Linked Into Jobs profile | Linked Into Jobs

Welcome to the LinkedIn Secrets Masterclass! I am excited to do this presentation for you. You may use this workbook to take notes if you wish. IntroductionLinkedIn is the _________________________________ of your online job search.Today’s training will show you:How to stop spinning your wheels with the _______________ ________ recycling themselves over and over again in your inbox.How to stop feeling ___________________ from hearing nothing back from hiring managers.How to feel secure again by having a ___________________ ________________.Without passion, employees will utilize only a _____________________ of their intelligence…and will eventually burn out. (Point: Your perfect job is one you enjoy and are passionate about.)The Holy Grail of this training are the little-known tweaks to get hiring managers and recruiters to choose you over your _______________________________ for sought after positions.Is that something you want? _____yes _______noWhat is the status of your current LinkedIn profile? Please circle the correct letter.I don’t have a LinkedIn profile.I have a profile but it needs work.My profile is great the way it is.In the evolution of hiring processes, the new way is to use _______________ for your job search.Phase 1: Designing a LinkedIn Profile that Converts like CrazyYou must have a _____________________ profile on LinkedIn.You must have a solid ___________________________ in your job search.Biggest problem that jobseekers face today is how to _______________ _________ from the ___________________.You must have a professional ______________ on LinkedIn.Your profile needs to be optimized with your best keywords for your ________________________________ and your ___________________.LinkedIn users with complete profiles get _________% more opportunities.What is the reward you get from LinkedIn for having a complete profile? Your profile gets shown many more times than ______________ __________________ and it gets shown __________________ in the results.Your ________________________ on LinkedIn is your most valuable real estate.You want to pack your headline with your ____________ _________________ so that you can be found.Your headline can contain ______ characters.One of the main things that LinkedIn uses in their search algorithm is your ______________________.Important: Your ________________ and your ________________ show up in each search on LinkedIn.Your summary is your “_____-_______” story.A little know secret about telling your story in your summary: Make it more about the _________________ ________________ and _________________ than about _______________________.Over _______% of the jobseekers make their LinkedIn profile about themselves which is the WRONG WAY to do this.Your “Ah Ha” Story needs to be about your ____________________________ and what you ________ _________ for them.When a hiring manager reads your summary, they should always be able to answer the question: Why Should I ______________You?It is hard to write about ____________________.Phase 2: Strategies That are Working Right Now to Fill Your Inbox with Opportunities That Matter.Most of you spend _______% networking and _______% searching online.You should be spending _______% networking and _______% searching online.____________________ is the best way to enhance your career prospects.The first objective you need to achieve in your network is to get to ________ connections.You want a network full of _________________ people.Targeted connections are based on factors such as _________________ and ____________________.There is a direct correlation between the _____________ of your ____________ and the amount of ________________ to find a _____________.To figure out your average daily profile views, you need to find your number of profile views and divide by _________.There is a rule of thumb that states that it takes __________ good views before you can expect a job offer.Phase 3: Strategies How to Skyrocket Engagement by Creating Trust and Credibility with Your LinkedIn Profile. Two ways to create trust and credibility:1._______________________________________2._______________________________________LinkedIn allows you to add up to ________skills to your profile.Recommendations can only be written by your ______ ____________connections.You only get about ________ seconds to get a recruiter or hiring manager’s attention.Phase 4: How to Double Your Engagement with Recruiters and Hiring ManagersThe biggest misconception when it comes to LinkedIn: When you do a search on LinkedIn that _________ results will come up.The truth is that when you do a search on LinkedIn, only the members of your _________________ will show up in the search results.Recruiters search by ____________________ strings.It is critical that you get your keywords right in order to be _________________.Phase 5: Little Known Tweaks to Get the Hiring Managers and Recruiters to Choose You Over the Competition. Putting your strategic keywords throughout your profile so that your profile ranks near the top in searches is called LinkedIn Profile _________________________.The next step in your job search is not to be the one that gets hired, but rather the one that ______________ ______ ________.Hiring managers, on average, get 120 applications per job.________% of resumes land in the “virtual trash can”.Investing in ___________________ is the best investment you will ever make.Your summary has ____________seconds to make an impact on the reader.Do you want to work with Tammy on The Job Search School? ________It took Tammy _______ years to develop and perfect the job search process.Like anything else in life: The __________________is found in the ____________.The Job Search School will _______________ your learning curve.The website to work with Tammy is: ______________________________.comThe sooner you get back to work and have that _______________ ___________ again, the faster your life is going to _________________ __________________. A = _________________C = _________________T= __________________NOTES: ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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