya’ir Davidy and his team, mostly Messianic, published in The Tribes, Israel knows well where the 10 tribes settled in Europe and the U.K. before moving on from the Hebrides of Scotland into America. Dr. H. B. “Barry” Fells of Harvard University did extensive research to find the tribes in America BCE, and published his findings in his book America BC. Working with Dr. Fells, Messianic brother Steven Collins also published his findings in The Lost Tribes Found,” and other volumes on the history and movement of the House of Israel through the millennium. If you have not read “America’s Secret Destiny”/Mikvah of Preparation, I ask that you do so. Or, listen to Chris Pinto’s excellent documentaries “The New Atlantis,” “Riddles in Stone,” and “The Eye of the Phoenix,” which let you know the truth about why America was even created as a nation. The whole purpose was for America to lead the nations in bringing forth a resurrected Nimrod (aka Gilgamesh, Osiris, Apollo/Apollyon), to rule the world – a hybrid Nephilim “Beast” empowered by Satan – who would fulfill the dream of Nimrod for his tower (Genesis 11). To compact this article, here is the list of three stages to take down America.1) Weaken the people to the point where they cannot resist2) EMP – crippling the nation and the institution of total Martial Law 3) Nuclear Attack by China, Russia, North Korea, and many other nations joined in We are in Part I. Every possible way of creating famine is being done right now. The CDC and USDA has ordered the euthanizing of healthy cattle, chickens, and hogs, and the throwing out of milk and eggs. The abandonment or the destruction of fruit orchards. The plowing up of crops to let them die, or the forbidding of farmers, and individuals, to plant seeds. Please refer to “70 Years of Weather Geoengineering – 70 Years of Man Destroying Earth’s Life Support Systems” /Mikvah of Present Reality. Weather warfare has been, and is, being used to destroy crops worldwide, at least from 2004, using cyclones, tsunamis, hurricanes, drought, inland floods of rivers, hail and snow blizzards, tornadoes, severe winds. If there is any way to destroy food, they’re doing it--on land, in the oceans, the rivers, and in the atmosphere above us. The introducing of the Asian killer hornets into America for the first time ever has begun from Vancouver into Washington State as of April. These 3” long “murder hornets,” as they are called, went right to work in Washington to rip the heads off of bees and destroy bee hives. Without the bees fertilizing crops and orchards – no food. Created famine to starve the people they will demand stay locked down. This fallacious “pandemic” is being used to implement procedures that break down the immune system and mental health bring suicide, insanity, and criminal activity, anger and rioting, and to create sickness of all types. Fear breaks down the immune system, so does oxygen deprivation – which is enhanced by 5-G. The masks are an immune system detriment. Not touching each other is an immune-system destroyer. Constantly using products that kill germs, including good bacteria we need, makes a person paranoid and also vulnerable to disease. The padding of the numbers of cases and deaths is known worldwide, but only a few get the information. Laws are being made to create sickness, to lock people down, to instigate martial law, to inflict a DNA-changing, satanic vaccine on humanity, and to make people scared to go out of their houses. The threat of “do as you’re told or you’ll be sent to the F.E.M.A. death camps” hangs over our heads. Americans have lived on such fantasy and illusions all their lives, thinking they’re controlling their own lives, that the removal of that illusion is causing weak people in mind, emotions, body, and spirit, to do as they are told, fearing the consequences of disobeying. They fear man; they do not fear Yahuwah! Faith is being weakened, health is being weakened, the mind and emotions are being weakened. Part II will make sure that no one goes anywhere. There is a very good chance that China and/or North Korea will implement an EMP attack across America, shutting down the power grids of America, so that everyone is back in the early 1800s. People are already committing suicide because their minds are hopeless. What will happen when there is nothing comfortable, convenient, easy, entertaining, or secure? Gangs of humans will be starving, and killing, raiding for food. Cannibalism will be rampant. The unprepared will starve to death quickly. Without water, 96%, as Senator Huckabee said, will die in a few days. People are so lazy that they won’t prepare because all is Disneyland, all is illusion, i.e. “nothing bad will ever happen to me.” All of a sudden there is insane prepping but people are doing it wrong. They’re not preparing to be mobile. Why store up a garage full of food, when you could have been buying freeze-dried food with a 25-year shelf life? Why fill your garage with 100 cases of water when you could use “water bricks,” or a large water storage tank? Spiritual preparing, for the most part that is, is being avoided like a plague. This is because spiritual preparation is death to the carnality that drives almost all humans. Spiritual preparation in obedience to the Word is definitely death to the carnal nature. Total submission to