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Created by Kerry Moody

|Week Beginning: 28.11.2011 |PLC: What is the Weather Like? |Week: PLC 10 |

Key Question: Where do animals go during the Winter? What can we learn about Penguins and Polar Bears?

|Time |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| |Carpet session 2: CLL – KM |Children: MA Raindrop |Children: MA Rainbow |Children: LA Snowflake |

| |Obj: Respond to and comment on stories | | | |

| |read. | | | |

| |Read Penguin Small by Mick Inkpen. Ask | | | |

| |chn questions about the story. Where did | | | |

| |the story take place? (cold, icy, snowy, | | | |

| |ocean) Who was main character? How did | | | |

| |Penguin Small feel at the beginning of | | | |

| |the story? Terrified. What other words | | | |

| |can chn think of that mean the same or | | | |

| |similar to how Penguin Small was feeling | | | |

| |when his friends left him? Sad, | | | |

| |frightened, scared, unhappy, afraid... | | | |

| |Discuss words that mean the opposite of | | | |

| |these feelings (happy, excited, | | | |

| |confident). | | | |

|10:00 |Adult Led Activity CT |

| |Obj: Order 2 or 3 items by height |

| |Penguin small penguin tall |

| |Explain there are 17 species of penguins & like us they all vary in size. Show chn a fairy penguin and explain this is smallest of all the penguins. It measures approx. 41cm. Show chn an Emperor Penguin and |

| |explain this penguin is the tallest measuring approx. 1.1m. Use a metre rule to measure these heights on large sheets of paper. Draw a penguin shape to this size. Compare the penguins to chn and |

| |objects/furniture around the classroom ’The Fairy Penguin is taller than a paint brush but shorter than a table.’ |

| |HLTA Outside Activities |

|10:35 |Carpet session 2: L&S |Carpet session 3: L&S |Carpet session 3: L&S |Carpet session 3: L&S |Carpet session 3: L&S |

| |See separate planning sheet |See separate planning sheet |See separate planning sheet |See separate planning sheet |See separate planning sheet |

| |Children: LA Snowflake |

|1:00 |Carpet Session 4: Register and |Carpet Session 5: Register and |

| |Wake & Shake – Take 10 |Wake & Shake – Take 10 |

|2:20 |PLAYTIME |

|2:30 |

|Malleable Act: |Make models of penguins or polar bears | | | | |

| |from modelling clay. | | | | |

|Tuff spot Act: |Use cornflour modelling dough – Explore what happens as the mixture is made, |Shaving foam – letters and patterns |Make and use bird feeders, cakes and biscuits see PSED planning (K5) |

| |discuss changes. Use the modelling clay to make imaginary snow models. Encourage | | |

| |chn to make these flat so that they will harden easier and can be decorated by | | |

| |using paint. (K1, 3) | | |

|Water Act: |Freeze small objects in bowl of water – |Chn investigate the best tools for |Make an iceberg by freezing an ice cream container, balloons, and rubber gloves of water. Float the ice in a water tray. |

| |Lego, small world animals etc |getting the objects out. (K1, 4) |Encourage the chn to observe how the ice floats and melts. Maintain interest in the activity by adding colour.(K3, 4) |

|Writing Act: |Make own Penguin/ Polar Bear books |Use Sailing off to Sleep as a stimulus for enabling chn to talk about their own dreams as well as: identifying rhyming patterns, hear & identify initial sound of animals|

| | |in book, writing the sounds/animals words, ssequencing the story, and making own winter animal book (4)-sentence ‘ I like the… because….’ (L4, 7, 16, 17) |

|Construction |Make lollipop stick penguins – colour stick black leaving a patch of white for its |Use junk modelling equipment to construct 3D penguin models. (K5, 6) |Collect large cardboard boxes to make |

|Act: |belly. Wrap a black pipe cleaner around for its wings. Add googly eyes and paper | |igloos, ice caves for the arctic animals |

| |orange beak | |in the outdoor area. |

|Creative Act: |Make a snow and ice collage with picture from magazines, or found materials such a |Arctic Animal Masks see CD MTP |Penguin Paintings |

| |foil, sweet wrappers etc and using ‘cold’ colours (white, blue, silver, purple) | | |

| |(C3, 5) | | |

|ICT Act: |ICT: Chn key in descriptive words for a penguin into ‘Wordle’ Demonstrate how to make words |Purple Mash/ Coxhoe/ Crick Web |Tes Iboard/ Topic box |

| |bigger by keying them in more than once & how to change colour & font. Print, cut, mount on large penguin wall display | | |

|Sml World/ Act:|Small World old Area scene continued from last week – Explain to the children that they are going to help you tell a snow story. