Courseware Development Tools - MyMeetings


Live Meeting 2007: Registration


Overview 1

Lesson 1: Create and Manage Libraries 2

Lesson 2: Create an Event 22

Lesson 3: Event Reports 42

Information in this document, including URL and other Internet Web site references, is subject to change without notice. Unless otherwise noted, the example companies, organizations, products, domain names, e-mail addresses, logos, people, places, and events depicted herein are fictitious, and no association with any real company, organization, product, domain name, e-mail address, logo, person, place or event is intended or should be inferred. Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of this document may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express written permission of Microsoft Corporation.

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Overview of Live Meeting Registration (Events)

Events are similar to a Television mini-series. The series or event could contain 3 episodes or could contain 5 episodes. The length of the series or event is dependent on the information that needs to be delivered.

You can use the Events feature of Microsoft Office Live Meeting 2007 to organize and conduct large-scale marketing and training sessions.


This course will take 90 minutes to complete.


After completing this course, you will be able to:

Define an Event.

Create and manage event libraries.

Creating an Event.

View Event reports.

Lesson 1: Create and Manage Libraries

When creating an Event using Live Meeting Registration, there are multiple ways you can communicate with a customer. The Library is where you can store the different communications so you are able to mix and match them with different events you create.

Creating Communications in the Live Meeting Event Library

In creating an event, you can choose who presents the event, discover your audience, learn how effective your presentation was and customize the branding by using the following libraries:

• Presenters

• Registration Questions

• Entry Page Questions

• Tests

• Surveys

• Event Brandings


Live Meeting Registration allows you to create a library where Organizers can store a list of items that are used most often when creating events. Organizers and Administrators are only able to see their own library.

1. Log on to Live Meeting Manager using your Live Meeting user login and password. This information, along with the URL for your Live Meeting conference center, is available from your Live Meeting account Administrator.

2. From the My Home page click Events link under the Manage menu.

3. On the Events home page, click on the Libraries link.

| | | |


Live Meeting Registration allows you to assign Presenters to events. Using the Libraries, it is possible to add a list of the most frequent Presenters.

Log on to Live Meeting Manager using your Live Meeting user login and password. This information, along with the URL for your Live Meeting conference center, is available from your Live Meeting account Administrator.

1. From the My Home page click Events link under the Manage menu.

2. On the Events home page, click on the Libraries link.

3. On the Manage Libraries page, click Presenters.

4. In the Presenter Library, click New Presenter.

| | | |

5. On the Create Presenter page, complete the following fields:

• Name

• E-mail address

• Presenter image

• Presenter information

6. Click Submit to save the Presenter.

7. From the Presenter Library page, click Done.

Registration Questions

Live Meeting Registration allows you to ask questions of the customers registering for an event. Using the questions, an Organizer can determine if the registrant should be approved for the event and the Presenters will be able to determine the audience’s background.

1. Log on to Live Meeting Manager using your Live Meeting user login and password. This information, along with the URL for your Live Meeting conference center, is available from your Live Meeting account Administrator.

2. From the My Home page click Events link under the Manage menu.

3. On the Events home page, click on the Libraries link.

| | | |

4. On the Manage Libraries page, click Registration Questions.

5. In the Registration Question Library, click New Question.

| | | |

6. On the Create a new registration question page, choose one of the following types:

|RadioGroupList |Allows registrants to select a single answer from multiple |

| |choices. |

|CheckBoxList |Allows registrants to select multiple answers from multiple |

| |choices. |

|TextBox |Allows user to type a single line of text for an answer. |

|TextArea |Allows user to type more than a single line of text for an |

| |answer. |

|DropDownList |Allows user to select an answer from the drop-down list. |

|ListBox |Allows user to select one or more (using Ctrl) answers from |

| |a list of choices. |

7. Place a check mark next to “This is a required question” if desired.

8. Type the question in the Question field.

9. Enter an answer in the fields listed below the Add button.

10. Depending on the Type of question, you can create multiple answers by clicking the Add button and entering answers in each text box.

11. If an ‘Other’ option is required, place a check mark next to “Include an ‘Other’ option with a text entry field”.

12. Click Save to save the question.

Registration Test – Test the audience of an Event

Using the Test feature, it is possible to measure the audience retention of the meeting information. The process of creating a test includes adding questions and answers for the test.

1. Log on to Live Meeting Manager using your Live Meeting user login and password. This information, along with the URL for your Live Meeting conference center, is available from your Live Meeting account Administrator.

2. From the My Home page click Events link under the Manage menu.

3. On the Events home page, click on the Libraries link.

| | | |

4. On the Manage Libraries page, click Test.

5. In the Test Library, click New.

| | | |

6. On the Create a test page, enter a Title.

7. Enter the Authors name.

8. In the Description field, enter a description of the test.

9. Write out the instructions for completing the test in the Instructions field.

10. Click New under “Test questions and additional information”.

| | | |

11. In the “Create a test question” page, choose one of the following types:

|Multiple select |Allows registrants to select multiple answers from multiple |

| |choices. |

|Single select |Allows registrants to select a single answer from multiple |

| |choices. |

|Fill In The Blanks |Allows user to type a single for an answer. |

|True/False |The user must choose True or False as the answer. |

12. Type in your question in the Question field.

13. Enter an answer in the fields listed below the Add button.

14. To add a field for another answer, click Insert Answer Choice.

15. Mark the correct answer by placing a check mark in the field next to the answer.

16. Click Save to save the question for the test.

17. To add more questions to the test, click New under “Test questions and additional information”.

18. On the Create a Test page, select which questions will be asked for the test by placing a check mark next to the question.

19. Click Save to save the test.

20. Click Done to return to Manage Libraries.

Entry Page Questions

The Entry Page questions allow the Organizer to ask questions from all participants before the join the meeting.

Note: If registration questions are used, the question on the Entry page should be different from the Registration Questions.

1. Log on to Live Meeting Manager using your Live Meeting user login and password. This information, along with the URL for your Live Meeting conference center, is available from your Live Meeting account Administrator.

2. From the My Home page click Events link under the Manage menu.

3. On the Events home page, click on the Libraries link.

| | | |

4. On the Manage Libraries page, click Entry Page Questions.

5. In the Entry Question Library, click New Question.

| | | |

6. On the Create a new entry question page, select a type:

|RadioGroupList |Allows registrants to select a single answer from multiple |

| |choices. |

|CheckBoxList |Allows registrants to select multiple answers from multiple |

| |choices. |

|TextBox |Allows user to type a single line of text for an answer. |

|TextArea |Allows user to type more than a single line of text for an |

| |answer. |

|DropDownList |Allows user to select an answer from the drop-down list. |

|ListBox |Allows user to select one or more (using Ctrl) answers from a|

| |list of choices. |

7. Place a check mark next to “This is a required question” if desired.

8. Type in your question in the Question field.

9. Enter an answer in the fields listed below the Add button.

10. Depending on the Type of question, you can create multiple answers by clicking the Add button and entering answers in each text box.

11. If an ‘Other’ option is required, place a check mark next to “Include an ‘Other’ option with a text entry field”.

12. Click Save to save the question.

13. Click Done in the Entry Question Library.


Surveys could be used to gain feedback of the event from the participants.

1. Log on to Live Meeting Manager using your Live Meeting user login and password. This information, along with the URL for your Live Meeting conference center, is available from your Live Meeting account Administrator.

2. From the My Home page click Events link under the Manage menu.

3. On the Events home page, click on the Libraries link.

| | | |

4. On the Manage Libraries page, click Surveys.

5. In the Survey Library, click New survey.

| | | |

6. Enter a Title for the survey.

7. Type a description of the survey in the Description box.

8. Enter a Thank you message your participants will see once they have completed the survey.

9. Click New under “Survey questions and additional information” to create a question.

| | | |

10. In the Create a new survey question page, choose from the following in the drop-down field.

|RadioGroupList |Allows registrants to select a single answer from multiple |

| |choices. |

|CheckBoxList |Allows registrants to select multiple answers from multiple |

| |choices. |

|TextBox |Allows user to type a single line of text for an answer. |

|TextArea |Allows user to type more than a single line of text for an |

| |answer. |

|DropDownList |Allows user to select an answer from the drop-down list. |

|ListBox |Allows user to select one or more (using Ctrl) answers from a |

| |list of choices. |

11. Place a check mark next to “This is a required question” if necessary.

12. Type in your question in the Question field.

13. Enter an answer in the fields listed below the Add button.

14. To add a field for another answer, click Add.

15. If an ‘Other’ option is required, place a check mark next to “Include an ‘Other’ option with a text entry field”.

16. Click Save to save the question.

17. Click New to add more questions to your survey.

18. Click Save to save the Survey.

19. Click Done to return to Manage Libraries.

Event Branding

1. Branding allows the Organizer to brand event registration pages according to the presentation or the entire event.

2. Log on to Live Meeting Manager using your Live Meeting user login and password. This information, along with the URL for your Live Meeting conference center, is available from your Live Meeting account Administrator.

