Confidential Ad Hoc Notes from Global Platform June 2007

Global Network of NGOs

Ad Hoc Meeting in Geneva 7th June 2007, 6-7pm


1. Intro and what this meeting is not

2. Introduction to the Steering Group

a. Representation

b. Endorsement

3. Global Network ToR

4. Activities towards the next Global Platform


|Action Aid International |Ms. Yasmin McDonnell |

| |Mr. John Abuya |

|Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) |Mr. Loy Rego |

|Asian Disaster Reduction and Response Network (ADRRN) |Mr. Manu Gupta |

|Ayuda en Accion |Ms. Maria Jesus Izquierdo |

|Bangladesh Disaster Preparedness Center (BDPC) |Mr. Saidur Rahman |

|BOND Disaster Risk Reduction Group |Ms. Oenone Chadburn |

|Care International |Mr. Paul Borsboom |

| |Mr. Didier Young |

|Center for Disaster Preparedness (CDP) |Ms. Lorna Victoria |

|Christian Aid |Ms. Bina Desai |

| |Ms. Sarah Moss |

|Concern Worldwide |Mr. William Devas |

|Construction Resource and Development Centre |Ms. Carmen Griffiths |

|Duryog Nivaran |Ms. Vishaka Hidellage |

| |Mr. Ramitha Wijethunga |

|Earthquake and Megacities Initiative (EMI) |Ms. Violeta Seva |

|Estrategia NGO - Peru |Ms. Luz Maria Sanchez Hurtado |

|Focus Humanitarian Assistance |Mr. Hadi Husani |

|Groots International / Huairou Commission |Ms. Suranjana Gupta |

| |Ms. Sandy Schılen |

| |Mr. Jan Peterson |

|InterAction Working Group on DRR |Ms. Rebecca Scheurer |

|IFRC |Mr. Antony Spalton |

|International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR) |Mr. Philip Emmanuel Pentaflor |

|International Medical Corps (IMC) |Ms. Nazare Albuquerque |

| |Ms. Mary Pack |

|Intervida World Alliance |Ms. Cristina Velazquez |

| |Mr. Cédric Metrat-Depardon |

|Japan Platform (JPF) |Mr. Koji Takamatsu |

|Mercy Corps |Ms. Susan Romanski |

|NGO Committee of Mental Health |Ms. Judy Kuriansky |

| |Ms. Inka Weissbecker |

|Oxfam International |Mr. Jacobo Ocharan |

| |Ms. Marilise Turnbull |

|Plan International |Mr. Nick Hall |

| |Mr. Sven Coppens |

|Practical Action (former ITDG) |Mr. Pieter Van Den Ende |

|ProAct Network |Mr. David Stone |

| |Mr. Pasi Rinne |

|Provention Consortium |Mr. Bruno Haghebert |

|RADIX |Mr. Ben Wisner |

|Risk Red |Ms. Marla Petal |

|Save the Children |Ms. Venetia Bellers |

|Tearfund |Mr. Marcus Oxley |

| |Ms. Sarah la Trobe |

|VOICE Working Group on DRR |Mr. Richard Weaver |

|World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) |Mr. Larry Roeder |

|World Vision International |Ms. Lemma Tenagne |


1. Introduction

Introduction by Oenone Chadburn from BOND DRR Group (UK NGO Network) and a summary of what the meeting was trying to achieve as there was only 1 hour for the meeting

• It was not going to reflect on the outcomes of the Global Platform (GP), there were other spaces and forums which would do this.

• It was not going to discuss the outcomes of the previous meeting held on the Tuesday as that had been an attempt to define the outlines of a common NGO position for the Wednesday and Thursday of the GP

• The meeting was to gain an endorsement for the membership of the current core group, plus to brainstorm activities which the core group discuss at a later stage.

2. Steering Group

The attendees were reminded about the initiating Global Network meeting which happened in Geneva last October 2006 (see for full minutes and documents). This meeting resulted in an initial core group being set up and they developed a ToR for the Global Network. The wider attendees were introduced to the core group members who were available (see names and organisations in bold above) and the meeting was informed that Marcus Oxley of Tearfund had volunteered to be Chair of the Global Network for the next 2 years.

