¡Bienvenidos! ¡Estoy muy feliz que vayas a continuar con tus estudios en español el año que viene! Hay un poco de trabajo que debes completar durante el verano – ¡solo un poco! En mi opinión, es muy importante que sigas practicando, escuchando, y estudiando, para no perder todo que has aprendido.

Assignment: You must complete a total of SIX short assignments over the course of the summer (See? That’s not so bad!). FOUR are assigned to you. The other two can be items of your choice from the list below. There’s even a chance to get some “extra credit” – a good way to start the year!


A. Go to and log in. Your user name is your first name and last name (one word) with 336: (example: senoraflanagan336). Your default password is spanish – all lowercase. You must notify me immediately if you have trouble logging in, so I can double check your account!! Once you log in to QUIA, there will be several assignments available in your “quizzes” folder (no...they aren’t real quizzes!). Do not worry if you don’t get a perfect score. You can re-do the assignment for a higher score as many times as you want.

B. Make sure you can access the Google classroom:

• Go to classroom., or add the app to your Google drive.

• Use the address the school has provided for you – firstname.lastname@ – and either your school ID number as a password, or g00glem3.

• Once there, click on the “add class” button. The code for summer is 93tls2. Again, contact me immediately if you are having trouble. When and if you email me, please be sure to put your full name in the subject line so I know who is contacting me!

In the Google classroom, there will be three assignments. You can upload any documents, mp3 files, etc. for those assignments by clicking on the assignment, and then on the type of file you are uploading.

2. Due dates are as follows: (All submissions are due by 11:59 p.m.) **It might be helpful to put an alert into your phone each time you have an assignment due, so you don’t forget!


|Between June 15th and July 5th: |Level 2 reading on QUIA |10 points | |

|Between July 6th and July 19th: |Level 2 listening on QUIA |10 points | |

|Between July 20th and August 2nd: |Level 3 reading on QUIA |10 points | |

|Between August 3rd and August 16th: |Level 3 listening on QUIA |10 points | |

|Between August 17th and August 30th: |Student’s choice – see back of paper |10 points | |

|Between August 31st and September 8th: |Student’s choice – see back of paper |10 points | |

|BONUS assignment!: |Student’s choice! | 5 points | |


You must also complete any TWO of these assignments during the summer. They can be two different ones, or you may choose two from the same category. A THIRD assignment is voluntary, and will get you extra credit! These assignments should be uploaded to the Google classroom – or as a last resort, you can email your work to my Gmail account.

OPTION 1: Choose one of the grammar quizzes listed in your folder, and take the quiz until you achieve at least a 90% DO NOT CHEAT!!!! Submit your results on QUIA.

OPTION 2: Read an article from any of the following online Spanish magazines or newspapers. Find something that is of interest to YOU – read the article carefully and take notes. Email me a summary of the article (in English or in Spanish), and TEN vocabulary words you looked up and translated. (Please use an online dictionary such as wordreference – do NOT use Google translate!).

(about cars)

(National Geographic)

.ar (Teen style magazine) *Note – this website is from Argentina, so the Spanish is a bit different. Check it out!

.mx (Science and technology magazine)

(People magazine in Spanish) (Reader’s Digest in Spanish – a variety of articles and topics) (MIT website. Scroll down to “Newspapers: foreign language”)

OPTION 3: Watch a movie in Spanish (with subtitles if you want, but in Spanish!) Make a list of any new vocabulary words you learn – or – if it’s a movie you are very familiar with (Frozen??) write down how popular sayings in the film are translated into Spanish. +2 Bonus if the film is Spanish or by a Spanish speaking director. Email me the movie and the list of vocabulary words and phrases.

OPTION 4: If you have a microphone, go to and make me a 30 second voice recording of yourself….in SPANISH….NOT reading from a script…talking about any of the following:

• describe yourself

• your favorite sport or hobby AND WHY

• something fun you did over the summer

• what you are looking forward to, and what you are nervous about in Spanish 4

Save it as an MP3 and then email it to me at either address below. You can also do this by downloading the Voice Record app onto your phone (or any free app, as long as you can email or convert the recordings to mp3).

OPTION 5: If you have Spanish speaking relatives, friends, or pen pals, interview or talk with them, in Spanish. You can either record the interview (see above) and email me the mp3, or you can write me a summary of your interview IN SPANISH! OR, if you are visiting a Spanish speaking country this summer, write me a mini report on your experience. Were you able to be understood? What issues, if any, did you encounter? What did you see/do/experience there?

OPTION 6: Create a review activity, game, or lesson for us to do in September. It can be on grammar, culture, or vocabulary that you studied up to the end of Spanish 3. Some options might be jeopardy, a multiple choice “quiz”, hangman with the words and clues in Spanish, I love creativity, so email me with any other ideas you may have.

********IMPORTANT: Unless we have made prior arrangements, you will be penalized TWO POINTS for each day an assignment is late. Therefore, if the assignment is not done after five days, you will not get credit for that assignment. I understand that vacations and other issues come up, and I am willing to work with you, however you MUST email me at either school or home, and address the problem with me. I am available all summer long, and check my email daily. ***********

My school email: kathleen.flanagan@ My home email: senoraflanagan@

¡Diviértete! Espero que tengas un verano muy divertido y relajante. Nos vemos en septiembre ((


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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