3. From the My Home page click Events link under the Manage menu.

4. On the Events home page, click on the Libraries link.

| | | |

1. On the Manage Libraries page, click Event Brandings.

2. In the Branding Library, click New Brand.

| | | |

3. Enter a Title for the Brand under Brand name.

4. Use the color picker provided to choose the color for the Header, Left Column body and Page Body background.

|Note: Listed colors use the web-safe palette of 216 colors. |

| | | | |

5. Check the box for Default Branding if you would like to automatically apply this branding to future scheduled events.

6. Click Browse to choose an image, such as a logo, to be added to the branding.

Note: The image will appear in the upper left corner of the page. Live Meeting will compress the branding image to 600 x 150 Pixels.

7. Click Save to save the branding.

8. Click Done to return to the Manage Libraries page.

Activity: Create a Library

In this exercise, you will create an Event Library of Registration Questions, a Test and a Survey.


If an Organizer creates multiple events and each event contains similar requirements, the Organizer is able to create events faster and easier by using a library of items to choose from.

Step 1: Create a Registration Question.

|Step |Action |

| |Log on to Live Meeting Manager using your Live Meeting user login and password. This information, along with the |

| |URL for your Live Meeting conference center, is available from your Live Meeting account Administrator. |

| |From the My Home page click Events link under the Manage menu. |

| |On the Events home page, click on the Libraries link. |

| |On the Manage Libraries page, click Registration Questions. |

| |In the Registration Question Library, click New Question. |

| |On the Create a new registration question page, select RadioGrouplist as the Type. |

| |Place a check mark next to “This is a required question”. |

| |Type the following question in the Question field. |

| |“What is your favorite color?” |

| |Click the Add button 2 times to add two answer fields. |

| |In the Answers field, enter all the following answers. |

| |Red |

| |Blue |

| |Green |

| |Yellow |

| |Place a check mark next to Include an ‘Other’ option with a text entry field”. |

| |Click Save to save the question. |

| |In the Registration Question Library, click New Question. |

| |On the Create a new registration question page, select DropDownList list as the Type. |

| |Type the following question in the Question field. |

| |“How many employees are in your company?” |

| |Click Add twice to add two answer fields. |

| |In the Answers field, enter all the following answers. |

| |0 – 1,000 |

| |1,001 – 5,000 |

| |5,001 – 10,000 |

| |More than 10,000 |

| |Click Save to save the question. |

| |Click Done to return to Manage Libraries. |

Step 2: Create a Test for the audience to perform after the meeting has concluded.

|Step |Action |

|. |Log on to Live Meeting Manager using your Live Meeting user login and password. This information, along with the |

| |URL for your Live Meeting conference center, is available from your Live Meeting account Administrator. |

| |From the My Home page click Events link under the Manage menu. |

| |On the Events home page, click on the Libraries link. |

| |On the Manage Libraries page, click Test. |

| |In the Test Library, click New. |

| |On the Create a test page, enter “Live Meeting Registration Assessment” in the Title field. |

| |Enter your name as the Author. |

| |In the Description field, enter “This assessment will determine your understanding of Live Meeting Registration.” |

| |In the Instructions field, enter “Please complete the test immediately after the presentation.” |

| |Click New under Test questions and additional information. |

| |In the “Create a test question” page, choose Multiple Select. |

| |In the Question field enter “What menus are listed in the Events home page?” |

| |Click Insert Answer Choice twice to add two answer fields. |

| |Enter all the following answers in the answer fields: |

| |New Events |

| |Manage |

| |Schedule Meeting |

| |Libraries |

| |Place a check next to “New Events” and “Libraries” to mark the correct answers. |

| |Click Save. |

| |Click New under Test questions and additional information. |

| |In the Create a test question page, choose Single Select. |

| |In the Question field enter “How many Libraries are listed in the Manage Libraries page?” |

| |Click Insert Answer Choice twice to add two answer fields. |

| |Enter all the following answers in the answer fields: |

| |4 |

| |5 |

| |6 |

| |7 |

| |Place a check next to “6”to mark the correct answer. |

| |Click Save. |

| |Click Save to save the test. |

| |Click Done to return to Manage Libraries. |

Step 3: Create a Survey for the audience to perform after the meeting has concluded.

