9th Grade Colorado Reading End of Year Assessment

8th Grade Reading--- Final Exam Study Guide

PART 1---- (33% of total grade)

Knowledge of The Hot Zone through part 1

Specifically, you must be able to answer the following questions:

Reading Section I: pages 1-94


Something in the Forest

1. Describe the life of Charles Monet. What were his “hobbies”?

2. Where is Mount Elgon? Describe the surrounding environment.

3. How may Charles Monet have been exposed to a level 4 virus?

4. Describe the symptoms experienced by Charles Monet in the days following his visit to Kitum cave.

5. In what ways could the virus have been passed to other people from the time Monet left his house until he arrived at Nairobi hospital?

6. Who is Dr. Shem Musoke?

7. How did Dr. Musoke become infected?

8. Describe the results of Dr. Musoke’s exploratory surgery.


9. Who is David Silverstein?

10. What virus was found in Dr. Musoke’s blood? Describe the virus and it’s origin.

11. What is a filovirus?

12. Which is the worst of the filovirus “sisters”? What is the kill rate in humans?

13. Describe the information provided by “Mr. Jones” concerning the Marburg virus.

14. What is one general theory for the origin of AIDS?

15. What was the outcome for Dr. Musoke?

A Woman and A Soldier

16. Who is Nancy Jaax?

17. How did Nancy Jaax cut her hand? Why is this significant?

Project Ebola

18. What does USAMRIID stand for?

19. Describe the brief history of Biological Weapons in the U.S.

20. What kinds of precautions were necessary for Nancy Jaax to be able to work in Biosafety Level 3 conditions? What problems did she face?

21. What is unique about Biosafety Level 4?

22. How did Nancy Jaax end up working in Biosafety Level 4?

23. Describe the first known emergence of the Ebola virus. How did it get its name?

24. Who is Eugene Johnson?

25. How many different proteins make up an Ebola virus particle? What is known about them?

26. Describe the effects of the Ebola virus. How does it appear to be spread?

27. Describe the Biosafety Level staging area. Describe the suit required for work in Biosafety Level 4.

Total Immersion

28. Describe the symptoms exhibited by the monkeys that were infected with Ebola.

29. Describe the structure of a typical virus.

30. What “scare” did Nancy Jaax have while working with Ebola?

31. What happened to the Ebola infected monkeys? What became of the healthy monkeys? How?

Reading Section II: pages 95-153

Ebola River

1. Who is Mr. Yu G.?

2. Describe Ebola Sudan.

3. Describe Ebola Zaire.

4. Describe how the disease was spread through the Yambuku hospital.

5. Describe the shape of the Ebola virus.

6. What is the C.D.C.?

7. Who is Nurse Mayinga? Describe her situation.

8. Describe how the medical teams worked to prevent the further spread of the disease throughout Kinshasa.

9. How many other people caught the virus from Nurse Mayinga?


10. Who is Eugene Johnson?

11. Who is Peter Cardinal?

12. Explain why a virus may be more like a predator than a parasite.

13. How might Peter Cardinal have become infected?

Going Deep

14. Describe the expedition to Kitum Cave. What was the purpose of this trip?

15. What was the result of this expedition?


1. What is a virus?

2. How do viruses spread?

3. How do viruses reproduce?

4. What is the difference between the effect that a virus could have twenty years ago compared to today when air travel is so much more common?

5. Do you think that the fear of traveling to Africa because of Ebola is a legitimate concern? Why or why not?

PART 2---- (33% of total grade)---Vocabulary

Understand the meaning of all of the following prefixes and root words and HOW THEY AFFECT WORDS! Define the following…..








Examine the following words. Circle the root word. If there is a prefix, put a box around it. If there is a suffix, put a triangle around it.

dislike pretest greatest

helpful reread painless

triangle unkind bravely semicircle joyful skiing

You must know the definition of all of the following words and be able to use each in a MEANINGFUL sentence. (If you have lost your vocabulary sheets from earlier in the year, you can find these uploaded to the website)












Write MEANINGFUL SENTENCES about 10 of the above words. Pick one from each “prefix set”. Remember that when I read you sentence, there should be NO QUESTION IN MY MIND that you know the definition of that word. You must include synonyms, antonyms or other context clues to let me know this!












PART 3---- (33% of total grade)---Reading Comprehension

Directions: read the following passage, then answer questions 1-6.



This is a personal account written by author Gary Paulson

1. ( The speaker begins his account by stating that books have the potential to

A. excite B. educate

C. rescue D. accommodate

2. At age 13, Paulsen entered the library in order to

A. get warm B. borrow a book

C. meet friends D. escape pursuers

3. Paulsen would most likely characterize his home life as

A. supportive B. dull

C. enriching D. chaotic

4. Paulsen moved to Hollywood in order to

A. forget his childhood B. follow his dream

C. improve his health D. increase his salary

5. Paulsen sought to improve his writing through

A. a college course B. a personal journal

C. an informal apprenticeship D. an enlightening trip

6. According to the account, after thirty years of writing, Gary Paulsen views his craft as

A. stimulating B. relaxing

C. distracting D. predictable

Directions: read the following passage, then answer questions 7-15.




