Video Transcript: Where’s my refund

Video Transcript: Where’s my refund? By Tia, Emmison and Emily

Video clip title: Where’s my refund?

Music plays

Words on screen: Where’s my refund?

Words on screen: The First Victims Interview

Description: Female customer with a southern American accent explains her situation to camera, holding in her hands a floral shirt.

Female Customer: I walked in to my favourite store and I wanted a refund on this.

Description: The customer holds the shirt up to show the camera

Female Customer: Do you think they were gonna give me one straight out? No! And I have a right as a consumer to get a refund on whatever I bought that is faulty. Because I bought this and I washed it once, and you know what happened? All of the glitter came off. I mean I ain’t got time for that!

Words on screen: In the store

Music plays

Description: Female Customer returns to the store where she purchased her shirt. She approaches the counter and speaks with the sales assistant.

Female Customer: Ah, excuse me ma’am? I would like to get a refund on this -

Description: Female customer pulls the shirt out of her bag to present to the sales assistant. She puts it on the counter.

Female Customer: Because see, I bought it yesterday and it was all cute and sparkly and then I got home and I washed it once and now as you can see it ain’t no cute no more because the sparkles came off.

Sales Assistant: Do you have the recept?

Female Customer: Of course I do

Description: The Female Customer searches her handbag to find the recept and humorously throws out all the other contents of her handbag until she finds her purse. She opens her purse and hands the recept to the Sales Assistant.

Sales Assistant: Look, I’m sorry but we have a no refunds policy.

Female Customer: What?! I have a right to get my money back on this – because it was all cute and sparkly in the dressing room and I was loving it, but then I washed it and all the sparkles came off and when I wear a top I want it to be like ‘Damn girl!’ but this top is like ‘Mm, no girl’.

Sales Assistant: I’m sorry but we have a no refunds policy – it clearly says on the bottom of the recept and on the counter right now.

Description: The Female Customer comically leans over and squints to try and read the fine print on the recept.

Female Customer: What! I need a damn magnifying glass to read that.

Sales Assistant: I’m sorry, it is not my fault that you can’t see that.

Female Customer: Not YOUR fault? A whole team of scientists with magnifying glasses, microscopes and all that stuff couldn’t even read that.

Sales Assistant: Calm down miss. We have a policy and we can’t change it – I have no right to change it.

Female Customer: Well this is against the law, okay? And I’m gonna come back all guns blazing with my lawyer in tow, okay? So…

Description: Female Customer grabs the shirt off the counter.

Words on Screen: The Next Day

Music plays

Description: An Elderly Lady is standing at the counter of the same shop, holding a skirt as she speaks with the Sales Assistant. The Female Customer barges into the store with her top and addresses the Elderly Lady before turning her attention to the Sales Assistant.

Female Customer: Ah excuse me ma’am, but I need to talk to the store assistant.

Elderly Lady: Well excuse me, but I need to talk to her about the skirt with a hole in it that they sold me…

Description: The Female Customer is appalled and turns to the Shop Assistant.

Female Customer: Really? You’re doing this to an innocent old lady?

Words on Screen: The Second Victims Interview

Music plays

Description: Elderly Lady explains her situation to camera.

Elderly Lady: I don’t like shopping anymore with all those young hipsters around. But the other day I decided I needed a skirt. So I went down to the shopping centre to buy one. My eyesight is not so good anymore, but when I got home it had a hole in it, so I went back to the shop to try to get a refund.

Description: Female Customer enters the shop where the Elderly Lady and Sales Assistant stand around the counter. The Female Customer has a lawyer accompanying her with a clipboard.

Female Customer: Get prepared to be lawyered.

Description: The lawyer extends her hand to the Sales Assistant and introduces herself.

Lawyer: Hi my name is Margaret Stevenson and my client here has told me that you’re taking away her consumer rights. Now it clearly states under Australian Consumer Law ‘Products you buy from an Australian business are covered by a consumer guarantee.’

Description: Lawyer takes the shirt and holds it in her hand to show the Sales Assistant.

Lawyer: Now, this product clearly does not meet a consumer guarantee, am I right?

Sales Assistant: Ummm…

Lawyer: Now, either a refund or a repair or replacement is needed. This can be taken further, but I think we can handle it here.

Sales Assistant: Uh Ok, Ok, I’ll just have to call my boss.

Description: The Sales Assistant leaves the counter to call her boss. The Lawyer turns to the Female Customer to explain further.

Lawyer: Ok. Don’t worry, we’ll get your money back.

Description: The Sales Assistant returns to the counter.

Sales Assistant: You can both get a refund and there is no need for this to be taken any further

Female Customer: Damn straight!

Description: Female Customer turns to her Lawyer and they shake hands.

Female Customer: Thank you.

Lawyer: Pleasure.

Description: Lawyer turns to the Sales Assistant and they shake hands.

Lawyer: Pleasure doing business with you.

Description: The lawyer exits the store.

Description: The Elderly Lady and the Female Customer address the camera with an overview of the situation.

Elderly Lady: I’m so glad she was there to help me with my consumer rights. If she wasn’t I would be stuck with that dreaded skirt.

Female Customer: Well I have rights – and I ain’t gonna stand for not having them. Nobody should.

Words on Screen: Stand up for your Consumer Rights.

Music plays

End of transcript.


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