|Step |Action |

|. |Log on to Live Meeting Manager using your Live Meeting user login and password. This information, along with the |

| |URL for your Live Meeting conference center, is available from your Live Meeting account Administrator. |

| |From the My Home page click Events link under the Manage menu. |

| |On the Events home page, click on the Libraries link. |

| |On the Manage Libraries page, click Surveys. |

| |In the Survey Library, click New Survey. |

| |Enter “Completion of Meeting” in the title field of the Survey. |

| |In the description field, type “Please complete this survey after the meeting has finished.” |

| |Type the following for the thank you message. |

| |“Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your opinion is greatly appreciated.” |

| |Click New under Survey questions and additional information to create a question. |

| |In the Create a new survey question select RadioGroupList list as the Type. |

| |Place a check mark next to “This is a required question”. |

| |For the question, type the following. |

| |“Was the information presented relevant to the topic?” |

| |In the Answers field, enter the following answers. |

| |True |

| |False |

| |Click Save. |

| |Click Save on the Create a Survey page. |

| |Click Done to return to Manage Libraries. |

Review Questions

Completing this lesson should not only give you the understanding of how Presenters, Questions, Tests and Brandings are created, but it also gives the Organizer an arsenal to choose from when creating an event.

1. What are Event Libraries?

Answer: Event Libraries allow an Organizer to store Presenters, Questions, Tests and Brandings so they can be applied to different events.

2. What are tests, pertaining to Live Meeting Registration, and what are some of the benefits?

Answer: Tests are similar to quizzes or assessments. The Organizer is able to create multiple questions and supply the correct answers.

Tests allow the Presenter to see if the audience understood and retained the information delivered. The feature will help Live Meeting in the online training market.

Note: Live Meeting will correct the test and display the answers/responses in a report.

3. What are the differences between a Registration Question versus an Entry page question?

Answer: The Registration Questions are displayed when a customer registers for an event. An Entry page question is displayed to a participant before they join a meeting in an event.

Lesson 2: Create an Event

After performing this lesson, you will be able to explain what an Event is and how create an Event.


There are 5 main steps in creating an event. This lesson will discuss each of the following topics:

• Event Basics

• Event Details

• Event Meeting

• Meeting Elements

• Event Summary

Event Basics

Use the Basics to display what the event is about. The Basics are required in order to create an event.

1. Log on to Live Meeting Manager using your Live Meeting user login and password. This information, along with the URL for your Live Meeting conference center, is available from your Live Meeting account Administrator.

2. On the My Home page click Events link under Manage.

| | | |

3. On the Events home page, click New Event.

| | | |

4. Under “Step 1 – Event Basics (required”), enter the title of the event.

| | | |

5. Enter a description of the Event.

6. Under “The Event has”, choose Live Meeting if the Event will be delivered live or Recorded session if the Event has been recorded and the participants will view the recordings.

7. Under “Registration approval is”, select Manual if you would prefer to manage registrant approval or Automatic approval to have the system automatically approve all registrants.

8. Mark the event Public if you would like all Organizers to be able to view the Event.

Event Details

The Event Details are used to allow the Organizer to communicate with the participant using e-mail notifications and the Event branding, and receive the participant’s demographic using questions from Registration Form, Entry Questions and a Survey.

1. Click Registration Form from the Create a New Event page, and choose the personal information you will request from the registrant. The Registration Form also includes a section to add Registration Questions.

| | | |

2. Click E-mail Notification to choose and modify the communications that will be sent to Organizers, Presenters and Registrants.

|Notification |Description |

|Confirmation Emails |Inform registrants that they have been approved to |

| |attend event. |

|Approval Denied Emails |Inform registrants that their registration has been|

| |declined. |

|Presenter notifications |Send meeting pointers and event details to |

| |Presenters. |

|Event Organizer alerts |Alerts the Organizer to pending approvals. |

|Post meeting notifications |Include surveys, and post meeting notes. |

|Post meeting notifications for non-Attendees |Used to follow up with registrants that did not |

| |attend the event. |

| | | |

3. Click Entry Questions to ask questions of the participants of the meeting. From the Entry Questions page, new questions could be created or questions from the Library could be added.

| | | |

4. Click Event Branding to brand the event. From the Edit Branding page, a new brand could be created or an existing brand could be chosen from the Library.

| | | |

5. Click Surveys to add a Survey to this event. From the Event Survey page, a new survey could be created or an existing survey could be chosen from the Library.

| | | |

Event Meetings

An event could be similar to a television mini-series where it could have 3 shows or it could contain 7 shows. Every event must have at least one meeting.

