Study of Romans, Chapter 1


Study of Romans, Chapter 1

By: Bob Hightchew

1. Who wrote the Roman letter to the church? 2. What was the writer set apart for? 3. This letter was written to all in Rome who were loved by God and called to be ...

what? 4. What was Paul so thankful for when it came to the Roman church? 5. Paul prayed that God would make a way for him to? 6. Why did Paul long to see them? 7. Why was Paul not able to come to them before? 8. Who was Paul obligated to when it came to the gospel? 9. What was Paul not ashamed of, and why? 10. What was being revealed to those who hide the truth of God? 11. What has been seen since the creation of the world? 12. Because of this we are all without ... what? 13. Read verses 21-23 and write in your own words what it is saying. 14. What will God do to these people? 15. God gave these people over to what three things they desired in life? 16. Read verses 28-32. We will discuss them together in class. 17. Read verse 32. What do you think Paul was saying?


Study of Romans, Chapter 2

By: Bob Hightchew

1. Who has no excuse in passing judgement on someone else? 2. What is God's judgement based on? 3. Who will escape God's judgement? 4. What leads us to God's forgiveness? 5. What will stubbornness and an unrepentant heart do for us? 6. Christians can be stubborn and unrepentant ... how? 7. God will give to each Christian according to...? 8. Who will receive eternal life? 9. Who will receive wrath and anger? 10. Read verses 9-11 and explain in "your own words" what is being said? 11. Verses 17-29 can be difficult to understand. We will look at these verses together

and discuss them on Wednesday night. However, while you are reading them if you have any questions, write them down and we will talk about these as well.


Study of Romans, Chapter 3

By: Bob Hightchew

1. What is the advantage to have been a Jew? 2. Who is righteous in this world? 3. Who is under sin in this world ... the Jew or the Gentile? 4. Verse 10 begins a verse ... where is this verse located? 5. What does the law say to those under it? 6. What was the purpose of the law? 7. Where do we get our righteousness? 8. What has sin caused us all to do? 9. How did God demonstrate His justice? 10. Who has the right to brag? 11. What group can claim that God is there God? (Hint: think about it hard) 12. What do we do with the law by having faith?


Study of Romans, Chapter 4

By: Bob Hightchew

1. List some things people do that they think will help to get them into heaven? 2. Why do you think Paul used Abraham as an example here? 3. What was credited to Abraham as righteousness? Abraham believed God (Vs. 3). 4. When was Abraham's righteousness credit to him, before or after circumcision? 5. What promise did Abraham receive about his offspring? 6. To those who live by the law what is the promise to them? 7. What does the Promise come by? 8. Who is this Promise guaranteed to? 9. Who might that be? 10. What does "the father of us all" mean? 11. What does "against all hope" in verse 18 mean? 12. Read verse 20, could we have this kind of faith today? 13. Jesus was delivered over to death for our ___________? 14. He was raised for our ___________________?


Study of Romans, Chapter 5

By: Bob Hightchew

1. What have we been justified through? 2. Through whom do we have peace with God? 3. We should rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. In what else should we rejoice? 4. What does suffer produce? 5. What does perseverance produce? 6. What does character produce? 7. Who did Christ die for? 8. How did God demonstrate his love for us? 9. How did sin enter the world? 10. How does death come to all people? 11. How did God's gift enter into the world? 12. Why was the law added?


Study of Romans, Chapter 6

By: Bob Hightchew

1. Should we continue to sin? 2. When we were baptized into Christ, we were baptized into what? 3. How were we buried? 4. If we were united with Christ in his death how else will we be united with him? 5. What has no mastery over Christ? 6. How should we count ourselves? 7. If we are not under the law what are we under? 8. What does sin lead to? 9. What does obedience lead to? 10. Once we are free from sin to what do we become slaves? 11. What is the result of holiness? 12. What are the wages of sin? 13. What is the gift of God? 14. How was this gift made possible?


Study of Romans, Chapter 7

By: Bob Hightchew

1. As Christians we died to what? 2. As Christians we died through what? 3. Who do we belong to? 4. When we were controlled by the sinful nature, we bore fruit for what? 5. Is the law sin? 6. How do we know what sin is? 7. What does sin produce? 8. Who rescues us from a body of death? 9. Sum up in your own words verses 14-20. 10. What is our sinful nature a slave to?


Study of Romans, Chapter 8

By: Bob Hightchew

1. What has been removed from the life of a Christian? 2. Who is responsible for this removal and how? 3. What has the "Law of the Spirit of Life" done for me? 4. Why did God condemn sin in sinful man? 5. What is the sinful nature have its mind set on? 6. What do those who live in accordance with the Spirit think about? 7. What attitude does the sinful mind have towards God and why? 8. If you do not have the Spirit of Christ in you, whom do you belong to? 9. If Christ is in you, then your body is ... what? 10. What will God do for you if Christ is in you? 11. What is our obligation to? 12. Those who live by the Spirit are called what? 13. If we are children of God, what does that mean for us? 14. What is creation waiting for? 15. When it comes to prayer, what does the Spirit do for us? 16. What does God do for those who love Him? 17. Read verses 29-30 and tell me what you think it says. 18. If God is for us, who can ... what? Explain this statement. 19. Read verses 35-37 and answer the following:

? Who has the obligation? ? The obligation is to whom? 20. What can separate us from the love of Jesus?


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