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Physics Review 7.P.1 [1066087]StudentClassDate1.The car is described as traveling east at 30 km/h.From which reference point in the diagram is the motion of the car most likely being described? ??A.1 ??B.2 ??C.3 ??D.4 ???2.Alex is writing down notes as he watches his friend Carla in a bicycle race. He makes the following notes.Which notes show that Carla’s bicycle is in motion? ??A.1, 2, and 5 ??B.1, 2, and 3 ??C.2, 3, and 5 ??D.2, 3, and 4 ???3.Isaac Newton discovered the three laws of motion. Which example best illustrates Newton’s?third law of motion, which describes action and reaction forces? ??A.a rocket takes off from the ground ??B.a book slides forward on a seat when the car stops ??C.a heavier ball falls at the same speed as a lighter ball ??D.a vehicle rounds a curve and changes its acceleration ???4.A skateboarder runs for a few steps and then jumps on his skateboard. His initial applied energy carries him across a level?surface for about 30 seconds. The skater notices that he has skated a long time without ever having to push off the ground again.What allows the skateboarder to move so long without pushing? ??A.Gravity?does not?act on the skater and board. ??B.The?texture of the skating surface is very rough. ??C.Momentum increases as the length of time increases. ??D.There is little?friction between wheels and surface. ???5.A ball on a cart is moving at a rate of 2 m/s. The cart suddenly stops and the ball continues to travel in the same direction at the same speed. This is an example of the ?? of gravity. ??B.first law of motion. ??C.second law of motion. ??D.third law of motion. ???6.When riding a roller coaster, an electric motor pulls the roller coaster to the top of the first hill. What force pulls the roller coaster down the hill? ??A.friction ??B.speed ??C.gravity ??D.mass ???7.Which statement best describes the motion of an object that is being subjected to two forces of equal magnitude in opposite directions? ??A.The object is accelerating in the direction of the motion. ??B.The object is at rest or moving at a constant velocity. ??C.The object is accelerating at a rate that depends on the magnitude of the forces. ??D.The object starts from rest and then begins to move at a constant velocity. ???8.During class the teacher showed an enlarged image of a small piece of sidewalk. The students saw that the sidewalk was rougher than they had previously thought.Which effect would the rough surface have on a box that is pulled along the sidewalk? ??A.It would reduce the amount of work that is performed when pulling the box. ??B.It would oppose the force that is being applied to the box when it is pulled. ??C.It would decrease the resistance between the forces that are pulling the box. ??D.It would help reduce the force of gravity when the box is pulled. ???9.When the two forces are applied?to the moving bus, the bus will??e to a complete stop because of unbalanced forces. ??B.accelerate because of unbalanced forces. ??C.slow down because the forces are balanced. ??D.move at a constant speed because the forces are balanced. ???10.Use the diagram to answer the question that follows.Two forces act on the block of wood as shown. In which direction will the block move? ??A.??B.??C.??D.???11.Dennis conducted an investigation on the effect of friction on a toy car. Dennis had a ramp that he moved onto four different surfaces. During each trial, he rolled the toy car down the ramp and measured the distance the car traveled from the bottom of the ramp. He repeated the investigation three times on each surface. His data are shown in the table.Toy Car Rolling Distance Surface Distance(cm)? Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 ?Wood? 18? 20? 18? ?Blacktop? 16? 15? 15? ?Gravel? 10? 10? 8? ?Sand? 8? 7? 6? Based on Dennis’s results, what should he conclude? ??A.The toy car rolled farther on gravel than on sand ??B.The toy car rolled the greatest distance on wood. ??C.The toy car rolled the shortest distance on gravel. ??D.The toy car rolled farther on sand than on blacktop. ???12.Which statement best explains why a car that is rolling on a level surface will eventually come to a stop? ??A.Frictional forces?oppose the motion of the car. ??B.Forward motion slowly runs out as energy is expended. ??C.The natural state of an object is to be at rest. ??D.Inertia acting on an object will dissipate. ???13.Two forces are applied to a wooden box as shown below.Which statement best describes the effect these forces have on the box? ??A.The box does not move. ??B.The box moves to the right. ??C.The box moves to the left. ??D.The box moves straight up. ???14.Brandon pushes an object on a ramp as shown in the diagram.While Brandon pushes the object and it remains in contact with the ramp, which force has the greatest effect on causing it to slow? ??A.the applied force ??B.a frictional force ??C.the force due to gravity ??D.a force of air resistance ???15.Marisa and Dakota were investigating air friction. Marisa dropped a ball, a pen, a sweatshirt, and a flat sheet of paper from the same height. Dakota recorded the amount of time it took each object to reach the ground. Which object most likely took the longest amount of time to reach the ground? ??A.the pen ??B.the ball ??C.the sweatshirt ??D.the sheet of paper ???16.In a billiards game, the white cue ball hits the black ball, moving the black ball to the right while the cue ball moves to the left.If the action force is applied by the cue ball to the black ball, which force is the reaction force? ??A.the force of gravity on the cue ball ??B.the friction applied by the table to?the cue?ball ??C.the force applied to the black?ball by the?cue ball ??D.the force applied by the stick to the cue ball ???17.A student applies a 10 N force to a wood block with a mass of 5 kg. The block is pushed across four different surfaces. The accelerations of the block are recorded.Block Acceleration Data Surface Acceleration(in meters persecond?squared)? 1? 1.6? 2? 1.4? 3? 1.8? 4? 