1. Click New Meeting from the Create a New Event page to schedule a meeting. The scheduling includes Start and End date and time, Registration close Date and seats available.

Note: The phone number used for meetings will be the Organizers default conference call number, listed from their Meeting Options.

| | | |

2. Click Save to save the meeting for the Event.

3. Since one event is like a TV mini-series, it is possible to create multiple meetings for the event. Click New Meeting to keep adding meetings to the event.

Note: To verify the Meeting Details and options, Click Here under Meeting Details.

Meetings Elements

Meeting Elements are items that can be added to enhance the Event.

1. Click Event Presenters from the Create a New Event page to add a Presenter to the event.

| | | |

2. Attach event materials or handouts under Meeting Handouts. A link to the Handouts will be included in the confirmation e-mail and Handouts will automatically be uploaded to the meeting. Attendees will be able to download the material directly to their computer.

3. To add a test to your Event, click Tests to create a new test of add one from the library.

| | | |


View the event information and perform the following from the Summary page:

|Send E-mail |Send Invites |

| |Send invitations to possible participants to register for the event. |

| | |

| |Send Updates |

| |Send updated event information if needed. |

| | |

|Preview |Registration Page |

| |View the registration page. |

| | |

| |Entry Page |

| |View the entry page. |

| | |

| |Survey |

| |View the Survey page. |

| | |

|Manage Registrants |Approve or decline registered participants. |

|Edit Event |Modify the event. |

4. Click Summary from the Create a New Event page save the event and view the event summary page.

| | | |

Publish Now

The event must be published before participants may be invited or register for an event.

| | | |

Activity: Create an Event

In this exercise, you will create a new Event.


This activity will guide you through how an event is created, so you will be able to instruct a customer if they need assistance or explanation.

Note: The activity includes adding elements that were created in Lesson 1 of the training “Managing Libraries”

Step 1: Event Basics

|Step |Action |

| |Log on to Live Meeting Manager using your Live Meeting user login and password. This information, along with the |

| |URL for your Live Meeting conference center, is available from your Live Meeting account Administrator. |

| |On the My Home page click Events link under the Manage. |

| |On the Events home page, click New Event. |

| |Under “Step 1 – Event Basics (required”), enter the title “ Live Registration Event”. |

| |For the description, type |

| |“This training event will help the student see the possibilities of using the Live Meeting Registration tool.” |

| |Under “The Event has”, choose Live Meeting. |

| |Under “Registration approval is”, select Manual. |

| |Mark the event Public so all other Organizers are able to see your event. |

Step 1: Event Basics

|Step |Action |

| |Click Registration Form under Event Details. |

| |In the Update Registration Form place a check mark next to the following: |

| |Prefix |

| |Initial |

| |Department |

| |Street Address 2 |

| |Country/Region |

| |Phone |

| |Fax |

| |Custom2 |

| |Click Remove at the top of the form. |

| |Click OK to the warning message “Are you sure you want to remove the selected items from the form?” |

| |Place a check mark under “Required” for the following: |

| |Company |

| |City |

| |State |

| |Zip Code |

| |Modify Custom 1 by typing “Mobile Phone” in the Display As field. |

| |Change the Order Number to display the fields in the following order: |

| | |

| |Note: When you change the order number of a field, the fields will trade order numbers. |

| | |

| | |

| |First Name |

| |Last Name |

| |E-mail address |

| |Custom 1/Mobile Phone |

| |Title |

| |Company |

| |Street Address 1 |

| |City |

| |State/Province |

| |Zip Code |

| |Click Set as default. |

| |On the Update Registration Form page, under Registration Questions, click Insert Existing. |

| |On the Registration page questions from the library page, select “How Many employees are in your company?” and |

| |“What is your favorite color?” |

| |Click Assign. |

| |Click OK to the question “Are you sure you want to assign selected questions(s) to event? |

| |Click Done. |

| |Click Done on the Update Registration Form page. |

| |Click E-mail Notification on the Create or Edit Event page. |

| |On the Notifications page, click Registrant Denial to modify the denial email. |

| |On the Registrant Denial page, verify the subject list the event title. |

| |Type the following in the Message field. |

| |“Due to the high demand of this event, we must decline your registration at this time. You have been placed on a |

| |wait list and we will notify you once a seat has become available. |

| | |

| |Thank you.” |

| |Enter your email address in the “Reply to address” field. |

| |Click Save. |

| |From the notifications page, click the preview icon for the Registrant Denial notification. Notice the location |

