
Katie Ann VaccarelliMultimedia Reporting Fall 2016 Radio ScriptTHE THING DONALD TRUMP SAID THAT CHANGED EVERYTHINGINTRO: Republican Donald Trump has had controversy surrounding him the entire presidential election, but the latest controversy might just be what decides the outcome of the election. In a 2005 Access Hollywood tape obtained by The Washington Post, Trump claimed that because he was a celebrity he could do whatever he wanted to them without permission, such as kiss them or grab their genitalia. This caused such an uproar, not just among women, but people everywhere. Since the release of the tape, more than a dozen women have stepped forward with allegations that Trump sexually assaulted or harassed them, and Trump has continued to lose ground in the polls. Katie Ann Vaccarelli spoke with women about this defining moment in the election.Questions I will ask: What was your initial reaction to Donald Trumps words when the recording was released?How did this change your opinion of him?How do you think this is going to affect him in the election?As a woman do you feel personally attacked and offended by his words?What are your biggest concerns if he becomes president?DONALD TRUMP AUDIO: I did try and fuck her. She was married. I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait.And when you’re a star, they let you do itGrab them by the pussy. You can do anything. (HONKS/SIRENS) I am here in New York City’s Yorkville neighborhood with Romy Chinich, a 24-year-old actor who is constantly working all around Manhattan and says the Trump tape hit close to home.ROMY: I am no stranger to being objectified. As a woman you walk down the street in New York City any day and you’ll get inappropriate stares, cat calls and I mean these are things you expect from creeps on the street, not from a presidential candidate. He is running for President of the United States, not for president of a fraternity and he is basically saying that it’s okay to touch women without consent. Not only is that not okay, it’s really frightening that somebody who has such a huge influence over our country has those opinions. I just feel like anybody who could vote for him and overlook that is probably as disrespectful to women as he is. TRACK: Women everyday have to deal with feeling discomfort from men. The boundaries are pushed and far too often, broken. 82% of all juvenile rape victims are female and 90% of adult?rape victims are female according to . Over on the Upper West Side in Columbia Presbyterian Hospital, 52-year-old nurse and mother, Maureen Durkin, says it makes her concerned for her children. MAUREEN: Donald Trump is very degrading to women. As a woman, as a mother I am embarrassed to have to explain to my children who this man is and why he is running.I don’t want a president that thinks it acceptable to say things like that. TRACK: It is not just the women who are in disbelief of Trump’s disrespect. Anton Sukaj, a 23-year-old student is also offended by Donald’s Trumps words. ANTON: Honestly it was discusting, something that I didn’t expect, I mean I could expect anything from that guy, but that was above the line. A presidential nominee to run the number one country in the world to say those things on a tape, on a boys talk. No. Honestly no.TRACK: American’s are concerned about what to tell their children and what this could possibly mean for our country. ANTON: My biggest concern would be him giving a speech in the United Nations and just saying “Oh these guys suck” and next thing we know we are in war with some country god knows where.People make mistakes and hopefully they wont make a mistake by electing him because we’re all going to go to shit.TRACK: Maureen Durkin feels similar to Anton Sukaj and fears for the reputation of the United States. MAUREEN: He is very sleazy. He is very un-presidential. He is a disgrace to our country and would be a very poor representative throughout the world representing the United States. If he was to become president I feel that the United States would become a laughing stock.TRACK: Down on the Lower East Side Lily Moran, a 26-year-old waitress isn’t as concerned with the tape as she is with his lack of experience.LILY: He is a glorified TV personality who doesn’t know anything about foreign policy let alone running an economical productive country. Where his only backups is that he has all these successful businesses that he’s multiple times let go bankrupt to beat the tax system.TRACK: Anton Sukaj thinks it’s time for a woman to be president. ANTON: I believe it’s women’s year this 2016. Like we see some of the most powerful women in the world on top of some of the most powerful countries. Like Germany has Angela Merkel 2016, England elected their prime minister Teresa May, Mother Theresa became a saint this year and I think it’s Hillary’s time too. TRACK: Overall people are still in shock at his words and believe it makes him even more unfit to be a presidential candidate then he already was. While neither candidate is perfect it seems that there is much less concern from people for Hillary Clinton to win this one. This is Katie Ann Vaccarelli in New York, New York ................

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