1.3? Which can be concluded from the information in the table? ??A.The block moved for the longest time over Surface 3. ??B.The block showed the least friction?on Surface 3. ??C.The block had the greatest weight on Surface 4. ??D.The block had the largest inertia on Surface 4. ???18.The box is being pushed to the right with a force of 300 newtons, and to the left with a force of?400 newtons.?Which is the net force on the box? ??A.300 newtons ??B.400 newtons ??C.700 newtons ??D.100 newtons ???19.A 60-kg man and a 25-kg boy, both on roller skates, push off of each other using their hands. Which of these describes the motion of the two people? ??A.The man moves farther and faster than the boy. ??B.The boy moves farther and faster than the man. ??C.The man moves farther but the same speed as the boy. ??D.The boy moves faster but the same distance as the man. ???20.A cart accelerates at a rate of 5.0when acted on by a net force of 25 N. What is the magnitude of the acceleration of the cart when acted on by a force of 75 N to the east and 35 N to the west at the same time? ??A.7.0 ??B.8.0 ??C.15 ??D.22 ???21.A student reads his paper on friction to?the class. Which statement should he include in his paper if he wants to present accurate information? ??A.Friction increases mechanical advantage. ??B.Friction opposes the direction of movement. ??C.Friction makes movement of an object easier. ??D.Friction reduces the amount of work used to?move an object. ???22.In the diagrams the arrows represent forces exerted on the boxes. Which diagram represents a box that will remain stationary? ??A.??B.??C.??D.???23.An object is being subjected to four forces as shown.What is the magnitude of the net force acting on the object? ??A.x ??B.2x ??C.3x ??D.9x ???24.Two people are pushing a car. One person is pushing with a force of 450 N and the other person is pushing with a force of 300 N. What information is needed to determine the net force applied to the car by the people? ??A.the direction of the road ??B.the direction of the forces ??C.the weight of the two people ??D.the weight of the automobile ???25.The best example of balanced forces is a ?? increasing speed. ??B.bus parked in a garage. ??C.ball kicked along a flat surface. ??D.roller coaster slowing down on an incline. ???26.Two girls are pulling on opposite ends of a thick rope. Both girls pull on the rope with the same force but in opposite directions. If both girls continue to pull with the same force, what will most likely happen? ??A.One girl will pull the other toward her. ??B.Both girls will stay in the same place. ??C.Gravity will cause the rope to sag. ??D.The rope will break. ???27.The drawing shows a?cup on a table.Which statement best describes the relationship between the cup and the table? ??A.The?cup is accelerating faster than the table. ??B.The?cup is pushing on the table. ??C.The?cup is doing work on the table. ??D.The forces on the?cup are unbalanced. ???28.A student pushed a toy truck on a flat surface that was 10 meters long. At the end of the surface was a wall. The first time he pushed the toy truck, it traveled 4 meters.How far would the toy truck travel if friction was eliminated? ??A.the total distance of the flat surface ??B.less than the original distance ??C.twice the original distance ??D.the same distance ???29.A student measures the acceleration of a stone block on a level surface when?the block?is acted upon by a known force. What additional information is needed to precisely calculate the block’s mass? ??A.the block’s density ??B.the amount of friction ??C.the mass of the surface ??D.the direction of motion ???30.A student pushes a shopping cart filled?with groceries. The cart has a mass of 12?kilograms (kg). The student pushes the cart with a force of 15?newtons (N). Assuming the ground is frictionless, how fast will the cart accelerate until the student stops applying the force? ??A.??B.??C.??D.???31.Which sentence could not explain why the first place swimmer was faster than the second place swimmer? ??A.The winner experienced less water resistance. ??B.There was more gravitational pull on the winner. ??C.Friction slowed down the second place swimmer. ??D.There was more force in the winner’s kicks and strokes. ???32.A boat is acted on by a river current flowing north and by wind blowing on its sails. The boat travels northeast. In which direction is the wind most?likely applying force to the sails of the boat? ??A.west ??B.east ??C.north ??D.south ???33.A brick is resting on a level, smooth surface. When a student applies a horizontal force of 5 N to the brick, the force of friction on the brick is also 5 N. Which statement best describes the effect of these two forces on the brick? ??A.The net force on the brick is 0 N, and the brick begins to move. ??B.The net force on the brick is 0 N, and the brick remains at rest. ??C.The net force on the brick is 10 N, and the brick begins to move. ??D.The net force on the brick is 10 N, and the brick remains at rest. ???34.Angela blows air into a balloon and holds the end of it closed with her fingers. When she lets go of the end of the balloon, Angela observes that the release of the air propels the balloon.The propelling of the balloon from the release of the air is an example of which of Newton’s laws? ??A.For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. ??B.A force of attraction exists between any two objects with mass. ??C.The force of an object is the product of its mass multiplied by its acceleration. ??D.An object in motion tends to stay in motion unless an unbalanced force acts upon it. ???35.At Time 1, a force of F1 is applied to the left side of a block. The block moves to the right with a constant acceleration. Then at Time 2, a smaller force, F2, is applied to the right side of the block while F1 is still being applied.What will most likely happen to the block at Time 2? ??A.It will stop completely. ??B.It will begin to accelerate to the left. ??C.It will accelerate to the right at a faster rate. ??D.It will continue to accelerate to the right at a slower rate. ???36.The illustration shows the relative motion of an airplane wing and the air around it.What is the best explanation for why?the wing is curved on top? ?? decrease downward pressure of air above the wing ?? increase downward pressure of air above the wing ?? decrease downward pressure of air below the