
Name: Date:

Aim: Why do cells divide?

Why do Cells Divide?

• One-celled organisms


• Multi-celled organisms



Aim: How do organisms reproduce by asexual reproduction?

Brain Pop: Asexual Reproduction

1. How do the offspring and parents compare genetically when talking about asexual reproduction?

Asexual Reproduction

• Requires parent

• Offspring are to the parent

• Cells divide by

Advantages and Disadvantages of Asexual Reproduction

•Advantage: is necessary for reproduction

– Ensures the of the species


– No variation means all offspring are (exact copies) of the parent and therefore, all offspring are to disease

|Type of Asexual Reproduction |Definition |Examples |Diagram |

|Binary Fission |One organism divides into two | |[pic] |

| | | | |

| |____________ | | |

| | | | |

| |____________ offspring with | | |

| |identical DNA | | |

|Budding |One organism divides into two | |[pic] |

| |____________ | | |

| |____________ | | |

| |offspring with identical DNA | | |

| |The parent is large and | | |

| |offspring is small. | | |

|Regeneration |Ability to | |[pic] |

| |__________ lost body parts. | | |

|Sporulation |Organisms release small | |[pic] |

| | | | |

| |____________ | | |

| |Each spore is a | | |

| | | | |

| |____________ of the parent plant| | |

|Vegetative Propagation |Asexual reproduction in | |[pic] |

| |____________ | | |

| | | | |

| |Produces ____________ offspring | | |



• Type of cell division when divides into daughter cells

• Each daughter cell has to the parent cell

What is DNA?

• Information located on that determine traits

Structure of DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid)

• Made up of three portions:

• Phosphate group

• 5-carbon sugar - Deoxyribose

• 4 Molecular Bases

– Adenine ( )

– Thymine ( )

– Guanine ( )

– Cytosine ( )

DNA Replication

• Molecular bases (A, T, C, G) match together according to the base pairing rules.

– pairs with ; pairs with

Structure of Chromosomes

• Sister Chromatids - 2 strands

• Centromere - structure which holds together the two chromatid


|Stage |Description of Stage |

|*Interphase* - Not part of mitosis | |

|[pic] |Occurs mitosis |

| | |

| |The cell grows and prepares to divide |

| | |

| |The (copies) |

|Prophase | |

|[pic] |DNA unwinds intro chromosomes |

| |breaks down |

| |separate and |

| |form |

|Metaphase | |

|[pic] |Replicated chromosomes line up in the |

| | |

| |. |

| | |

| |Attaches to a spindle fiber |

|Anaphase | |

|[pic] |Chromosomes pull . |

| | |

| |Moving to opposite ends of the cell |

|Telophase | |

| |Chromosomes unwind |

|[pic] | |

| |Nuclear membranes reappear |

| | |

| | |

| |takes place – |

| | |

| |. forming 2 new cells |

Differences in Plant Cell Mitosis

• Plant cells have

o Spindle fibers form on their own.

• Plant cells have a rigid cell wall

• A forms across the middle of the cell in order for cytokinesis to occur

End Result of Mitosis

• Daughter cells are formed (

• Each daughter cell has the as the parent cell


Aim: How can mitosis lead to a disruption in homeostasis?

Dear 16 Year Old Me

1. Define the term cancer.


• Cells grow and , damaging the parts of the body around them

Types of Cancer

How Cancer Begins

• Something (instructions) inside your cells

– Mutation – change in the DNA

• Causes of mutations (carcinogens):



• Benign tumor

o Abnormal cells remain at original site as a lump

o most do not cause serious problems & can be removed by surgery

• Malignant tumor

o Cells leave original site ( )

▪ carried by blood system to other tissues

▪ start more tumors

o damage functions of organs throughout body


Treatments for Cancer

• Treatments kill rapidly dividing cells

o - poisonous drugs that kill rapidly dividing cells

o - high energy beam kills rapidly dividing cells

Aim: How is the chromosome number maintained?

Types of Cells

• Body ( ) Cells

– Contains the number of chromosomes

– – diploid cell

• Sex Cells ( )

– Contains the normal number of chromosomes

– – haploid cell


• Produces cells with the normal number of chromosomes

– ( chromosomes

– (

• Makes (sex cells)

– Sperm and egg

Try figuring out the haploid/diploid numbers for each of the organisms below!


