Moon Township

DRAFTWednesday, April 1, 2020April 1, 2020 REGULAR MEETING AGENDAAuditoriumMoon Township Municipal Building1000 Beaver Grade RoadMoon Township, PA 151087:00 PMCall Meeting to OrderChairman David Bachman called meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.Procedural: A.?Pledge of AllegianceProcedural: B.?Roll CallMembers Present:James Vitale, John Hertzer, Albert Quaye, Allan Bross, David BachmanC.?Executive Session AnnouncementChairman David Bachman announced that prior to the Board Workshop Meeting on March 25,?2020,?the Board of Supervisors held an executive session to discuss the following matter:Real Estate Discussion (Advice of Legal Counsel Exception).Chairman David Bachman announced that following the Board Workshop Meeting on March 25,?2020,?the Board of Supervisors held an executive session to discuss the following matter:Real Estate Discussion (Advice of Legal Counsel Exception).D.?Public Comments on Agenda Action ItemsTownship Manager Dawn Lane announced that if there any questions on the Agenda Action items, the Board will be accepting public comments at the end of the meeting that were received by the email address provided. 2.?Guests / Presentation - Presentation: A.?Recognition – Tree City USA – Arbor Day Foundation Names The Township of MoonSupervisor Allan Bross read letter from Tree City USA recognizing the Township of Moon being named a 2019 Tree City USA by the Arbor Day Foundation in honor of its commitment to effective urban forest management. The Tree City USA program is sponsored by the Arbor Day Foundation in partnership with the U.S. Forest Service and National Association of State Foresters. Presentation: B. Proclamation – Arbor Day – April 24, 2020Supervisor Albert Quaye read a proclamation recognizing the celebration of Arbor Day on April 24, 2020.3.?Approval of MinutesA.?Call for a motion to APPROVE / DENY / TABLE the minutes of the February 26, 2020 Workshop Meeting, the March 4, 2020 Regular Meeting and the March 18, 2020 Special Meeting.Motion to APPROVE the minutes of the February 26, 2020 Workshop Meeting, the March 4, 2020 Regular Meeting and the March 18, 2020 Special Meeting.Motion by James Vitale, second by John HertzerFinal Resolution: Motion CarriesYes: James Vitale, John Hertzer, Albert Quaye, Allan Bross, David Bachman4.?Action ItemsAction Item: A.?Call for a motion to APPROVE/DENY/TABLE Resolution R-13-2020 directing and authorizing the Township Manager to sign all agreements entered into with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Transportation related to the Electronic Access Agreement for Pennsylvania Crash Information Tool on its behalf.Motion to APPROVE Resolution R-13-2020 directing and authorizing the Township Manager to sign all agreements entered into with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Transportation related to the Electronic Access Agreement for Pennsylvania Crash Information Tool on its behalf.Township Manager Dawn Lane gave a brief update on Resolution R-13-2020 related to the Electronic Access Agreement for Pennsylvania Crash Information Tool with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Transportation. Ms. Lane stated this agreement allows the Moon Township Police Department to access the Pennsylvania Crash Information Tool.Motion by Allan Bross, second by James VitaleFinal Resolution: Motion CarriesYes: James Vitale, John Hertzer, Albert Quaye, Allan Bross, David BachmanAction Item: B.?Call for a motion to APPROVE / DENY / TABLE the quote received from Pyrotecnico Fireworks, Inc. to provide fireworks on Independence Day.Motion to APPROVE the quote received from Pyrotecnico Fireworks, Inc. to provide fireworks on Independence Day.Township Manager Dawn Lane gave a brief update on the Pyrotecnico Fireworks proposal to provide fireworks on Independence Day. Ms. Lane stated the proposal if for years 2020, 2021, & 2022 with a cost of $15,000 and with option years 2023 and 2024 cost of $15,500. Supervisor Albert Quaye asked if the Township has ever considered televising fireworks. Ms. Lane referred to the MCA-TV Communications Department. MCA-TV Communications confirmed that they have been televising the fireworks show for years.Motion by Albert Quaye, second by James VitaleFinal Resolution: Motion CarriesYes: James Vitale, John Hertzer, Albert Quaye, Allan Bross, David Bachman5.?Township Manager's Report / Public AnnouncementsReport: A.?Manager's ReportTownship Manager Dawn Lane announced the following:Ms. Lane announced that today, April 1, 2020 is Census Day. As a reminder, Census Day is a key reference date for the 2020 Census that is observed nationwide, but Census Day is not like Election Day. She stated that respondents can still respond after Wednesday, April 1st. Ms. Lane stated if a household has not yet responded online, they will receive a paper form in the mail starting next week. Ms. Lane asked for help to get the word out to constituents. She stated the Census is important to the community, and all responses matter.Township Manager Dawn Lane announced that Management under the direction of the Board of Supervisors has taken steps to ensure the operation of the government is still functioning while at the same time taking every precaution to make sure that the staff serving you is working under the safest conditions possible during the COVID-19 outbreak. The following adjustments to day-to-day operations have been made:The administrative office building