wing ?? increase downward pressure of air below the wing ???37.When?a space shuttle orbits Earth and?returns home, a force opposes its motion. What is the source of the opposing force? ??A.friction from the atmosphere ??B.the velocity of the shuttle ??C.the mass of the shuttle ??D.gravity from Earth ???38.A boat moves forward through water with a force of 5,100 newtons (N). The water resists with forces equaling 4,800 N. What is the net force acting on the boat? ??A.300 N ??B.4,800 N ??C.5,100 N ??D.9,900 N ???39.Which mass is undergoing the greatest amount of acceleration? ??A.1 kg subjected to a force of 1 N ??B.1 kg subjected to a force of 100 N ??C.100 kg subjected to a force of 1 N ??D.100 kg subjected to a force of 100 N ???40.The diagram shows three forces being applied to a crate on a floor.If the crate is to remain stationary, what amount of force must be applied for z? ??A.800 N ??B.1200 N ??C.2000 N ??D.2400 N ???41.A soccer ball is placed at the center of the soccer field.If a strong wind is blowing from the west to the east, in which numbered direction should a player kick the soccer ball in order to have the best chances of making it into one of the goals? ??A.1 ??B.2 ??C.3 ??D.4 ???42.When the roller coaster rolls onto a flat section of track, what force would ultimately bring it to a stop if no other forces are added? ??A.gravity ??B.weight ??C.friction ??D.acceleration ???43.The diagram shows two fans blowing air on a ball.What is the net force acting on the ball? ??A.??B.??C.??D.???44.A ball rolls across the floor and slows down to a stop. Which force caused the ball to slow down? ??A.friction ??B.gravity ??C.magnetic ??D.inertia ???45.Two students?are pushing a sofa across a room.What is the net force applied to the sofa by the students? ??A.150 N ??B.200 N ??C.250 N ??D.400 N ???46.The diagram shows two force vectors.Which statement best describes the vectors? ??A.The vectors are pulling in opposite directions. ??B.The force vectors will represent balanced forces. ??C.The magnitudes of the force vectors are the same. ??D.The net force of these vectors will be unbalanced. ???47.The following diagrams show various forces acting on a car.??? The car in Diagram 1 is moving. Using the appropriate term balanced or unbalanced, explain what will happen?to the car when the forces are applied as shown.??? The car in Diagram 2 is at rest. Using the appropriate term balanced or unbalanced, explain what will happen?to the car when the forces are applied as shown.??? The car in?Diagram 3 is at rest. Using the appropriate term balanced or unbalanced, explain what will happen?to the car when the forces are applied as shown.??? Identify what would be needed in order to balance the force in Diagram 4. ?????48.During a collision, a seat belt slows the speed of a crash dummy. What is the direction of the net force exerted by the seat belt compared to the direction of the crash dummy’s motion? ?? the same direction ?? a vertical direction ?? a downward direction ?? the opposite direction ???49.Over which substance will the wooden box move most easily? ??A.??? ??B.? ??C.? ??D.???50.If a leaf and a dime are dropped from the same height, what force will cause the leaf to fall more slowly? ??A.frictional force ??B.centripetal force ??C.gravitational force ??D.electromagnetic force ???51.Alice lifted 5?bricks a height of 4?meters (m) each. Each brick weighed 110?newtons (N). What was the total amount of work for Alice to move the bricks? ??A.20 joules ??B.440 joules ??C.550 joules ??D.2200 joules ???52.The picture shows an investigation conducted by Galileo many years ago. He learned that the speed of each ball increased as it fell, and that the balls fell at the same average speed.Which of these statements is best supported by Galileo’s investigation? ??A.Air resistance affects all objects equally. ??B.Friction slows the acceleration of falling objects. ??C.All falling objects accelerate toward Earth at the same rate. ??D.Objects with greater mass exert more force than objects with less mass. ???53.During a demonstration on falling objects, a science teacher explained to the class that all objects acted upon by gravity alone will fall at the same rate. The teacher then took two identical sheets of paper and crumpled one of them into a ball and left the other sheet in its flat form. The teacher dropped the crumpled and flat sheets of paper from the same height and at the same time. Which statement best explains why the crumpled sheet landed on the floor before the flat sheet landed on the floor? ??A.The crumpled sheet weighed more than the flat sheet. ??B.The crumpled sheet weighed less than the flat sheet. ??C.More air resistance acted on the crumpled sheet than on the flat sheet. ??D.Less air resistance acted on the crumpled sheet than on the flat sheet. ???54.A student pushes a box to slide it across the floor. Which statement explains why the box begins to move? ??A.The weight of the box is greater than the force of friction. ??B.The weight of the box is less than the force of friction. ??C.The applied force is greater than the force of friction. ??D.The applied force is?less than the force of friction. ???55.Some race cars are equipped with parachutes to help bring the car to a stop.Which most likely causes the change in the velocity of the race car? ??A.a balanced force exerted by the parachute ?? increase in the force exerted by the car ??C.a net force of zero between the car and parachute ?? unbalanced force between the car and parachute ???56.A car is traveling on a highway at a constant velocity. Which statement best describes the forces acting on the car? ??A.The forces acting on the car are balanced. ??B.The forces acting on the car are in the same direction. ??C.The forces acting on the car are continuing to increase. ??D.The forces acting on the car are equal to the force of gravity. ???57.The?diagram shows?forces acting on a ball at the same time.Which arrow best shows the direction that the ball will move? ??A.??B.??C.??D.???58.Which is an example of balanced forces? ??A.a door starting to open ??B.a basketball being held ??C.a truck beginning to accelerate ??D.a book falling off a table ???59.Two students pull on a rope