American 1 Midterm Review

Unit 1: the Colonial Era

1. New England was settled by Puritans looking for __________________.

2. What document did they use that provided for a direct democracy?

3. In what region did most Dutch and German immigrants settle?

4. Virginia and other southern colonies were settled by people seeking ____________________.

5. What two groups of people worked on southern plantations?

6. What was the first permanent English settlement in North America?

7. What was the name of the first elected assembly in the New World?

8. Many Native Americans died from ____________________ when Europeans arrived.

9. What was the economy of the Southern Colonies based on?

10. What religious group moved to Pennsylvania?

11. What was the religious reform that the colonies experienced in the mid-1700s?

12. When Puritans grew intolerant of dissenters, colonists left and founded other colonies, such as


13. What part of the Triangular Trade brought slaves to the Americas?

14. This group did not have conflicts with Native Americans like the British did.

15. African slaves were brought to work on ___________________.

Unit 2: Revolution & Constitution

1. The 17th and 18th centuries European development of new ideas about the rights of people in relation to their rulers is called what?

2. What Enlightenment philosopher most affected colonial ideas about independence?

3. What three natural rights did this philosopher believe in?

4. What kind of agreement did he think people made with the government?

5. According to him, how did the government get its power?

6. Who wrote Common Sense?

7. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?

8. In what document would you find the following two quotes?

• “That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed….”

• “That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute a new government….”

9. What war was fought in North America shortly before the American Revolution?

10. The Proclamation of 1763 prohibited settlement west of the _____________ mountains.

11. This is an example of a tax passed to pay costs incurred during the French and Indian War.

12. What battle did the minutemen and British troops begin fighting?

13. Who said, “Give me liberty or give me death”?

14. Benjamin Franklin negotiated a Treaty of Alliance with _________________.

15. Who was the general of the American army?

16. What was the last battle of the American Revolution?

17. What was the first government adopted after the Revolution?

18. The ____________________ solved the questions of representation in Congress.

19. The ___________________ Compromise solved the problem of counting slaves for representation.

20. What keeps one the three branches of government from getting too powerful?

21. _______________________ law is the supreme law of the land

22. Who was the “Father of the Constitution” and wrote most of the document?

23. What is the name for people who supported ratifying the Constitution and wanted a strong national government?

24. What is the name for people who were against ratifying the Constitution without a Bill of Rights and who wanted more power for the states?

25. Who wrote the Virginia Declaration of Rights?

26. Who wrote the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom?

27. The VA Declaration of Rights and VA Statute for Religious Freedom were consulted to write what document?

28. The case of ____________________ established judicial review.

29. The case of ____________________ determined that the implied power of the federal government to tax the states was legal.

Unit 3: Early Republic

1. Which first political party wanted a strong national government and was dominated by bankers in the Northeast?

2. Which first political party wanted a weak national government and was dominated by farmers, artisans and settlers in the South ?

3. Who led the Federalists?

4. Who led the Democratic-Republicans?

5. The election of _____________ was significant because it was the first peaceful transfer of political power from one party to another.

6. What did Jefferson buy in 1803? From whom did he buy it?

7. The War of 1812 was caused by _________________________ interference with Americans shipping rights.

8. After the Treaty of Ghent, what battle happens afterwards?

9. What are the direct results of the War of 1812?


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