is closed to walk-in customers. Anyone needing to drop off paperwork is asked to call the office to make arrangements drop off at an alternative entrance. It is also encouraged that all individuals use the Township website for the download of forms and to use email to return completed forms for review. The Office hours for administration, which includes, Community Development, Code & Zoning, Finance, Parks & Recreation, MCA-TV and Community Engagement & Sponsorship have been changed. We will be operating on the following schedule: Monday through Thursday – 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. through April 30th.The staff has also been divided into two crews of which will work either a Monday-Wednesday, or Tuesday-Thursday schedule in the office. While not in the office, all employees are equipped to answer phone calls and respond to emails from home.The Public Works personnel have been divided into two crews. The importance of this is to reduce the number of employees working together at one time. Public Works is an essential function of the Township and perform daily operations that maintain a safe and secure roadway system, stormwater system and park system to name a few. The Public Works Department will be in operation from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. to continue providing these services.Ms. Lane stated the Township greatly appreciates the patience through this time and please know that we are here to answer any question you may have.Township Planning Director Scott Brilhart gave a brief update on the efforts the Community Development Department are taking to create a safe environment of all the employees. Mr. Brilhart stated they are making every effort to be compliant with Governor Wolfe’s orders. Mr. Brilhart stated that the Department is not accepting walk-ins from the general public. He stated they are still accepting and reviewing permit and land development applications. He stated all forms can be downloaded. Mr. Brilhart stated forms can be either mailed or arrangements have been made for a drop off box at the Township. Mr. Brilhart stated they are making every effort to communicate everything via email or by phone. He stated there will not be any in person meetings at this time. Mr. Brilhart stated that all Code Enforcement requests are being handled and are being prioritized based on the safety of the citizens. Mr. Brilhart stated that inspections will not be performed in occupied buildings. He stated inspections are being performed as requested and job sites must be vacant during an inspection. Mr. Brilhart stated that all electrical inspections performed by the third part electrical inspector are not being provided currently unless deemed to be an emergency. Mr. Brilhart stated they advised all contractors that they need to be working in compliance with the Governor’s orders. He stated if the construction project has received a waiver through the PA Department of Community and Economic Development, they need to provide the Township with a copy of the waiver. Mr. Brilhart stated the Planning Commission and Zoning Hearing Board Meetings have been cancelled for the Month of April. Mr. Brilhart stated that Engineering inspections are being performed on an emergency basis. Moon Township Chief Police Greg Seamon gave a brief update on the department’s operational changes and modifications in order to protect the officers and the community. Chief Seamon stated that their operational changes have been posted to Facebook and the website. Chief Seamon assured the residents that they are still responding to emergency calls. He stated the department will still be receiving phone calls for general information, requests, and complaints, but will determine at that time whether it can be handled over the phone or something that they need to respond to. He stated that all appropriate precautions will be taken at the time of response. He stated they are trying to minimize contact with the public such as walk-ins and prefer calling first. Chief Seamon stated they have suspended indefinitely any fingerprinting services, child safety seat installation, department tours, soliciting permits in order to minimize their contact with the public. Chief Seamon gave a brief update on the Moon Township Police Dispatch screening process in order to protect the officers and the residents. Chief Seamon stated the dispatcher will ask the following questions: Have you recently traveled anywhere recently domestically or internationally?Have you had any contact with anyone who has been diagnosed or exposed to the COVID 19 virus?Are you experiencing any symptoms?Do you have a compromised immune system or anyone in the household?Chief Seamon stated he has met with Moon Township Fire Chief John Scott, and the Valley Ambulance Authority to discuss the precautions and safety measures they will take when handling calls. Chief Seamon stated he has also contacted the Assistant Living Facilities to discuss with them how calls will be handled. Chief Seamon stated they have been fortunate to have safety equipment on hand and were prepared. He stated they were able to obtain more from local businesses who have helped the first responders. He stated they are able to get more from Allegheny County Emergency Services if needed. He stated they have been working closely with Allegheny County Emergency Services regarding information sharing. He stated they have availability for