with 100 N in opposite directions. If the student on the left increased her force to 125 N, the rope would most likely ??A.go from rightward acceleration to leftward acceleration. ??B.go from motionless to leftward acceleration. ??C.decrease its leftward acceleration. ??D.decrease its rightward acceleration. ???60.The block shown is accelerating in the direction of the 10-N force at a rate ofWhat is the magnitude of force X? ??A.1 N ??B.5 N ??C.10 N ??D.20 N ???61.In a game of tug-of-war, the people on each team pull with the amount of force shown.In which direction will the center of the rope go? ?? the west because the net force is greater in this direction ?? the east because the net force is greater in this direction ?? the west because the net force is less in this direction ?? the east because the net force is less in this direction ???62.Two forces of 400 newtons (N) each are acting on a box.Which statement best describes the forces at work? ??A.The net force applied is zero. ??B.A contact force resists movement. ??C.The net force applied is unbalanced. ??D.A contact force moves the object to the left. ???63.In which of the following cases would a decrease in friction be?most beneficial? ??A.the friction between the shoes of a jogger and the jogging track ??B.the friction between the wheels of a car and the surface of a road ??C.the friction between a rotating pulley and the axle that supports the pulley ??D.the friction between a rotating pulley and the rope that is used with the pulley ???64.A 6-N force and an 8-N force act at a 90-degree angle to each other on the same object. What is the magnitude of the net force acting on the object? ??A.2 N ??B.5 N ??C.10 N ??D.14 N ???65.An object is traveling to the right. Which of the following shows a force acting on the object that will increase the speed of the object? ??A.??B.??C.??D.???66.Four forces act on a box as shown.What is the magnitude of the net force on the box? ??A.3 N ??B.5 N ??C.22 N ??D.37 N ???67.Which statement best compares a parked car with a car moving along a straight line at a constant speed? ??A.There are no forces acting on either car. ??B.Only the moving car is being subjected to forces. ??C.Both cars are being subjected to balanced forces. ??D.Only the parked car is being subjected to balanced forces. ???68.A student walking quickly while carrying an orange on his lunch tray stops suddenly. The orange will most likely roll off the tray due to ??A.inertia of the orange. ??B.centripetal force of the orange. ??C.the friction acting on the orange. ??D.the balanced forces acting on the orange. ???69.A baseball player swings his bat and hits a ball along the ground. After some time, the ball rolls to a stop on the level playing field.What most likely causes the ball to stop moving? ??A.a frictional force ??B.the size of the bat ??C.the mass of the ball ??D.a gravitational force ???70.In a lab investigation, a student notes that two metal blocks have the same mass. Based on this observation, if the two blocks were put on opposite sides of a balance, they would best represent ??A.balanced forces. ??B.unbalanced forces. ??C.equal and opposite reactions. ??D.objects in motion. ???71.Two identical sheets of paper are used in an experiment; one is crumpled into a ball and the other is flat. What will most likely happen when they are dropped at the same time from the same height? ??A.flat sheet will fall on its edge ??B.both will fall at the same rate ??C.crumpled sheet will fall faster ??D.crumpled sheet will move horizontally ???72.What is the most reasonable explanation for why a toy car rolls farther on a wood floor than on a thick carpet? ??A.The car weighs more on the carpet. ??B.The car weighs?more?on the floor. ??C.The carpet has more resistance. ??D.The floor has more traction. ???73.Rodger pushes his skateboard across a sidewalk.If the sidewalk is level, which would most likely make the skateboard lose its kinetic energy? ??A.friction ??B.heat ??C.magnetism ??D.temperature ???74.When a 10-kg object falls through the atmosphere at terminal velocity, what is the net force acting on the object? ?? ??B.98 N ??C.> 98 N ??D.> 0 N < 98=""> ???75.If the ball in the picture below moves east, which unbalanced force must be acting on it???A.??B.??C.??D.???76.A student conducted an experiment with a toy cart by varying the force applied toward the right and observing the result. The force applied to the left was constant at 50 N.?The?table contains the data collected from the experiment.? MAGNITUDE OF FORCE ACTING? TOWARD THE RIGHT (N)? ? MOTION OF CART 20N ? rapid motion to left??????? 30N ? slow motion to left???????? 40N ? very slight motion to left For a?force?of 50 N to the right, the student would observe ??A.a rapid motion to the right. ??B.a rapid motion to the left. ??C.a slight motion to the right. ?? motion in either direction. ???77.The arrows indicate the direction a 40-mile-per-hour wind is blowing. Which shows the wind direction that would slow?a moving?car the most? ??A.??B.??C.??D.???78.Roland dropped a rubber?ball straight down. After falling for 2 seconds, the ball struck the ground with a force of 50 newtons (N). Which vector illustrates the reaction force of the ground exerted on the ball? ??A.?? ??B.?? ??C.?? ??D.???79.Gravity is a measurable force of attraction which acts upon objects. Which characteristic determines the gravity of an object? ??A.friction ??B.mass ??C.tension ??D.weight ???80.A box is on a table. Maria and Julia push the box toward each other.If Maria pushes with more force than Julia, in which direction will the?box most likely move? ??A.North ??B.East ??C.South ??D.West ???81.The diagram shows forces acting on a box.Which statement best describes what will happen to the box as a result of these forces being applied? ??A.The box will move up. ??B.The box will move to the left. ??C.The box will move to the right. ??D.The box will remain stationary. ???82.When two unequal forces act in opposite directions on a moving object, the object will ??A.absorb the forces. ??e to an immediate stop. ??C.continue to move in the same direction. ??D.move in the same?direction?as the larger force. ???83.An airplane is flying with a net force