The Neolithic Revolution

1. What are the definitions of the terms “prehistory” and “history”?

2. What allowed humans to become dominate and how did they migrate?

3. What are the definition and characteristics of Paleolithic and Neolithic eras?

4. Where did agriculture originally begin?

5. How did human life change due to agriculture?

River Valley Civilizations

6. Who were the major groups of people who lived in Mesopotamia and what were their contributions?

7. What were the Egyptian beliefs on the afterlife?

8. What are some comparisons between Egypt and Mesopotamia?

9. What is the major contribution of the Jewish people to civilization?

10. What is the definition of the word “Semitic”?

11. Who invented the modern alphabet and why?

12. Where is Indo-European original homeland and where did they migrate in South Asia?

13. Why are the Vedas are important to our understanding of India?

14. How did India organize their social classes?

15. How did the Zhou Dynasty establish their legitimacy?

16. What is the definition and purpose of Mandate of Heaven?

Early Africa

17. Who were the Bantu and were did they originate?

18. How do the Bantu compare to Indo-Europeans?

19. Why did the Bantu begin their migrations?

20. How did the domestication of the camel impact trade?

21. What were the primary trade products in sub-Sahara Africa before 600 C.E.?



22. Which dynasty used Legalism to rule?

23. What were common characteristics of Qin and Han dynasties?

24. What was the Chinese social hierarchy?

25. What are the major Confucian beliefs?

26. What does Daoism believe?

27. How do the Chinese view nature?

28. Why is ancestor veneration important to the Chinese?


29. What group was the highest social class in India?

30. What are the major characteristics of Hinduism?

31. What was Emperor Ashoka’s most important influence?

32. What are the major characteristics of Buddhism?

33. Who was Buddha?

34. What are the Four Noble Truths?

Greece, Rome and Persia

35. How did the Persians politically organize their empire?

36. Greece is noted for the development of what type of political form?

37. What is the importance of the Greek “polis”?

38. What was important to the Spartans?

39. What is the definition of the Pax Romana and when it begin?

40. What is the meaning of “Hellenism” and who is credited with this legacy?

41. What are the origins and importance of Christianity?

42. What are some similarities between Judaism and Zoroastrianism?


The Byzantine Empire

43. Why does Constantinople have a geographic advantage?

44. What was the major accomplishment of Justinian?

45. What was the original purpose of the Hagia Sophia?

Europe in the Middle Ages and Renaissance

46. Which Germanic tribe established important feudal kingdom?

47. Who held political power in medieval age?

48. How did “feudalism” work?

49. How did the plague spread in the 14th century?

50. How did architecture in the Middle Ages compare to that of the Renaissance?

51. Why was the printing press and important achievement in Europe?

Islamic Empires

52. Who were the Bedouins?

53. What are the Five Pillars of Islam?

54. What is the importance of the hijra?

55. What were the reasons for the split between the Shi’a and the Sunnis?


56. What were the three major empires of West Africa?

57. What were the major trade routes of Africa?

58. Why did Mali become the wealthiest kingdom in sub-Saharan Africa?

East Asia and the Mongols

59. What factors caused a large population increase in Tang and Song China?

60. What were some of the effects of Mongol rule in Asia?


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