Meiosis in Males

• Produces 4 sperm cells with HALF the normal number of chromosomes

Key Parts of Meiosis

1. chromosomes

2. Chromosomes line up in

3. Cells divide

4. Chromosomes line up again

5. haploid (n) daughter cells are produced

Crossing Over

• Homologous chromosomes pair up during meiosis I

• Homologous chromosomes overlap and leading to genetic


Independent Assortment

• Chromosomes separate from one another

• Increases genetic


Genetic Recombination

• and Combine maintaining the chromosome number from generation to generation

• Increases genetic


Aim: How can we differentiate Between Meiosis and Mitosis?


|Mitosis |Meiosis |

| Cell Division | Cell Division |

|Involved in Reproduction |Involved in Reproduction |

|Produces genetically cells |Produces cell with |

|2 Diploid Cells |4 Haploid cells |

Aim: How are humans adapted for reproduction?

Male Reproductive System

Testis – Male gonads

• Produces male hormone:

– Controls secondary sex characteristics and the

• Produces sperm by

Scrotum - Sac that holds testis


Vas Deferens

• Tube that carries sperm from testis to urethra

Glands (Seminal Vesicles, Prostate, Bulbourethral’s)


• Tube within the penis

– Releases

Penis - Carries semen into female

Path of Sperm:

Female Reproductive System

Ovaries – female gonads

• Produce

• Produces female hormones:

Fallopian tubes (Oviducts)

• Leads egg from ovary to uterus

• takes place here


• Thick, muscular organ

• each month

• occurs here


• Opening to uterus, dilates 10 cm for birthing baby


• Birth canal

• Receives sperm


Aim: How do hormones regulate the menstrual cycle?

Menstrual Cycle

• Begins at ; Ends at

• Length of average cycle (

• Regulated by

• FSH & LH

• Estrogen & Progesterone

Menstruation Hormones


Hormones: FSH & LH

– Produced by the gland

– Causes in ovary to

– Causes the release of

– High LH levels cause the egg to be from the ovary ( )

– on Day

Egg Maturation in Ovary

HORMONES Estrogen and Progesterone

– of the uterine lining

– Decreasing levels of these hormones cause



• If fertilization does occur, uterine lining is from the body through the vagina on Day

• If fertilization does occur, the egg implants and

Aim: How does an embryo develop?

Sexual Reproduction

• Requires parents

• Offspring are genetically different than the parent -

• Sex cells (gametes) are formed by meiosis


• Occurs in the

• Joining of to produce a


How do Twins Form?

• Identical Twins: One fertilized egg divides into two eggs developing into two separate but identical babies.

• Fraternal Twins: Two different eggs are fertilized by two different sperm


Embryonic Development

• Zygote undergoes divisions and becomes an embryo


Embryonic Development

• Process A + B – – sperm + egg

• Structure C – – fertilized egg

• Process C-E - Series of cell divisions (mitosis)

– Occurs in the and

• Process E -

– Occurs in the


• Unspecialized cells differentiate into cells, tissues, & organs

• Occurs in the


How Does Differentiation Work?

• All cells in your body are created by . so they all have the

• Cells get specialized jobs because specific sections of genes are (expressed).

Aim: How are reproductive technologies used to create life?

Reproductive Technology

• Machines, devices, and technologies used to aid reproduction & development

Why do people need reproductive technologies?

In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

• Sperm and egg are removed from the male & female

Artificial Insemination

• Insert sperm into female’s fallopian tube

• After insertion,

Amniocentesis and Karyotyping

• Tests for in the fetus

Aim: How do fetuses develop in the uterus?

• Placenta

– No mixing of blood

• Umbilical Cord

– Attaches placenta to fetus at navel

• Amnion

– Filled with amniotic fluid

– Provides cushion and protection



Prenatal Care

• Good nutrition: Fruits, Veggies, Prenatal Vitamin

• Moderate exercise

• No smoking, drugs, or alcohol

• Prenatal doctor appointments

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome


• Poor growth

• Decreased muscle tone and poor coordination

• Delayed development

• Heart defects

• Facial Abnormalities:

– Narrow, small eyes with folds

– Small head

– Small upper jaw

– Smooth and thin upper lip with groove

o Spindle fibers form on their own.

• Plant cells have a rigid cell wall

• A forms across the middle of the cell in order for cytokinesis to occur

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Unit 6





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