of zero. This means the airplane is ??A.slowing down and losing altitude. ??B.moving at a constant speed and losing altitude. ??C.slowing down and traveling along a straight line. ??D.moving at a constant speed and traveling along a straight line. ???84.How does a parachute sufficiently increase air resistance to allow the parachutist to land safely? ?? decreasing the force of gravity acting on the parachutist ?? decreasing the total mass of the parachutist ?? increasing the surrounding air pressure around the parachute ?? increasing the total surface area of the parachute ???85.To move a refrigerator, forces are applied as shown.Which of these statements best describes what will happen if the forces are applied at exactly the same time? ??A.The refrigerator will move left, because of the greatest force on the right. ??B.The refrigerator will move right, because the force is over a greater surface area. ??C.The refrigerator will remain in place, because the forces are not enough to move a refrigerator. ??D.The refrigerator will remain in the same place, because the net force is zero. ???86.A bowling ball sitting motionless on a table exerts a downward force on the table. The force exerted by the table must be ??A.equal to the force of the ball. ??B.continually changing with the ball. ??C.greater than the force of the ball. ??D.less than the force of the ball. ???87.Newton’s first law of motion states that an object at rest will stay at rest unless acted upon by an outside force. Which activity is an example of this law? ??A.A football is kicked off a tee. ??B.A baseball player slides into second base. ??C.A floating stick is carried over a waterfall. ??D.A bicycle travels faster as it goes downhill. ???88.The picture shows a cross-country skier.What causes the skier to move forward? ??A.The skier’s arms move backward. ??B.The skier pushes the poles against the snow. ??C.The skier’s legs move forward over the snow. ??D.The skier leans his body forward. ???89.A student concludes that no forces are being applied to a laboratory cart that is moving at a constant velocity. Which statement best explains why the student’s conclusion is incorrect? ??A.The cart must be subjected to a net force to continue moving at the same speed. ??B.The direction of the cart is changed after unbalanced forces are applied. ??C.The cart is subjected to an applied force that cancels the effect of friction. ??D.The net force on the cart must be in the direction of motion to overcome friction. ???90.Alicia gives her brother a push while he is seated on a swing. She finds that after a few seconds, she needs to push again to keep him going. The reason her brother slows down is because the mechanical energy is converted into ??A.potential energy that heats the air. ??B.chemical energy that moves the swing. ??C.kinetic energy which makes the swing slow down. ??D.thermal energy that is released into the atmosphere. ???91.Mac and Janelle found a plate of cookies waiting on the center of the square kitchen table when they got home. Each of them reached for the plate from opposite side of the table. Both of them grabbed the plate at the same time.If Mac pulled with a force of 18 newtons (N) and Janelle pulled with a force of 20 newtons (N), which correctly describes the forces applied to the plate of cookies? ??A.The forces are equal and opposite in direction. ??B.The forces applied to the plate of cookies are balanced. ??C.The net force applied to the plate of cookies is 2 newtons (N). ??D.The net force applied to the plate of cookies is 38 newtons (N). ???92.Marcus pushes against a refrigerator with a force of 300?newtons (N) to the right. Kelli pushes against the refrigerator with a force of 360?N to the left.How much additional force could Marcus apply in order to overcome the force applied by Kelli? ??A.? 60 N to the right ??B.? 65 N to the right ??C.365 N to the left ??D.660 N to the left ???93.If a book sitting on a flat table starts to move horizontally, it is most likely moving because ??A.a balanced force is being applied. ??B.a frictional force is being exerted. ?? unbalanced force is being applied. ??D.a gravitational force is being exerted. ???94.When a bird flies,?its wings push air downward. As a result the air pushes back upward on the bird. Which law of motion?most applies to the way the wings of a bird beat? ??A.All forces act in action-reaction pairs. ??B.The rate of acceleration of an object depends on the amount of force applied. ??C.Objects in motion tend to remain in motion until acted upon by an another force. ??D.An unbalanced force acting on an object equals the mass of the object multiplied by its acceleration. ???95.A car runs out of fuel while traveling on a level road and eventually comes to a stop. Which of the following best explains why the car stops? ??A.Some of the energy of the car was lost to friction. ??B.Some of the energy of the car was destroyed. ??C.The amount of kinetic energy increased. ??D.The amount of useful energy increased. ???96.The forces that act on an airplane as it flies are shown in the diagram.If the airplane is moving forward through the air, which statement describes how one of the forces acting on the airplane has been overcome? ??A.The lift force has overcome the drag force. ??B.The weight force has overcome the lift force. ??C.The thrust force has overcome the drag force. ??D.The drag force has overcome the weight force. ???97.The acceleration due to gravity on Earth is commonly represented by the letter “g.” Based on this information, which of these?quantities represents the weight of a 10-kg mass on Earth? ??A.10 kg ÷ g ??B.10 kg × g ??C.10 kg + g ??D.10 kg?