Africa Review – Pre-AP

Middle East Review & Africa Vocab. Review - QUESTIONS

| |A |B |C |D |E |

|1 |What event in the 1930s and |Define non-renewable |What is sectarian violence? |Toward which direction do |What is the main type of |

| |1940s prompted Jews to move |resource. Give two examples.| |Muslims pray? |climate region found in |

| |to Israel in large numbers? | | | |Southwest Asia? |

|2 |Which two monotheistic |People who practice Islam are|Which two monotheistic |What is the name of the |Name the monotheistic |

| |religions have dietary |called: |religions share the story of |process of removing salt from|religions in order from |

| |restrictions? | |Jesus’ life? |ocean water? |oldest to youngest |

|3 |Name four ways Middle |Why is the United States not |Which country has a |Which division of Islam has |What does monotheistic mean? |

| |Easterners have modified the|a member of OPEC? |theocratic government? |more followers: Sunni or | |

| |environment because of the | | |Shi’ite? | |

| |lack of water. | | | | |

|4 |Muslims worship in a: |How many Muslims worldwide |Define renewable resource. |What does OPEC stand for? |Why do Middle Eastern |

| | |are NOT Arab? |Give two examples. | |countries want control over |

| | | | | |the Persian Gulf? |

|5 |What do the Palestinians and|What is the significance of |Name the world’s three main |What type of region is the |Type of government led by a |

| |Kurds have in common? |the Persian Gulf? |monotheistic religions. |Middle East? |religious leader: |

|6 |What is the main purpose of |Why is drip irrigation a more|The Middle East sits at the |Who was Mohammed? |Why does the Turkish |

| |OPEC? |efficient use of water than |crossroads of which three | |government have a problem |

| | |pivot irrigation? |continents? | |with the Kurds? |

|7 |Which modern day country |What is the name of the black|Name two disadvantages of |What is the holiest city of |What is Zionism? |

| |contains Mesopotamia? |box at the center of the |desalination? |Islam? Where is it located? | |

| | |great mosque in Mecca? | | | |

|8 |What do Muslims do during the|Israelis speak what language |Which Middle Eastern country |What is the significance of |What does the Kaaba |

| |month of Ramadan? |and practice what religion? |is predominately Shi’ite? |Mesopotamia? |represent? |


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