| |of your message from step 23. |

| |Click Done to return to the Notifications page. |

| |Place a check mark next to Registrant Denial, Pending Request and Post meeting note to Attendees. |

| |Click Save. |

| |Click Event Branding. |

| |Click New Branding link from the Event Branding page. |

| |In the Create a new Branding page, enter “ branding” for the Brand Name. |

| |Click the Header background color icon. |

| |Click a color from the Web Palette tab. |

| |Click the Left Column body background color icon. |

| |Click a color from the Web Palette tab. |

| |For the Branding image, place an image from the Sample Pictures located under your My Documents folder. |

| | |

| |Click Browse in the Create Presenter window. |

| | |

| | |

| |Click My Documents in the Choose file window. |

| | |

| | |

| |In the My Documents folder, open My Pictures. |

| | |

| | |

| |In the My Pictures folder, open Sample Pictures. |

| | |

| | |

| |Click a picture to select it. |

| | |

| | |

| |Click Open to add the picture to the Presenter page. |

| | |

| |Click Save in the Create a New Branding page. |

| |Note: You will need to wait till the image has been uploaded. |

| | |

| |Click Done on the Event Branding page. |

| |Click Surveys from the Create or Edit Event page. |

| |Click Insert Existing Survey from the Event Survey page. |

| |Select “Completion of Meeting” survey which was created from Lesson 1. |

| |Click Assign. |

| |Click OK to “Are you sure you want to assign the survey to this event?” |

| |Click Done from the Event Survey page |

Step 3: Event Meeting

|Step |Action |

| |Click New Meeting under Step 3- Event Meetings from the Create or Edit Event page. |

| |Add “- Session 1” to the title of the meeting so it displays as “ Live Registration Event – Session 1”.|

| |Choose today’s date as the Start and End date. |

| |For the Start time, select 1 hour from your current time. |

| |Select 5 PM as the End time. |

| |Choose today’s date and 5PM for the Registration Close Date. |

| |Change the Time Zone to the current zone you are in. |

| |Verify 5 is listed in the seats field. |

| |Click Save to save the meeting. |

| |Add a second meeting to the event. Click New Meeting under Step 3 from the Create or Edit Event page. |

| |Add “- Session 2” to the title of the meeting so it displays as “ Live Registration Event – Session 2”.|

| |Choose tomorrows date from the current date for the Start and End date. |

| |Select 8 AM as the Start time. |

| |Select 5 PM as the End time. |

| |Choose tomorrows date and 5PM for the Registration Close Date. |

| |Change the Time Zone to the current zone you are in. |

| |Verify 5 is listed in the seats field. |

| |Click Save to save the meeting. |

Step 4: Meeting Elements

|Step |Action |

| |Click Event Presenters under Step 4- Meeting Elements from the Create or Edit Event page. |

| |Click New Presenter on the Event Presenters page. |

| |Complete all fields on the Create Presenter page with your information. |

| |For the Presenter image, place an image from the Sample Pictures located under you My Documents folder. |

| | |

| |Click Browse in the Create Presenter window. |

| | |

| | |

| |Click My Documents in the Choose file window. |

| | |

| | |

| |In the My Documents folder, open My Pictures. |

| | |

| | |

| |In the My Pictures folder, open Sample Pictures. |

| | |

| | |

| |Click a picture to select it. |

| | |

| | |

| |Click Open to add the picture to the Presenter page. |

| | |

| |Place a check mark next to All to select both meetings. |

| |Click Save. |

| |Note: There may be a delay as the Presenter image must be uploaded to the server. |

| | |

| |Click Done to return to the Create or Edit Event page. |

| |Click Meeting Handouts. |

| |On the Meeting Handouts page, click New Handout under Meeting Handouts. |

| |On the Handout Add/Edit page, click Browse to attach a file as a handout. |

| |Note: Attach a picture located at My Documents | My Pictures | Sample Pictures. |

| | |

| |Enter a description of the file you attached in the Handout Description field. |

| |Under Assign Handouts to event meetings, place a check mark next to Select All. |

| |Click Save. |

| |Note: This uploads the file to the server. |

| | |

| |After the file has been uploaded, click Done. |

| |Note: The results should display Successfully Uploaded. |

| | |

| |Click Done on the Meeting Handouts page. |

| |Click Test from the Create or Edit Event page. |

| |On the Event Test page, click Insert Test. |

| |On the Test Library page, select the test you created in Lesson 1. |

| |Note: The title should be “Live Meeting Registration Assessment”. |

| | |

| |Click Assign. |

| |On the Associate event meetings page, place a check mark next to “Send score by e-mail” and “Display answer key at|

