The US Justice Department has appointed former FBI director

Did Hillary's collusion with Russians backfire on her?It makes no sense for the Russians to have tried to collude with the Trump campaign to get Trump elected. Hillary was “supposed” to win. Hillary would have been the perfect ticket for the Russians. Did Hillary and the Russians collude to defame Trump and the republicans before and after the election? Was Hillary intending on using the allegation that Trump was colluding with the Russians to degrade the Republicans after the election so she could do as she pleased by selling out the United States to Russia? Would Hillary have made this an issue as President, while selling out our country to the Russians by continuing the destruction of our military as Obama did? The Russians were probably just as shocked as Hillary was when Trump won the election that Hillary was the hands-on favorite to win. This makes more sense than the Russians colluding with Trump. Think about it, why would the Russians support someone that was not supposed to win?Why are the Republicans refusing to raise these issues and go on the offensive? Will the republicans raise these issues when Comey appears on Thursday, June 8, 2017 before the Senate or will they cave in to the democrats? What investigation did the FBI do concerning Hillary and Podesta and the Russians?History: Hillary used a private server that had no security protections, just made it easier for the Russians to hack her emails. (I know, Russia hacked the DNC and other government officials but didn’t hack Hillary’s server, no proof. Who did the investigation – FBI & Comey. Of course, the FBI wasn’t going to find any breach of Hillary’s unsecured server.) Who did the investigation into the deaths of Vince Foster and Seth Rich a democrat staffer who allegedly was about to blow the whistle on Hillary? – The FBI / FBI & Comey with Seth Rich.)Obama was caught on an open microphone telling the President of Russia to tell Putin that once he was re-elected he would have “more flexibility” toward Russia. Obama also made it a point that Russia was not a foe when raised by Romney at their debate. Obama defended the Russians. It wasn’t until after Hillary lost the election that Obama complained about the Russians meddling. Why did Obama wait until after the election? Was Obama colluding with the Russians to defame Trump and working with Hillary to defame the republicans after she won the election? Was this a set up gone bad?Hillary had her famous red reset button made just for Russia. Did Hillary inform the State Department and other government agencies that her Clinton Foundation collected 125 MILLION dollars from Russian middle men for the selling of 30% of our uranium to the Russians? How about all the other countries that donated to the Clinton Foundation? I will bet she didn’t. (This is the same thing Flynn is accused of doing and he did not collect anywhere near 125 Million. Double standard.) Also, a lot of countries that donated to the Clinton Foundation got what they wanted from the US State Department and/or got access to Hillary. I bet these countries are no longer donating anymore since Hillary lost.According to Richard Pollock, reporter, John Podesta, Hillary’s 2016 presidential campaign chairman and also Bill Clinton’s chief of staff joined the boards and executive committees of three related Russian entities all being high tech companies. Three months after joining these companies, one of them accepted a 1-billion-ruble investment from Rusnano, a Russian state-run company founded by who else, Vladimir Putin, amounting to $35 million in US dollars.It was also noted in the article that: One potential legal problem for Podesta relates to the time he joined former President Barack Obama’s White House staff in 2014 as a senior counselor and failed to reveal his 2011 Joule stock vesting agreement in his government financial disclosure form. Further, he failed to disclose 75,000 common shares of Joule stock he received, as disclosed in a WikiLeaks email. ?Hillary’s campaign chairman, Podesta, had more direct ties and was more involved with Russia and Putin than any member of the Trump team. Why is there no investigation into this? Comey and the FBI is there to protect Hillary?Between Obama’s, Hillary’s and Podesta’s actions, the Russians would have more on them then they would have on Trump. They have more blackmail material for the Russians to use. The Russians already knew that Hillary could be brought and that she would sell out the United States as she did with the uranium. They also knew the FBI would cover-up for her as documented above and dealing with the Bengazi and the 4 Americans that died that Hillary claimed was based upon a total lie that it was because of a video. See my Rant 11 at . The US Justice Department has appointed former FBI director Robert Meuller to investigate if there was collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign and Meuller has since taken over the criminal probe of Paul Manafort who was with the Trump campaign. Why isn’t Meuller also investigating Hillary, Podesta and her campaign’s possible collusion with Russia and if Russia hacked her unsecured server in her house? Notice, even Obama knew about this unauthorized server and did nothing. It was reported Obama used a pseudonym (fake name) while emailing Hillary Clinton while she was at the US State Department. Obviously, neither Obama or Clinton cared about national security. All the security agencies including the FBI had to know Hillary was using an unsecured server and did nothing about it. Several leading democrats have stated that there is no evidence of any collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign but the democrats keep pushing this narrative and demanded an independent prosecutor. Have you ever noticed that when the democrats are involved in something, they are masters at putting the blame on the republicans and they keep harping on it as if they did nothing wrong and they will cover-up any illegal activity by its members?The question is why isn’t Hillary and Comey being investigated by an independent prosecutor for their actions? Why are the Republicans not doing anything about it, they do what the democrats want when it comes to President Trump? You need to know your rights and how to address these issues in court. Justice4NY - Exposing Judicial Corruption & the Violation of Constitutional RightsJustice4NY – Exposing Judicial Corruption & the Violation of Constitutional RightsCharles E. Collins, III(518) 274-0380Justice 4NY@Read my other scoops! This is scoop #24Like me on face book. (Charles Collins – American Flag waiving) ................

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