the Master Yahushua through the Set-Apart Spirit of Yahuwah is so foreign to even those that have a background in the Word. Tragically, the fearful will give in a vaccine that is already being known to interface man with machine via 5-G – hooking up little machines put into the bloodstream with A.I. global technology. It is obvious from the wording of Revelation 13 that the Beast is first and foremost a system, not a person. Later a man rises to control the system, but the system is already in place and rising with the help of the U.N., the WHO, CDC, USDA, Globalist Elite, lying doctors, the military, and the continual propaganda lies of the media. Part II comes out of an America that is so weakened that the people are either already dead, so traumatized that they have lost their minds, or been turned into zombies from the taking of whatever the injected “mark” is, in order to continue buying and selling--life in this world in general. Read Revelation 14! It is an amazing overview of the three distinctive groups of the last days 1) Bridal remnant, 2) those who take the “mark of the Beast,” and 3) those who are martyred. Part III is an atomic attack that matches Jeremiah 50-51 over all to do with America and Revelation 18 regarding New York City. NEWS UPDATE INSERT, MAY 14, 2020: From Paul Begley’s interview with “Mike from around the world”: “Mike” tells of the Chinese rocket that came 15 minutes away from crashing into New York City yesterday. “Mike,” a government insider, let it be known that when China sent up this rocket with a satellite a few days ago, the rocket was programmed to descend and actually hit New York City. Its trajectory was programmed to hit New York City! However, the U.S. military saw it coming and deflected it out over the Atlantic. Hum … test case? Part III: Once America is so ruined with death and violence, and insanity, that it just needs to be “cleaned up” and “wiped out,” the ground troops of China, Russia, the terrorist cells, criminals, the United Nations “Peacekeeping troops,” mostly all Chinese and Russian anyway, will clean up and wipe out. No one can go anywhere because the cars won’t work, the gas won’t pump, no water, no food, no toilet facilities, no one to be trusted … the bad guys with guns. Part III continues: Once America is about gone, and the people reduced to nothingness, China, Russia, North Korea, and other nations, will come in with bombs and destroy first of all New York City in one hour (Revelation 18) and the whole nation in one day. This can be accomplished by hitting our nuclear arsenal which rests on top of the largest natural gas reserve in the world, which covers all of America underground, most of Canada, and north Mexico. So, the time-period for destruction will be no more than 24 hours total. Already, America is being set up for an EMP. Have you watched the movie giving this scenario: Amerigeddon? What if America is so weakened and the people starved, terrified, and dying anyway that there is no need for an EMP? Will Part I go directly to Part III? China is already bragging about doing it, and long ago boasted that they would “colonize” America. Chinese soldiers are already in America, as are Russian soldiers. Great underground caverns are being opened under the Denver Airport for the Elite. The 851 FEMA camps are ready for the millions of Americans who need to be eliminated quickly. The underground crematories are ready, the cyanide gas is ready. F.E.M.A. is opening its “hotels” for all resisters, or anyone deemed “deplorable,” – like the elderly, the crippled, blind, deaf, Down’s Syndrome children, babies, little children, mentally challenged people, autistic people--those who have diseases that cripple and deform. These are marked for death, so that only well-bodied slaves remain. It is in the F.E.M.A. death camps that the 5th seal will be carried out in America. F.E.M.A. is the “shadow government” of America. They are now in control of America, as I have reported. The set up for the attempted annihilation of everyone who considers Jesus/Yeshua/Yahushua, the Son of Yahuwah, the Savior, Deity, and returning Messiah has begun. I’ll be reporting on that soon. My heartbreak is that Yahuwah’s people are so self-involved that they will not make it into the second phase most likely, and if they do, many will take the mark of the Beast to save their skin. I am podcasting the Book of Acts, to be completed before Shavu’ot on May 31st. It was on the “day of Shavu’ot,” 50 days after First Fruits, that Messiah sent the Spirit of Yahuwah down upon His disciples to fill them and empower them. If there was any time ever on this earth that His people need to be like the early Natsarim, followers of the Way, it is now. For it has all come full circle. Having the empowerment of the Spirit is mandatory for survival. Mark 13:9-13 gives us the normalcy that was left us by Messiah. How can a person face execution with the power and boldness of the Spirit, in peace, and even in joy, if they can’t hear what they are supposed to speak in order to witness to their executioners? Be sure you obey quickly as did Sha’ul and his friends in Acts 16. What has He told you to do today? What are you doing today to obey Him? Love and shalom, blessings, joy, YedidahMay 15, 2020 ................

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