7. The world’s 1,500 active volcanoes have the common characteristic of

A. location B. height

C. unpredictability D. unattractiveness

8. According to the text, people are often victimized by volcanoes because people

A. believe in myths B. ignore warnings

C. lack transportation D. treasure valuables

9. The mission of the International Decade of Natural Hazard Reduction was threatened by a lack of

A. program funding B. natural disasters

C. cooperative scientists D. national legislation

10. Volcanologists created a video in order to educate

A. authorities B. scientists

C. merchants D. children

11. “Pyroclastic flows” (line 64) are dangerous because of their

A. weight B. speed

C. noise D. unpredictability

12. According to the graphic, seismometers measure

A. distance B. heat

C. fumes D. motion

13. According to the graphic, satellite monitoring of volcanoes is

A. temporary B. promising

C. erroneous D. traditional

14. According to the graphic, where are tilt meters and crack measurement sensors placed?

A. along the slopes B. within the crater

C. high in the air D. under the magma

15. Which of the following is an opinion from the previous article?

A. Education and communication are essential in reducing risk from volcanic hazards!

B. They think falling ash is lethal, but it’s not.

C. But the United Nations did not have money for the program.

D. None of the above.

Directions: read the following passage, then answer questions 16-20.


16. (5.f) In paragraph 1, what does the word impoverished mean? Use a dictionary or other resource to determine your answer.

A. illiterate B. sick

C. poor D. disabled

17. (1.d) Based on the letter, which of the following statements is an unsupported inference?

A. The writer will be traveling with someone else.

B. The writer raised enough money to go to Peru.

C. The writer sent many letters asking for donations.

D. The writer is going to Peru for two weeks.

18. (4.a) What is the position/title of the person to whom this letter is written?

A. president B. secretary

C. student D. manager

19. (1.d) Based on the text, what logical inference can be made?

A. Amy and Maria hope to get jobs with the company.

B. Amy and Maria will receive support form the company in the future.

C. Amy and Maria will be paid for their work in Peru.

D. Amy and Maria hope to receive money from other sources.

20. (4.a) What is the purpose of this letter?

A. to request information B. to express appreciation

C. to offer assistance D. to clarify objectives

Directions: read the following poem, then answer questions 21-25.



21. (1.g) As used in line 18, what is the meaning of scapegoat?

A. one who speaks up against wrong

B. one who uses others for personal gain

C. one who takes the blame for others’ mistakes

D. one who assigns tasks for others to complete

22. (5.c) Look at the web below


Which of the following best completes the web?

A. faith or hatred B. nothing on my own

C. my every angle D. no big feat

23. (6.e) Read the following stanza from “Pencil.”

I am the fickle spirit of the written word,

your two-faced best friend.

What does the author mean by referring to the pencil as “your two-faced best friend”?

A. The pencil needs to write on two sides of a sheet of paper.

B. The pencil might be smiling today and frowning tomorrow.

C. The pencil has one end for writing and one end for erasing.

D. The pencil can be used to write constructive or destructive things.

24. (6.b) Which of the following phrases in “Pencil” contributes to a serious tone?

A. “I am an unlikely bridge,”

B. “Wanna really hurt somebody?”

C. “I can be your pourtable righteousness…”

D. “Studied my every angle..”

25. (6.c) Which of the following best articulates the theme of this poem?

A. deceit B. power

C. dependency D. writing

Directions: read the following passage, then answer questions 26-37.







26. (6.b) Tommy’s grandfather was once well known as a –

A. horse trainer B. belt maker

C. rodeo champion D. horse breeder

27. (1.e, 1.f) Approximately how long does it take Grandpa to find the right horse for Matthew?

A. A month B. A couple of days

C. All summer D. Two weeks

28. (1.e, 5.c) Sequence the main events of the story in chronological order using the plot diagram graphic organizer below.


29. (1.c) Paragraph 42 is mainly about –

A. Matthew and Sundance becoming acquainted

B. what horses like to eat while in the corral

C. fences and their usefulness on ranches

D. Matthew leaving the corral with the others

30. (6.b) The primary conflict in the story is between –

A. Tommy and Grandpa B. Matthew and his fear

C. Matthew and Sundance D. Matthew and his anger

31. (6.b) Which line from the story best reveals Grandpa’s love for Tommy?

A. “Tell me about the boy.”

B. “So, are you going to tell me what is troubling you?”

C. “I’ve seen this kind of fear in grown men…”

D. “I will try, because it is you who ask.”

32. (6.b) In paragraph 18, the author uses the phrase “leaden silence” to create a mood of –

A. suspicion B. mystery

C. anger D. discomfort

33. (4.a) The story’s point of view helps the reader understand –

A. the difficulty of working with wild horses

B. the fear that Matthew experiences

C. the depth of Tommy’s concern for Matthew

D. the importance of horses on the reservation

34. (6.b) Paragraph 23 shows the reader that Matthew is feeling –

A. disappointed by Tommy’s visit B. nervous about having to stay at home

C. indifferent about being injured D. frustrated with his current situation

35. (4.d) Based on Matthew’s behavior around Sundance, the reader can conclude that Matthew-

A. has never trained a horse before B. plans to ride the horse on the trail ride

C. does not like horses D. understands the horse’s fear

36. (5.d) Where would you most likely find this story?

A. a newspaper B. a fiction magazine

C. online D. a veterinary publication

37. (1.a, 6.c) Reread the story “A Horse for Matthew” and the poem “Pencil.” In two paragraphs, explain each story’s theme and use evidence from the text to support the themes. Compare and contrast the two themes and identify how they are both similar and different.







































































Unicellular unique

Unicorn unison

Unicycle unison

Unidirectional unit

Unify unitard


Triangle trilogy

Triathalon trio

Triceratops tripod

Tricycle trisect




Bicolor bilingual

Bicuspid bimonthly

Bicycle biped

Biennial biplane

Bifocals biweekly


Quadrangle quadrisect

Quadrant quadruped

Quadrennial quadruple

Quadriceps quadruplet




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