| |the end of the test”. |

| |Place a check mark to both meetings listed. |

| |Click Save. |

| |Click Done on the Event Test page. |

Step 5: Save and Publish the Event

|Step |Action |

| |On the Edit and Create event page, click Publish Now from the Create or Edit Event page. |

| |On the Event Summary page, place your mouse over Send E-mail to see you can Send Invitations or Send Updates. |

| |Place your mouse over Preview to see you can view the Registration page, Entry Page and Survey. |

| |On the Event Summary page, click Done. |

| |You should receive a Presenter invitation. |

Activity : Participate in an Event

In this exercise, you will work with another student to verify your Event was configured correctly and can be attended.


This activity will be a continuation from Activity 1.

After creating an event in Activity 1, you will send another student an invitation to register for the event, approve the registrant and attend the training. The registrant will need to complete the registration process, join the meeting, retrieve the handouts and complete the Survey.

Step 1: Join Session 1 of an Event

|Step |Action |

| |Log on to Live Meeting Manager using your Live Meeting user login and password. This information, along with the |

| |URL for your Live Meeting conference center, is available from your Live Meeting account Administrator. |

| |On the My Home page click Events link under the Manage. |

| |On the Events home page, the event you created in activity one should be listed. Click the title of the event. |

| |Note: The title should be “ Live Registration Event”. |

| | |

| |Under the Event Summary page, place your mouse over Send E-mail and click Send Invites. |

| |On the Send E-mail Invitations, in the To field enter your partners email address. |

| |Type “Live Meeting Registration Training” in the subject field. |

| |In the Message field, type “Please use the link listed in this email to register for the event.” |

| |Click Send. |

| |Have the participant click the registration link from the invitation. |

| |Instruct the participant to register for both sessions. |

| |The participant should fill out the registration form and answer the questions. |

| |Once the participant clicks Register on the page, you should receive an email notifying you someone has registered|

| |for the event. |

| |In the notification email, click the link below “To approve or reject these approvals, visit…”. |

| |Log into the conference center. |

| |Under Manage, click Events. |

| |On the Event page, click the number under Pending Approvals. |

| |On the Manage Registrants page, place a check mark next to the registrants name for both meetings and click |

| |Approve. |

| |Click OK for “Are you sure you want to approve the selected registrant(s)?” |

| |Notice the Approval Count have increased by one on the Manage Registrant page. |

| |Click Done. This will direct you to the Event Summary page. |

| |The participant should have received an invitation to add the Event to their calendar. |

| |Have the participant click on the link after “Join us by clicking on…”. |

| |Instruct the participant to download the Handout from the meeting console to their computer After they joined the |

| |meeting. |

| |Using the Presenter invitation you received when you published the event, click the link to join the meeting as a |

| |Presenter. |

| |Note: If you did not receive the Presenter Invitation, check your Junk Mail folder. If the invitation is not in |

| |the Junk Mail folder, verify you entered your email address correctly in the Presenter profile. |

| | |

| |From the Event Summary page copy the Survey link. |

| |In the meeting console, start a web slide. |

| |In the console, in the Content panel, click Share then select Web Page. |

| |In the New Web Page window, paste the Survey link and click Verify Web Page. |

| |Once you have verified the survey appears, click Create Web Page. |

| |Instruct the participant to complete the survey. |

| |Note: Their confirmation number is listed in their invitation. |

| | |

| |Direct the participant to exit the console. |

| |Exit the console. |

Step 2: Complete the Test

|Step |Action |

|. |From the Presenter invitation, under Event Information, click the Test link. |

| |Log into the Tests and Test Results page using your email address. |

| |On the Test page, click Event Description in the left menu bar. |

| |Under Event Test copy the URL listed for Session 1. |

| |From the console, in the Content panel, click Share then select Web Page. |

| |In the New Web Page window, paste the Test link and click Verify Web Page. |

| |Once you have verified the survey appears, click Create Web Page. |

| |To Start the test you must log into the test. Select Presenter next to Sign-in as:. |

| |Enter the Entry Code and Meeting ID. This can be found in the Presenters invitation below the Test and Survey |

| |link. The Entry code is the Meeting Key. |

| |Once the Presenter is logged in, he must click Start to allow the Attendees start/perform the test. |

| |Have the Attendee log into the test by selecting Attendee next to "Sign-in as:" and enter their email address in |

| |the field specified. |

Step 3: Respond to the Survey

|Step 3 |Respond to the survey |

| |From the Presenter invitation, under Event Information, copy the Survey link. |

| |From the console, in the Content panel, click Share then select Web Page. |

| |In the New Web Page window, paste the Survey link and click Verify Web Page. |

| |Once you have verified the survey appears, click Create Web Page. |

| |Instruct the participant to complete the survey. |

| |Note: Their confirmation number is listed in their invitation. |

| | |

| |Direct the participant to exit the console. |

| |Exit the console. |

Review Questions

Completing this lesson provides the information and practice to explain what an Event is and how create an Event.

