That's right, these are totally Pre-Preseason Rankings

2007 Pre Season 4A GIRLS Rankings

By: Ryan Raposo, John A. Ferguson HS (rraposo@)

After spending way too many hours analyzing times, here are the preseason rankings for all of you parents, fans, and athletes out there! Just remember that this includes no new freshman, and we all know that the class of 2011 will definitely make some waves!

4A Girls CC Individual Rankings:

(Rank. Athlete, Grade – School – CC State finish; Track times)

1. Ashley Brasovan, 11 – Wellington - #1 State CC returnee; Track- 10:13, 4:55

2. Emilie Amaro, 12 - Cypress Bay - #2; 10:28, 4:55, 2:21

3. Christal Washington, 12 - South Broward - #3; 5:07, 2:05

4. Chanelle Cox, 11 - Niceville - #4; 11:39

5. Lindsay Lucas, 12 - Taravella - #6; 11:42, 5:13

6. Amanda Perkins, 11 - Spruce Creek - #8; 11:23, 5:02, 2:21

7. Brittany Koziara, 11 - Boone - #9; 11:18, 5:10, 2:24

8. Shelby Hayes, 10 - Buchholz - #5; NO ELITE TRACK

9. Alyssa Burkert, 10 - Ocoee - #7; 11:28, 5:04, 2:20

10. Mariana Lucena, 11 - Cypress Bay - #10; 11:39

11. Hellen Mann, 11 – Melbourne - #22; 11:37, 5:13

12. Meggie Emons, 11 - Winter Park - #11; NO ELITE TRACK

13. Lyndsey Spragins, 12 - Melbourne - #12; 2:19

14. Melanie Novack, 11 - Bartram Trail - #13; 5:14

15. Kelly McCormack, 11 - Sarasota Riverview - #40; 11:37

16. Darcie Stahler, 12 - Lake Brantley - #42; 11:36

17. Cristina Brea, 10 – Lourdes - #36; 11:47, 5:20

18. Brooke Nebel, 11 - Spruce Creek - #17; 5:24, 2:16, 59.8

19. Lauren Lapointe, 10 - Vero Beach - #14; NO ELITE TRACK

20. Bianca Doll, 12 – Bartram Trail - #25; 2:24

Other tops girls to look for, most with elite track times, are:

Juliana Tabares, 12 - Palm Beach Central - #15

Meagan Hoar, 12 – Lourdes - #16

Maria Valdivia, 11 – Braddock - #18

Nastasha Rodriguez, 11 – Lourdes - #19

Laura Levin, 12 - Palm Harbor University - #20

Jillian Gil, 12 – Lourdes - #21

Skyler Wallen, 11 - Miami Northwestern - #23

Julie Cupka, 12 - Vero Beach - #24

Ana Groff, 11 - Winter Park - #26

Callie Cooper, 11 - Bartram Trail - #27

4A Girls CC Team Rankings:

(Rank. Team, Region- Commentary)

1. Our Lady of Lourdes, 4- After last year's second place and after returning their entire Varsity squad from '06 and after picking up two new freshmen poised to crack their top seven; this Bobcat squad will attempt to do something the past two year's teams couldn't. Win it all!

2. Bartram Trail, 1- The Bears were the most surprising team of 2006 with a pre-season ranking of 14th turned into a third place at the State Finals. This strong coaching staff will have their girls ready to run for the state title this year as they return six of their Varsity girls from last year led by Melanie Novack.

3. Melbourne, 2- Last year's State Champs, the Bulldogs bring back a strong four from their Varsity as well as one of the best 1-2 combos in 4A with Spragins and Mann. Will they sit comfortably behind Lourdes and finish strong like last year? We'll see!


4. Boone, 1- The race for fourth in the state is tight, but after a strong track season, Brittany Koziara should be able to lead her fellow Braves into what looks to be another strong CC season. This squad is made up of many Juniors, so expect big things this year and next!

5. Winter Park, 1- Do the Wildcats have what it takes to finish top five in the state again? I most definitely think so. With one of the best reloading programs in all the land, they're in a nice pack with Boone, Cypress Bay, and Winter Springs.

6. Cypress Bay, 3- Led my Emilie Amaro in her senior year and her top 10 teammate Mariana Lucena, the Lightning have the best 1-2 punch in 4A. I once again feel that this Lightning team has what it takes to be top five in the state, so let's see how their 3-5 pack stacks up against everyone else!

7. Winter Springs, 1- The Bears, who weren't even ranked at the beginning of last season, finished strong last year in seventh place; this year, they start right where they left off. This is one of the youngest teams returning in 2007, so get ready!


8. Spruce Creek, 1- This Hawks team is definitely a top ten team in the state with Amanda Perkins leading the way, especially after a strong track season. But I think they're inches away from the pack ahead of them. Can they reach a top five finish?

9. Niceville, 1- Riding the coattails of the handful of team's above them, the Golden Eagles return a strong top three led by Chanelle Cox. But just like last year, I feel the back half of their lineup is struggling to hang with the better teams in the state. Will a strong summer or JV squad prove me wrong? I hope so!


10. Sarasota Riverview, 2- This young Rams team looks to once again finish in the top ten at State. Following a strong track season by Kelly McCormack, let's see how the summer prepared these ladies to compete against the rest of the state.

11. Vero Beach, 2- If I was to assume they're returning their entire State squad, I'd probably rank the Indians eighth overall. But because I'm not sure about four of their athletes, they'll hang tight right behind the top ten until I get more info on them.


12. Miami Southridge, 4- The second team returning their entire top seven, the Spartans look strong enough to chase down some top ten teams. Did I also mention that Jennifer Estime comes back for her last year of eligibility possibly being their #1?

