Cellular Respiration & Photosynthesis

Cellular Respiration & Photosynthesis

Examine Details: 1. In what cell organelle does photosynthesis occur? chloroplast 2. What are the three things needed for photosynthesis? Highlight them on the diagram Sunglight, carbon dioxide, water 3. What are two products of photosynthesis? Highlight products oxygen, glucose

4. In what organelle doe cellular respiration occur? mitochondria

5. What are the two things needed for cellular respiration? Highlight oxygen, sugar (glucose)

6. What are the three products of cellular respiration? Highlight products Carbon dioxide, water, ATP

Apply (what you already know)

7. Sketch a model of a typical plant cell and identify the mitochondria and chloroplasts.

8. What will happen to plants that are kept in the dark? Plants will eventually die because plants need sunlight in order to produce food. If there is no access to sunlight energy, the Light Dependent reaction will not take place, therefore water will not split off to release oxygen into the atmosphere or create a H+ ion gradient

9. What will happen if you forget to water your plants? Plants will eventually die because water is a required reactant in the chemical process of photosynthesis. No water means no splitting into H+ ions or oxygen gas. (by product). No H+ ions means there is no positive/negative gradient to drive ADP? ATP with ATP synthase

10. What happens to animals that are deprived of oxygen? Animals will not be able to carry out cellular respiration, where oxygen is required in the ETC stage of cellular respiration. Oxygen acts as the final electron acceptor to drive ADP? ATP

Big Ideas

11. One hypothesis regarding the extinction of dinosaurs is that a meteor hit the earth causing an explosion so powerful that dust blocked out the sun. Consider the model above and explain why would this have caused a mass extinction? Blocking out the sun would cause the inability for primary producers, such as plants, to undergo photosynthesis, therefore not producing its own food necessary for growth and survival. (* See details of question 8) Without these primary producers, consumers or heterotrophs (like us) will not get the food they need which they obtain by eating other organisms. Heteroptropshs are directly dependent on plants as autotrophs for carbohydrate production.

12. When you walk your dog, you are using energy from the sunlight to power this activity. Explain (*Similar to question 11) The sunlight is providing the energy for primary producers to make their own food, utilizing the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and releasing oxygen gas as a byproduct of this process, which is called photosynthesis. The oxygen that is released into the atmosphere is taken in by

organisms such as animals AND plants, as a reactant in the chemical process called cellular respiration. This process utilizes the free available oxygen, along with a sugar (food source) to produce ATP. Without oxygen from the air, we cannot carry out the process of cellular respiration, which means NO ATP Production. The ATP is the chemical energy form that is required to carry ALL cellular processes, including walking your dog and breathing in air.

Essential Question: What is the relationship between photosynthesis and respiration?


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