1. What are the five main steps in creating an Event?

Answer: Event Basics, Event Details, Event meetings, Event Elements, Save and Preview.

2. What is the overall purpose and commonality of all the items listed in the Event Details?

Answer: All items in the Event Details section are used to communicate with the audience before and after the meeting.

3. After the event has been published, the Organizer is supplied three URLs, what are the URLs for?

Answer: Update Registration Form, Survey and Handouts.

Lesson 3: Generate Event Reports

The Event Reports display information about the participants of and the Event itself.


An Organizer will review the reports to:

• Compare who registered versus who attended.

• View the audience demographic.

• Determine how much information was retained by viewing the test results.

• Determine the success of the Event by viewing the Survey.

Event Reports

The Reports contain all the responses from the registrants. This includes the Demographic Questions (Registration Form), Registration Responses, Entry page Responses, Survey Responses and Test questions.

1. Log on to Live Meeting Manager using your Live Meeting user login and password. This information, along with the URL for your Live Meeting conference center, is available from your Live Meeting account Administrator.

2. On the My Home page click Events link under the Manage.

3. On the Events home page, click Event Reports.

| | | |

4. On the Reports page, click the event title.

5. Click the Reports icon for each individual meeting that was held for the event.

| | | |

6. In the meeting report, click the plus “+” sign next to each registrant to review how the registrant responded to each question. This information includes Demographic Questions (Registration Form), Registration Responses, Entry page Responses and Survey Responses.

| | | |

7. Click Download to CSV to export the report to a spreadsheet format.

Note: The spreadsheet contains all the information listed on the web page.

8. Click Test Results – to view results for a specific event.

Activity: View a Report

In this exercise, you will view the report for the event you scheduled in Lesson 2.


An Organizer will view a report throughout an event to see who will be the audience.

Step 1: View the Report

|Step 1 |View the Report |

| |Log on to Live Meeting Manager using your Live Meeting user login and password. This information, along with the |

| |URL for your Live Meeting conference center, is available from your Live Meeting account Administrator. |

| |On the My Home page click Events link under the Manage. |

| |On the Events home page, click Event Reports. |

| |On the Reports page, click “ Live Registration Event” (the event title you created in Activity 1 of |

| |Lesson 2). |

| |Click the Reports icon for meeting that was attended in Activity 2 of Lesson 2. |

| |In the meeting report, click the plus “+” sign next to each registrant to review how the registrant responded to |

| |each question. |

| |Note: The registrant should be the person you partnered with in Activity 2 of Lesson 2. |

| | |

| |Click Download to CSV to export the report to a spreadsheet format. |

| |Return to the Report page for the meeting. |

| |Click Test Results – Live Meeting Registration Assessment to view the test results. |

| |Click Done. |

| |Click Done. |

| |Click Survey Reports on the Reports page for your event. |

| |Click Done. |

Review Questions

Reports are used for many reasons but an Organizer may use the reports to give them a better understanding of the audience and the Presenter may be able to incorporate the information in their next event.

1. How is the report organized?

Answer: Per a registrant/participant.

2. What information is listed in a report?

Answer: All the questions and responses to the questions.

3. What report is listed separately from the participant?

Answer: The Survey.



• Understand what an Event is.

• Create a library in order to create events faster.

• Learn how to create Events.

• View reports associated with an event.


• Introduction to different features of an Event.

• Create an Event library.


• Describe the Event Library.

• Discuss how an Event Library is used.

• Understand the differences between Registrations Questions and Entry Page questions.


• Create an event.

• Understand the different sections of an event.

• Be able to describe each section of an event.

• Save and preview event.


• List the topics of an event.

• Understand the differences in requesting registration information.

• How to request customers to register for an event.


• How to review reports.

• Understand what information is delivered in the reports.

• View the test results.


• [pic]$%&0}˜š›

z²P,Z[–Ÿ°¸¼û3Understand how information is organized in a report.

• Information that is available in a report.

• Reports that are available.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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