Accounts Payable

Accounts Payable

Paying the Bills

Check Requests


Backup Documentation

• Documentation should speak for itself

• Original documentation

• Enough documentation that there are no questions

• Documentation should agree with check request

Proper Signatures

• Budget authority

• Vice Chancellor approval

• Purchasing

• Sponsored Programs

Fund and Account Number

• Select the appropriate fund

• Select the appropriate account number

• Be sure these are included on the check request

When to use

• Refund of receipts from revenue fund

• Reimburse employees for out of pocket expenses between $50-$150 and must not be available on state contract

• Business Entertainment Expenses

• Personal services

• Dual Employment

• Subscriptions

• Registration

• After the fact purchases with purchasing approval

Refund of Revenue Receipts

• Back up documentation

• Receipt number and copy of FORM

• Must be coded to fund and account that the receipt was posted to

Employee Reimbursements

• $50-$150

• Documentation such as original receipt or invoice and proof of payment

Business Entertainment

Account number 953962

• For meals or activities off campus

• Food on campus and not selected from a menu are coded to 932290 for assorted foods

• Proper signatures and list of attendees including UNCW employee in attendance

• Original receipts

• Must not be general funds

Personal Services

Account number 921990

• Independent Contractor Certificate

• HR must sign

• Must not be an UNCW employee

• If over $600 biographical sketch attached

• If over $2500 signed contract must be attached

• If individual resides out of state and services are performed in NC and payments reach $1500, 4% NC withholding will be subtracted

• Foreign individuals without a social security number may be subject to additional back up withholdings

• Social Security number is required

Dual Employment

• Dual Employment form


• Payments are submitted to the parent agency


Account number 954910

• Must have UNCW address

• If using general funds, must not exceed 1 year

• Attachment often required


• Memberships and Institutional Dues

Account number 954920/954990

• For institutional dues (954920), vice chancellor approval is required

• For individual registration (954990), general funds are not usually allowed.

Registrations of Workshops/Seminars

• Most should be handled through the travel department

• Online seminars and not requiring travel can be paid through check requests.

Petty Cash

• Reimbursements to employees under $50 should be processed through petty cash procedures

• Diligence of prompt reimbursements is necessary

• Exceptions that will not be reimbursed through petty cash are business entertainment and postage stamps

Employee Gifts

• University policy prohibits gifts to individual employees from any funds except service recognitions and sympathy gifts.

• Service recognition must be part of a meaningful ceremony, employee must have over 5 years service, may not exceed $400.

• Gifts of cash or cash equivalent are not allowed

• Exception – service awards by the University, employee awards programs or employee recognition programs

• Sympathy-under $100 traditional commemorations (flowers, fruit baskets, etc) for serious illness or death of employee or family

• Charitable contributions in lieu of traditional commemorations may be given, consistent with the amount the department would normally give.

Gift Cards


• A copy of the gift card or other documentation listing the name of the business and amount should accompany a signed acknowledgement from the person receiving the gift card

Other Requests

• After the fact purchases require purchasing approval. Justification should accompany requests and be sent to purchasing

• If prior approval is obtained, attach approval to request prior to submitting to accounts payable

• Should not be used to circumvent purchasing policy

• PACS cards should be used if possible


• Postage Stamps must be approved by Controller and mailing list

• Moving Expenses must be approved by Controller

Where to send

• Check requests for allowable expenses, send form and backup to Accounts Payable, Campus Box 5903

• Check requests for preapproved exceptions, send to purchasing or attach prior approval

Misuse of Check Requests

Check requests should not be used for:

• Payments that should be made under purchase orders

• Petty cash reimbursements

• Travel

• PACS card purchases

• To circumvent procurement procedures

Why Was My Check Request Returned?

• Proper signatures

Check request not signed

Business Entertainment Form not signed

Vice Chancellor approval required

• Purchasing procedures not followed – requires approval

• Original invoice or receipt not attached

• Petty Cash procedures not followed

Backup Documentation

• Copy of documents to be mailed

• Original receipts showing payment has been made

• Original invoice

• Signatures of recipients if gift cards are received

• If multiple invoices – attach adding machine tape that equals amount of request

Vendor Invoice Delivery

• Invoices should be mailed to accounts payable

• Email

Direct Deposit Forms & Regulations


• Employee reimbursements must be direct deposit if they are set up in payroll

• Vendors may be direct deposit and is the preferred method

• Active email required for direct deposits

Payment Process

• Payments are made once a week – Wednesdays except during holiday or end of year

• Demand checks should be limited to emergencies only and must be approved by the Controller. Justification and form required.

Payments Released

• Payments are released after funds are approved and final review

• Checks are mailed directly to vendors via USPS. If departments want to FedEx a check, they should pick it up and FedEx at their expense.

• Direct deposits released within two business days of the check run

• Checks released to department personnel only, not to vendors/individuals

• Checks requested to be picked up by departments are released only with justification and should be limited

Researching Payments in Banner




• Contact accounts payable for assistance if needed

Deadlines & Payment Distribution Policies

• Deadlines for check requests and purchase order payments is Friday by 10am for the following Wednesday check run

• Holidays and end of year deadlines may differ, check website for changes

• Attachments should be kept to a minimum but may be sent to accounts payable to be mailed with checks. Attach copy of attachment for mailing.

• Do not copy check requests as an attachment

Purchase Order Processing

Regular Orders

• Invoices must be received by accounts payable

• Signed receiver should be sent to purchasing for processing in Banner

Standing Orders

• Invoice must be received by accounts payable accompanied by a signed receiver

• Include amount to be paid and invoice number

Signed Receivers and Where to Send

• Regular – send to purchasing

• Standing – send to accounts payable

Where Invoices Go

• All invoices must be received by accounts payable to be processed

What can I do?

• Do not use nicknames

• Include Banner ID number if available

• Don’t hold invoices – forward immediately to accounts payable

• Be sure vendors include PO# on invoices

Who to call

• Manager - Liz Johnson-Bryant

• Coordinator - Sarah Jackson

• A-M purchase orders - Jayne Pate

• N-T purchase orders – Bente Hinnant

• U-W purchase orders – Teresa Morris

• X-Z purchase orders – Susan Wright

• Check requests – Sarah Jackson








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