Find the tools and circle them. Words can be horizontal ...

Carpenter Tools Word Search Item 4349

Name _______________________________

Carpenter Tools

Find the tools and circle them. Words can be horizontal, vertical, diagonal, forward or backwards.

bevel drill


Word List

nail saw horse

pencil tape measure

plane hammer


g x l o m i y a p a e r e r o n s a u e a r v e p e n c i l y q u s g m s i u z r c s s t a u m l q p b q b a a k w v a i w u w n e x m w h q h a x g a m h a j g o n w n n t e r e h y i r v w y k p h n e n e e s y i a a o a l e r y z e n n t s l d r i l l q s t v d p h e g b e v e l f h

Alphabetize the tools in the word list. 1. ___________________________ 2. ___________________________ 3. ___________________________ 4. ___________________________ 5. ___________________________

6. ___________________________ 7. ___________________________ 8. ___________________________ 9. ___________________________ 10. ___________________________

Copyright ?2009 T. Smith Publishing. All rights reserved.

Graphic ?2009 Jupiterimages Corp.

Carpenter Tools Word Search Answer Key Item 4349

Carpenter Tools

Find the tools and circle them. Words can be horizontal, vertical, diagonal, forward or backwards.

bevel drill


Word List

nail saw horse

pencil tape measure

plane hammer


gxlomiyapaer e r o n s a u e a r v e p e n c i l y q u s g m s i u z r c s s t a u m l q p b q b a a k w v a i w u w n e x m w h q h a x g a m h a j g o n w n n t e r e h y i r v w y k p h n e n e e s y i a a o a l e r y z e n n t s l d r i l l q s t v d p h e g b e v e l f h

Alphabetize the tools in the word list. 1. bevel 2. drill 3. hammer 4. nail 5. pencil

6. plane 7. saw 8. saw horse 9. square 10. tape measure

Copyright ?2009 T. Smith Publishing. All rights reserved.

Graphic ?2009 Jupiterimages Corp.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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