Other members of the core group who were not in attendance are as follows.

• Ms. Adelia Branco - IRHA (

• Ms. Melisa Bodenhamer – World Vision International (Melisa_Bodenhamer@)

Note, the chair of Interaction is Susan Romanski. Interaction’s representation on the Core Steering Group is currently in addition to Melisa Bodenhamer representing the Emergency Capacity Building Project. The latter is an interagency project, whose members are part of the newly created Interaction DRR Network Group. Steering group representation to be reviewed to ensure equitable and balanced representation – see below

2a. Representation

It was agreed that the one of the first jobs of the Steering Group was to widen their membership to between 12-15 members which would include an active search for Latin American, African and Caribbean representation. Attendees were asked to nominate other geographic specific networks working on DRR. Initial nominations for the core group to discuss are below.

▪ VOICE/EU-CORD offered to be a network member of the Steering Group as broader European representative. Link person Richard Weaver.

▪ Ayuda En Accion offered to be a network member of the Steering Group (initially suggested by Action Aid) as Latin American representative. Link person Maria Jesus Izquierdo

▪ Oxfam International offered to be another member of the Steering Group but were perfectly happy to bow out if we felt there were too many people. Link person Jacobo Ocharan

▪ Susan Romanski was going to chase up an African network she was aware of.

▪ Ben Wisner offered to be an ad hoc advisory member of the Steering Group

2b. Endorsement

The wider group were requested to endorse the “core group” as the initial Steering Group to take forward the Global Network activities. This was unanimously accepted. Marcus Oxley was also endorsed as chairman of the Global Network for an initial two year period.

3. Global Network ToR

Version 3 of the ToR was circulated for people’s information. It was agreed that they were wide reaching although it was reminded that these are not intended to be an action plan, but an outline of what could be undertaken by the Steering Group. It was agreed that there had to be a plan of action for the next 2 years in build up to the next Global Platform with the ultimate goal to get more civil society engagement at the Platform with meaningful representation.

Feedback on the ToR was requested from the attendees and they were given a 1 month deadline. One key question: where can a Global Network add value over and above regional and national networks?

Action: Feedback required by 27th July 2007 to marcus.oxley@

4. Brainstorming on Actions

Immediate follow up post Global Platform

▪ Feedback on Chairman’s summary statement for membership who attended Global Platform (i.e. those on list) to be sent soonest to Sarah.LaTrobe@

▪ There was a general request that NGOs had the opportunity to feedback on Global Review 2007 written by Andrew Maskey to UNISDR

▪ Feedback to Ben Wisner on the value and impact of the Global Platform as a process. This review should help inform the way ahead for next 2 years as well. E-mail address:- bwisner@

Thematic Sub-Groups/Focal Points

There was a general discussion on priorities for the Global Network and how to incorporate themes within the work of the Network. It was agreed to have focal points who would take forward the co-ordination of cross cutting themes. No more discussions were held about what this would look like but so far volunteers to co-ordinate on these issues are below.

▪ Health/Mental Health, Inka Weissbecker inka.weissbecker@

▪ Environment Resilience, Larry Roeder lroeder@

▪ Gender, Suranjanagroots@

Other Actions which were suggested for the Steering Group to follow up

▪ Develop relationship between regional/national platforms

▪ Relationship between DRR and the new Thematic Platform on Climate Change under the Global Platform

▪ Update the NGO Position Paper ahead of future key events

▪ General communication and information dissemination with wider network (web pages etc)

▪ Discussions on what information should be circulated at the global level – would we be adding value or are we replicating what other do

▪ Review and debate the concept of a community facility (the suggestion had come from one of the formal workshops but some expressed concern).

▪ Discuss research on volume of money NGOs are putting into CB DRR to “shame” governments

▪ Relationship of Global Network to UNDP South-South Facility

▪ ACDP (Loy Rego) offered to link the network down to some national level networks.

▪ Translation of all documents into Spanish and French

▪ Create an outline action plan, draft working budget for Global Network and discuss funding from UNISDR and others


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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