13. Spanish River, 3- The last team returning their entire top seven, can Coach Rothman turn last year's 22nd place finish Sharks into a top 15 or even top 10 team?

14. Coral Springs, 3- Top 20 last year looks to be top 15 this year as the Colts return six runners from their trip to State last year.

15. Palm Harbor University, 2- These Hurricanes appear to again be a top 15 team, but really need to work on their back half to stay on top.

Other than these top 15 teams, the rest of the rankings are wide open. Here are some teams to keep a look out for because we should expect them to show up at the State Finals:

16. Flanagan Falcons, 3- Return 6 from last year's 24th place at the State Finals.

17. Homestead Broncos, 4- Return 5 from last year's 21st.

18. Wellington Wolverines, 3- Return 4 including #1 Ashley Brasovan. 13th last year.

19. Braddock Bulldogs, 4- Return 6 from last year's 16th.

20. Ferguson Falcons, 4- Return 4 from last year's 18th.

21. Gaither Cowboys, 2- Return 4 from last year's 14th.

22. Sickles Gryphons, 2- Return 3 from last year's 15th.

23. Boyd Anderson Cobras, 3- Return 3 from last year's 17th.

Slipping Teams: Coral Reef, 4

Upcoming Teams: Lake Brantley, 1 and Coral Gables, 4

Need Info On: Vero Beach, 2 and any team beyond the top 20!

That's right, these are totally Summer Pre-Preseason Rankings.

By Coach Ryan Raposo – Ferguson High School

When (and if) I do the official Preseason Rankings, I'll take a bunch of other things into account such as track performances and I'll look into all of last years results to pull JV times from all of the teams to see who is moving up.

Anyways, these are your returning top twenty athletes as from state last year:

1. Ashley Brasovan, 11 - 17:01.25, Wellington

2. Emilie Amaro, 12 - 17:14.50, Cypress Bay

3. Christal Washington, 12 - 18:39.55, South Broward

4. Chanelle Cox, 11 - 19:00.44, Niceville

5. Shelby Hayes, 10 - 19:07.05, Buchholz

6. Lindsay Lucas, 12 - 19:08.65, Taravella

7. Alyssa Burkert, 10 - 19:09.15, Ocoee

8. Amanda Perkins, 11 - 19:10.15, Spruce Creek

9. Brittany Koziara, 11 - 19:25.80, Boone

10. Mariana Lucena, 11 - 19:28.05, Cypress Bay

11. Meggie Emons, 11 - 19:31.94, Winter Park

12. Lyndsey Spragins, 10 - 19:37.05, Melbourne

13. Melanie Novack, 11 - 19:40.80, Bartram Trail

14. Lauren Lapointe, 10 - 19:42.05, Vero Beach

15. Juliana Tabares, 12 - 19:46.25, Palm Beach Central

16. Meagan Hoar, 12 - 19:48.75, Lourdes

17. Brooke Nebel, 11 - 19:48.90, Spruce Creek

18. Maria Valdivia, 11 - 19:49.44, Braddock

19. Nastasha Rodriguez, 11 - 19:50.30, Lourdes

20. Laura Levin, 12 - 19:52.30, Palm Harbor University

And after some number crunching, here are what I think the top returning teams should be:

1. Lourdes

2. Bartram Trail

3. Melbourne

4. Boone

5. Cypress Bay

6. Winter Park

7. Winter Springs

8. Spruce Creek

9. Niceville

10. Sarasota Riverview

(Vero Beach might be top 10, but I need info on some of their girls ages)

Other teams returning an entire (and capable) squad and who should be at state again this year are:

Miami Southridge, Spanish River, Coral Springs and Flanagan

More to come later folks!

Coach Montalvo Pre-Season Rankings

– just my two cents worth, I am not the official pollster for 4A…This is my own version of the way I see the rankings for the upcoming season. Remember that the true pollster Ryan Raposo has his own views and maybe he knows something that I don’t…but again this is just my opinion…

1- Melbourne – lost two of their top runners, but returns five very experience athletes who know how to run as a team…in my book they are the State Champions and number 1 team in 4A until someone beats them.

2 - Our Lady of Lourdes Academy – maybe it’s me but I feel we should be ranked lower…but based on the following….this team returns everyone back from last years team…the excuse that they were young will not hold water this year…age, experience and talent are all in place…WHO WILL LEAD this years squad is the key question… what this team does this season is up to them…loads of talent, outstanding potential… but then again “that and a cupcake”….

3 - Bartram Trials - if there is one team out there that can run away from the competition this year this is it…well coached, fast and tight pack running…look for this team to make some noise this year… they lost their number 5 runner, but should reload…

4 - Winter Springs – get the nod over the rest of the field for number 4 in the rankings … they return the core of their team … their one thru 5 gap is an amazing 51 seconds, a scary thought if they get faster and better this year…

5 - Boone – another well coached team, always in the mixed at State. They lose their number 2 runner to graduation, but the rest of the team looks solid.

5 - Sarasota Riverview – lost their number one runner to graduation but return a solid core of runners…I see them making a move further up the ranking…

5 - Cypress Bay – another team returning everyone back, if they get the improvement from their number 3, 4 and 5th runners…watch out…they can walk away with state title in November. They have an excellent one / two up front.

8 - Palm Harbor University – if this team gets it’s number five, six and seventh runners improving and running closer to it’s leaders up front, a top 5 finish is not out of the question..

9 - Vero Beach – unknown losses, but if this team brings everyone back they could be in contention for a high finish in the standings

10 - Spruce Creek – lost their number 7 runner, but returns everyone else, however their 4th and 5th runner need to step it up if they are to compete and stay in the top 10

10 - Winter Park - loses 3 of their top seven from state, but look for them to be in the mix

I’ll try to do the individual rankings sometime later in the week…..

Have fun and it you have your own rankings post them on …..


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