– g ???98.In order for a rope to anchor a boat in place, the rope must exert a force ??A.equal to the force exerted by the water current in the opposite direction. ??B.equal to the force exerted by the water current in the same direction. ??C.greater than the force?exerted by the water current in the opposite direction. ??D.greater than the force exerted by the water current in the same direction. ???99.Ben coasts along a flat road on his bike. Eventually his bike stops if he doesn’t continue to pedal. If energy is conserved, why doesn’t the kinetic energy stay constant and the bike continue to coast forever? ??A.Friction causes some energy to be converted to matter. ??B.Friction causes some energy to be converted to heat. ??C.The energy is collected by the brake system. ??D.The energy is cooled by the rolling tires. ???100.A?jet plane is?moving at a constant velocity?on a flat surface. Which forces?act against the forward motion of?the plane? ??A.gravity and engine thrust ??B.engine thrust and friction ??C.friction and air resistance ??D.air?resistance and gravity ???101.Students play volleyball on the beach. As the volleyball is about to cross the net, a strong wind blows. The directions of the ball and the wind are shown in the diagram.Based on the diagram, in what direction will the volleyball travel after the wind hits it? ??A.??B.??C.??D.???102.The?diagram shows two forces acting on a ball at the same time.Which arrow represents the most likely?direction the ball will move? ??A.??B.??C.??D.???103.A student draws a car with two vectors.Which statement would best describe the diagram? ??A.The forces of 800 N and 400 N should be multiplied to get the net force being applied to the car. ??B.The applied forces of 800 N and 400 N will result in the car moving to the right. ??C.The forces acting on the car are equal in magnitude and the car will remain motionless. ??D.The magnitude of the forces acting on the car are the same but the directions are opposite. ???104.A truck traveling down a road contains two wooden boxes in the center of the bed of the truck. One box has a mass of 25?kilograms (kg) and the second box has a mass of 100?kilograms (kg).??If the truck stopped suddenly, which box would most likely move more???Why would one box move more than the other? ?????105.The diagram shows forces acting on a wagon.A wagon is pulled to the right using a force of 20 N and to the left using a force of 30 N. What is the net force on the wagon? ??A.10 newtons to the left ??B.50 newtons to the left ??C.10 newtons to the right ??D.50 newtons to the right ???106.A block weighing 10 newtons?is resting on a plane inclined 30° to the horizontal. What is the magnitude of the normal force acting on the block? ??A.5 N ??B.7 N ??C.9 N ??D.10 N ???107.When a skydiver jumps from a plane, the open parachute will increase the air resistance by ??A.reducing fluid friction. ??B.increasing surface area. ??C.increasing terminal velocity. ??D.decreasing mass. ???108.A swimmer swims across a swimming pool, and?at the end the pool she turns around and pushes off the wall with her feet. Which option describes a pair of action-reaction forces during the push? ??A.The force of her feet on the wall and the force of the wall on her feet. ??B.The force of gravity on her body and the force of her feet on the wall. ??C.The force of gravity on her body and the force of the wall on her feet. ??D.The force of her feet on the wall and the force of the water on her front. ???109.Mountain bike tires?have large, knob-like treads. These tires are useful on steep slopes because they ??A.increase friction. ??B.carry heavy weights. ??C.increase the stopping distance. ??D.prevent braking of the bicycle. ???110.What is one way?land?helps reduce the force of a hurricane as it moves inland? ??A.Land filters the water forced up from the sea by the wind. ??B.Land acts as a bumpy surface?that absorbs wind power. ??C.Land stabilizes the sediment forced on shore. ??D.Land absorbs the rainwater. ???111.What advantage does a hiker have if he used snowshoes to walk across deep snow as opposed to regular hiking boots? ??A.He would be able to slide on ice. ??B.He would be able to keep his feet warmer. ??C.His weight would be distributed over a larger area. ??D.The snow would melt quicker, and it would be harder to walk. ???112.Rae dropped a bowling ball from a height of 8?meters. At which distance above the ground was the ball most likely moving at the greatest speed? ??A.7.9 meters ??B.4.0 meters ??C.2.0 meters ??D.0.1 meter ???113.To a person standing motionless on the Earth’s surface on a day with no wind, in which direction would the rain appear to fall? ??A.vertically ??B.diagonally ??C.horizontally ??D.circularly ???114.Nicolas is playing with his toy car. A parachute in the back of the car is released to help slow down the car.If the forces act on the car as shown in the picture, what is the net force? ??A.??B.??C.??D.???115.Two forces act in opposite directions on a wood block. What will happen if the forces are unbalanced? ??A.The block will balance the forces. ??B.The forces will reverse direction. ??C.The mass of the block will change. ??D.The position of the block will change. ???116.A teacher was discussing with the class that a bowling ball has more inertia than a basketball. Which physical property is most likely being compared? ??A.area ??B.mass ??C.weight ??D.volume ???117.Mrs. Knight drops her briefcase. When the briefcase lands on the floor, what is the reaction force to the action force of the briefcase on the floor? ??A.the force of the floor on the briefcase ??B.the attraction of Earth for the briefcase ??C.the force of air on the sides of the briefcase ??D.the force of friction between the briefcase and the floor ???118.Students are designing kites to discover what type of kite flies the highest. Which is the most important to consider when designing a kite to fly high? ??A.string length ??B.surface area ??C.materials used ??D.time of day ???119.Review the diagram.If the ball is at rest on?the soccer field and the four forces shown are applied at the same time, the ball will ??A.move to the left. ??B.stay?in the same position. ??C.resist any change in movement. ??D.accelerate in the direction of the smallest force. ???120.When a?speeding meteor?enters?Earth’s?atmosphere, it slows down and becomes very hot due to friction. Which factor most influences the amount of friction that a meteor encounters when it enters the atmosphere? ??A.the weather ??B.magnetism ?? energy ??D.air density ???121.Students conducted an investigation by dropping a ball from two different heights. In the first trial, the ball was dropped from a height of 10?meters and the speed was measured after 2?seconds. In the second trial, the ball was