testing if needed. Chief Seamon stated all officers have access to all safety equipment, sanitizers, and cleaning supplies. He stated all officers have a “to go bag” that includes all safety equipment and supplies. Chief Seamon stated that officer vehicles are wiped down before and after each shift. He stated they had a company come in and sanitize all the vehicles, entrance ways, lobby, gym area and jail cells. Chief Seamon stated they are practicing social distancing the best they can. Chief Seamon gave a brief update on essential and non-essential businesses. He stated if they receive complaints of possible violations, they will verify it and document it. He stated the courts are closed at this time. Chief Seamon gave a brief update on the Stay at Home Order. He stated everyone seems to be cooperating. He stated they are not conducting random searches. Chief Seamon gave a brief update on the court process due to closure. He stated they have been filing everything by summons via U. S. Mail. He stated they are currently holding on to all charges and citations until courts reopen. Chief Seamon thanked the residents for cooperating and for the residents who have dropped off food to the officers. Township Manager Dawn Lane announced that Governor Wolfe announced that all 67 Pennsylvania Counties will be under a “Stay at Home Order” effective tonight at 8:00 p.m. Ms. Lane stated that if anyone would like additional information concerning the operations that are considered essential or exempt information is posted on the Township website and website. Motion to Pay the BillsAction Item: A.?Motion to pay the bills printed from the General Fund dated between March 26, 2020 through April 1, 2020 in the amount of $67,506.38.Motion to pay the bills printed from the General Fund dated between March 26, 2020 through April 1, 2020 in the amount of $67,506.38.Motion by John Hertzer, second by Albert QuayeFinal Resolution: Motion CarriesYes: James Vitale, John Hertzer, Albert Quaye, David BachmanAbstain: Allan Bross - Supervisor Allan Bross abstained from voting on payment of the bills because the bill register includes a bill from Moon Township Ford which he is affiliated with. (Record on file dated April 1, 2020).Action Item: B.?Motion to pay the bills printed from the Capital Reserve Fund dated between March 5, 2020 through April 1, 2020 in the amount of $196,551.23.Motion to pay the bills printed from the Capital Reserve Fund dated between March 5, 2020 through April 1, 2020 in the amount of $196,551.23.Motion by James Vitale, second by Albert QuayeFinal Resolution: Motion CarriesYes: James Vitale, John Hertzer, Albert Quaye, Allan Bross, David BachmanAction Item: C.?Motion to pay the bills printed from the Liquid Fuels Fund dated between March 5, 2020 through April 1, 2020 in the amount of $101,012.11.Motion to pay the bills printed from the Liquid Fuels Fund dated between March 5, 2020 through April 1, 2020 in the amount of $101,012.11.Motion by James Vitale, second by John HertzerFinal Resolution: Motion CarriesYes: James Vitale, John Hertzer, Albert Quaye, Allan Bross, David BachmanAction Item: D.?Motion to pay the bills printed from the Stormwater Fund dated between March 26, 2020 through April 1, 2020 in the amount of $1,129.63.Motion to pay the bills printed from the Stormwater Fund dated between March 26, 2020 through April 1, 2020 in the amount of $1,129.63.Motion by John Hertzer, second by Albert QuayeFinal Resolution: Motion CarriesYes: James Vitale, John Hertzer, Albert Quaye, Allan Bross, David Bachman7.?Comments from the AudienceInformation: A.?Audience CommentsMr. Jim Copenhaver – Jackson Road - Emailed his comment. Mr. Copenhaver thanked the Board of Supervisors and Staff for recognizing Arbor Day. He also stated trees are going to be excavated for Victoria Ridge. He stated this will impact runoff. Mr. Copenhaver stated tree are essential in this area. He requested that the Board consider this relevant in their decisions. 8.?Remarks from the SupervisorsA.?Supervisor RemarksSupervisor Allan Bross – Mr. Bross thanked Moon Township Police Chief Greg Seamon and his department for a great job in keeping our residents and the community safe. He stated that the community is definitely adhering to the rules. Supervisor Albert Quaye – Mr. Quaye encouraged all small businesses to access the links on the website to the CARE ACT and other government assistance during this time of shutdown. Mr. Quaye thanked Township Manager Dawn Lane, Staff and Police Chief Greg Seamon for taking all the appropriate actions to keep both the employees and residents safe. Supervisor John Hertzer – No commentSupervisor James Vitale – Mr. Vitale stated he would like to echo Supervisor Ablert Quaye. Mr. Vitale thanked the Staff, Police Department and Emergency services for being responsible and doing a great job. He stated personally as citizens everyone should look at their neighbors and loved ones and talk to them on the phone, email, or text to let them know you are thinking about them. Supervisor David Bachman – Mr. Bachman commented on the Arbor Day announcement and thanked the Green Tree Team Moon Township staff members; Lora Dombrowski, Amy Ottaviani and John Scott. 9.?Motion to AdjournAction Item: A.?Adjourn MeetingMeeting was adjourned at 7:39 p.m.APPROVED:THE 6TH DAY OF MAY 2020__________________________Dawn Lane, Township Manager(Seal) ................

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