Notes: RNA and Protein Synthesis

DNA Replication and Protein Synthesis WorksheetAP Biology INFORMATION CAN BE FOUND IN CHAPTERS 16 AND 17 IN YOUR TEXTBOOK.Matching IA. amino acidsC. nucleusE. transcriptionB. replicationD. ribosomeF. translation1. The process of copying DNA.2. The process where proteins are made using the code from mRNA.3. Transcription occurs here.4. Monomers of polypeptides.5. Translation occurs here.6. The process where DNA is read and mRNA is made.Matching II.A. mRNAB. rRNAC. tRNA7. Makes up ribosomes.8. Carries the genetic code from the nucleus to the cytoplasm/ribosome.9. Brings the correct amino acid to the ribosome to make proteins.DNA HISTORY AND STRUCTURE10. Name the scientist(s) responsible for each of the following discoveries.________________________________Bacterial transformation________________________________The base-pair rule________________________________DNA was the hereditary material of viruses________________________________The shape of DNA was a helix________________________________The shape of DNA was a double helix11. In a strand of DNA, the percentage of thymine is 30%. What is the percentage of cytosine in the same DNA strand? ______________12. The two sides of the DNA molecule are held together by ____________________ and ________________________ bonds.REPLICATION 13. With the help of a diagram, explain what is meant by “semi-conservative” replication.14. Replicate the following DNA strand- ATC GTC CCA CAG TGA15. Why does DNA have to replicate itself?16. In what part of the cell does DNA Replication take place? _____________________________________17. DNA Replication takes place during the _____phase of .18. The enzyme that unzips the DNA molecule is ___________________________________19. What enzyme brings in the complimentary DNA strand and proofreads it to make sure it is an exact copy? 20. What is meant by “antiparallel”?21. Distinguish between the leading strand and Okazaki fragments in terms of how they are replicated:22. The enzyme ______________________________________ is the enzyme that creates the new DNA strands after the enzyme ________________________ unwinds the double helix of the parent strands at the replication fork. ____________________________ are special proteins that hold the sides apart as the new strands of DNA are being made. The enzyme _____________________ attaches Okazaki fragments on the lagging strand. The end of the leading strand are shorter than the lagging strand and are lengthened to equal lengths by the enzyme ______________________________.TRANSCRIPTION23. Where does transcription take place? ________________________________________24. What is the role of mRNA?25. What enzyme brings in the matching RNA nucleotides to complement the DNA nucleotide?26. Why is mRNA the messenger for DNA to make a protein?TRANSLATION 27. A codon is a 3-nucleotide sequence of .28. A 3-nucleotide sequence of tRNA is a(n) .29. The start codon is ______, and the stop codons are , , and .30. The start codon codes for the amino acid .31. Translation occurs in the on a . INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET Use the codon chart above to help you determine the amino acid sequences.DNA TemplatemRNAtRNAAmino AcidsTAC GGA CTTAUG CAU UGCCGU AAU UAC32. Complete the table:ProcessLocationPurposeEnzyme(s) involvedBasesDNA ReplicationTranscriptionTranslationMUTATIONS33. Are all mutations harmful? Explain34, List three causes of mutations:35. A change in one base pair in a gene is called a ______________________________ mutation.36. A mutation that does not cause any change to the gene is called a ________________________ mutation.37. A mutation that codes for another amino acid is called a ___________________________ mutation.38. A mutation that changes to a STOP codon is called a ______________________________ mutation.39. While reading a DNA sequence, an insertion or deletion of a base will affect the bases downstream and will cause a __________________________ mutation.40. Distinguish between introns and exons explain why we still have introns in our gene sequence. ................

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