dropped from a height of 20?meters and the speed was measured after 2?seconds. Which of these describes the relationship between the measured speeds in the two trials? ??A.The speed in the second trial is twice the speed in the first trial. ??B.The speed in the first trial will be the same as the speed in the second trial. ??C.The speed in the first trial will be 10?m/sec faster than the speed in the second trial. ??D.The speed in the second trial will be 10?m/sec faster than?the speed in the?first trial. ???122.Two forces act on a block as shown in the picture.What is the net force on the block? ??A.10 N to the left ??B.10 N to the right ??C.30 N to the right ??D.30 N to the left ???123.As a meteor falls and gets closer to Earth, it encounters a resistance force. Which must occur so that the meteor overcomes the resistance force? ??A.The sum of the forces acting on the meteor needs to be zero. ??B.The forces acting on the meteor must be in the same direction. ??C.The force of gravity needs to be greater than the resistance force. ??D.The resistance force must be greater than the force being applied to the meteor. ???124.Brittany pedaled her bicycle quickly on a level surface. When she?stopped pedaling and coasted, the bicycle slowed and came to a stop. What happened to the energy of the moving bicycle as it coasted to a stop? ??A.It was transferred to heat due to friction. ??B.It was reabsorbed into Brittany’s?muscles. ??C.It was stored in the bicycle wheels as potential energy. ??D.It was transferred to the air in the form of visible light. ???125.The arrows in the diagram below represent equal forces acting on balls that are resting on a table.Which of the balls will be accelerated if the forces are applied? ??A.Ball 1 ??B.Ball 2 ??C.Ball 3 ??D.Ball 4 ???126.Which of the following combinations of forces results in the object accelerating to the right? ??A.??B.??C.??D.???127.A young boy is shown swinging over the water.Identify at least two types of friction that will have an effect on his speed. In your explanation, be sure to include the objects and motions that create friction. ?????128.What is the amount of force required to accelerate a 20 kg object to 5 m/s?? ??A.0.25 N ??B.4 N ??C.15 N ??D.100 N ???129.An engineer builds a model of a machine pivot. Instead of the two?parts of the pivot directly touching one another, they have ball bearings between them.As an indication of the?amount of friction in the pivot, what should the engineer measure? ??A.the radius of the ball bearings before the pivot has been used ??B.the increase in mass of the ball bearings when the pivot rotates ??C.the temperature increase in the ball bearings when the pivot rotates ??D.the number of ball bearings remaining after the pivot has been used ???130.A student pushes a box with a force of 15 newtons (N) to make it slide across the floor. Once the box starts moving, a frictional force of 5 N acts upon it.If the student continues to push the box with a force of 15 N, what will happen to the box? ??A.The box will?stop moving forward. ??B.The box will move forward at a steady speed. ??C.The box will move forward at a decreased speed. ??D.The box will move forward at an increasing speed. ???131.Students push with opposite forces on the sides of a toy wagon.What is the net force acting on the wagon? ??A.??B.??C.??D.???132.In a tug-of-war game, balanced forces are best represented when both teams cause the flag to ??A.stay in the middle. ??B.fall to the ground. ??C.move slowly in one direction. ?? pulled quickly in one direction. ???133.The rate of acceleration of an object is determined by the mass of the object and ??A.the initial velocity of the object. ??B.the forces acting on the object. ??C.the direction of movement of the object. ??D.the change in kinetic energy of the object. ???134.Cody and Adam are pulling on a rope. Each boy is trying to pull the flag attached to the middle of the rope to his side.If each boy pulls with the force shown, what is the net force acting on the rope? ??A.??B.??C.??D.???135.A 20 N object is placed on a surface and starts to slide. What is the most likely reason the object begins to move? ??A.Gravity exerts a balanced force on the object. ??B.An unbalanced force causes acceleration. ??C.Friction is applied to the object. ??D.The forces acting on the object are in equilibrium. ???136.Three forces are acting on a ball that is at rest.If the 5-N force and the 12-N force form a 90-degree angle, what is the magnitude of the force acting in the direction of the dashed arrow? ??A.7 N ??B.13 N ??C.17 N ??D.60 N ???137.The illustration below shows forces acting on a box.What is the net force on the box if the sliding friction between the box and the floor is 5N? ??A.5N to the left ??B.8N to the right ??C.13N to the right ?? net force ???138.Which example best illustrates an action-at-a-distance force? ??A.lifting a box ?? apple falling ??C.pulling a nail out of wood ??D.a car moving along a flat surface ???139.If a ball rolls at a constant rate on a flat surface, the motion is due to ??A.gravitational forces. ??B.frictional forces. ??C.electromagnetic forces. ??D.balanced forces. ???140.A student pushes on an object with a force of 6 newtons and the object does not move. What force does the object exert on the student’s hands? ??A.0 N ??B.3 N ??C.6 N ??D.12 N ???141.One person pulls on a rope with a force of 400 N to the right. Another person pulls on the opposite end with a force of 600 N to the left. What is the unbalanced net force? ??A.200 N to the left ??B.400 N to the left ??C.600 N to the left ??D.1000 N to the left ???142.A toy car?starts at the top of a ramp, rolls down and slows to a stop.Which acts most to bring the car to a stop? ??A.friction ??B.magnetism ??C.wind speed ??D.electrical force ???143.Rowing a boat forward requires a force that will overcome friction from water and wind. Which factor most helps overcome the forces working against the boat? ??A.the length of the boat ??B.the height of sides of the boat ??C.the weight of the rowers in the boat ??D.the number of people rowing in the boat ???144.A student swings a ball on a string as shown in the diagram below. The ball follows a circular path.Part A: How