Levantine I Supplement: Week 2 – “Turn on the Meter Please ...

Levantine Arabic Study Guide for Assignment 6

Five College Center for the Study of World Languages – Spoken Arabic Courses

Study guide version: August 2014

Unit II – “Turn on the Meter Please” Functions C and D; review Functions A and B

1. Work through all the textbook materials related to Functions C and D .

2. Listen to and practice all of the audio and video samples. The more Levantine Arabic you hear, the more you will understand. Practice imitating the speakers. It can be helpful to memorize short bits of text or short dialogues.

3. Be prepared to role play situations in which you ask for, receive, and give directions.

How to practice the material for this assignment

Practice Function C:

• Review the vocabulary on page 71.

• Practice asking if establishments (ie. the vocabulary of places) are located in the city by using the word fii. Practice answering “Yes, there is a X. It is (located) Y.” or “No, there is not.”

• Create role plays in which you first ask if something exists “Is there a bank in town?” and then ask how to walk to the bank. Be sure to practice asking questions of the person giving you directions. “Is it the first right or the second right?”

Practicing Function D, Paying for the Taxi:

• Practice asking the taxi driver how much it would cost to go from point A to point B. Vary your destinations and vary the prices.

• What will your reaction be if you think the price named is too expensive.

• What if you and your friend want to split the bill.

• You need to pay the driver, but you only have a large bill. What will you do?

More practice

• Make a list for yourself of the vocabulary you think you will need in order to successfully negotiate taxi riding experiences. Imagine yourself in the various situations in which you might use a taxi and practice the speech you might use. What if you want to take the bus instead? Then what vocabulary will you need?

• Find a map of any city or town (in the U.S. or abroad). Practice giving directions between various places on the map. Bring your map with you to your conversation session.

When you practice on your own, work out these scenarios and be prepared to role play and practice them in your conversation session:

• Be prepared to give directions to places inside a building – such as the library or a large classroom building on your campus.

• Be prepared to look at a new map and talk about where things are.

• Be prepared to role play getting a taxi and telling the driver where you need to go.

• Be prepared to role play situations where you have to discuss money with a taxi driver. The conversation partner will play the role of the taxi driver.

• Imagine you have just taken a taxi from your apartment to a friend’s house. You ask the taxi driver how much you owe him. You don’t have enough money. What are you going to do?

• Pretend that you need to find a cab and then convince the driver to take you to meet your classmates in a nearby town. Negotiate the price.


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