does centripetal force keep the ball on its circular path??Part B: Describe one other force acting on the ball. ?????145.When the first American astronauts were planning to walk on the Moon, they knew that the gravity on the Moon was less than the gravity on Earth. With this information, what did the astronauts expect to be most different on the Moon? ??A.their mass ??B.their height ??C.their weight ??D.their volume ???146.A battery-powered toy sailboat heading south on a pond?catches a wind blowing from east to west. The combination of forces will cause the sailboat to move in which direction? ??A.northeast ??B.northwest ??C.southeast ??D.southwest ???147.When astronauts walked on the Moon, they used weighted boots to help them walk due to the lower gravitational pull. What difference between Earth and the Moon accounts for the difference in gravity? ??A.density ??B.diameter ??C.mass ??D.volume ???148.Max pushed and released a toy dump truck on a flat sidewalk. The truck traveled for a long distance and stopped when it hit a wall. Which best explains why the truck traveled the long distance to the wall? ??A.The truck had inertia due to its mass. ??B.Gravity pulled the truck to the wall. ??C.Magnetism pulled the truck to the wall. ??D.The sidewalk applied friction to the truck. ???149.Mimi pushes a book from the edge of a table and releases it at Point?1. It slides across the table and stops at Point?2.Which statement best explains the forces that act on the book as it slides across the table? ??A.The friction force increases between Point?1 and Point?2. ??B.The friction force decreases momentum between Point 1 and Point 2. ??C.The force applied from the push decreases between Point?1 and Point?2. ??D.The pushing force starts at Point?1 and the friction force stops at Point?2. ???150.Which of these is an example of Newton’s First Law of Motion? ??A.A baseball hit with a baseball bat travels faster than a bowling ball hit with the same force. ??B.A basketball bounces on the ground with the same force that the ground pushes up on the ball. ??C.A person jumps to a dock from a boat, and the boat moves away from the dock. ??D.A person standing on a bus moves backward when the bus suddenly moves forward. ???151.All of the forces acting on a helicopter are balanced.The reduction of which force would cause the helicopter to drop in altitude? ??A.lift ??B.drag ??C.thrust ??D.weight ???152.A helicopter ambulance flew from one hospital to another in a straight line. The pilot had to change speed several times due to the presence of other aircraft.What was the average speed of the helicopter during the trip? ??A.2.0 km/min ??B.2.5 km/min ??C.4.0 km/min ??D.7.5 km/min ???153.This graph shows the distance traveled by a?remote control toy car over time.If the car continues moving at the same rate, how far will it travel in 2 minutes? ??A.10 m ??B.60 m ??C.120 m ??D.200 m ???154.Alesia is taking an all-day ride on her bicycle. The graph shows how far she is from home at different times during her ride.During which time period is Alesia moving fastest? ??A.0–1 hours ??B.3–4 hours ??C.4–5 hours ??D.6–7 hours ???155.A toy robot moved from a starting point, traveling in a straight line at different speeds and then turning around and returning to the starting point at different speeds. What is the total distance that the toy robot traveled? ??A.12 m ??B.24 m ??C.48 m ??D.96 m ???156.Two toy cars are traveling on a track.Thirteen minutes after they start, how do the speeds of the cars compare? ??A.Both cars are traveling at the same speed. ??B.Both cars have stopped moving on the track. ??C.Car 1?is moving faster. ??D.Car 2?is moving faster. ???157.This graph shows the motion of an object as it moves away from a point and then back to its starting point. Which graph shows the total distance traveled by the object? ??A.??B.??C.??D.???158.This is a graph of the motion of a small boat traveling at a constant speed. How far will the boat travel in 15 hours? ??A.10 km ??B.15 km ??C.25 km ??D.30 km ???159.A drill head attached to an arm on an automated tool moved from a starting point, traveling in a straight line at different speeds and then returning to the starting point at different speeds. During which time period was the drill head moving fastest? ??A.0–2 seconds ??B.2–3 seconds ??C.3–4 seconds ??D.4–6 seconds ???160.Tisa and Lily ran a race in gym class. Lily was off balance so she did not start until 2 seconds had passed.What were the average speeds of the two runners during the periods in which they were actually running? (Note: Lily did not start running until time = 2 s.) ??A.Tisa: 6.0 m/s; Lily: 6.0 m/s ??B.Tisa: 6.0 m/s; Lily: 7.5 m/s ??C.Tisa: 7.5 m/s; Lily: 6.0 m/s ??D.Tisa: 7.5 m/s; Lily: 7.5 m/s ???161.This graph shows the motion of a bus.If the bus continues moving at the same speed, what is the total distance that it will have traveled?in 7.5 minutes? ??A.1500 m ??B.7000 m ??C.7500 m ??D.8000 m ???162.The graph shows the motion of four cars. All four cars are moving east.Which car has a constant velocity? ??A.1 ??B.2 ??C.3 ??D.4 ???163.Two swimmers competed in a race. The graph shows how the position of both swimmers changed over time during the race.At what rate of speed did Swimmer 1 travel throughout the race? ??A.??B.??C.??D.???164.The motion of a toy car is shown in the graph below.In?which section of the graph is the car’s speed increasing? ??A.W ??B.X ??C.Y ??D.Z ???165.Students measure how far a snail can travel per minute. The graph shows their data.What is the speed of the snail? ??A.0.25 min/cm ??B.0.50 min/cm ??C.1.00 cm/min ??D.4.00 cm/min ???166.The?graph shows the motion?of a student walking?at different speeds.During which time interval does the student walk with a negative acceleration? ??A.0–2 seconds ??B.2–4 seconds ??C.4–8 seconds ??D.8–12 seconds ???167.Four students went on a 3-kilomater hike. Each student was hiking a different speed. The distance the students hiked during the first 30 minutes is shown in each graph. If each student continued at the same speed, which graph shows the hiker that finished the 3-kilometer hike first? ??A.??B.??C.??D.??? ................

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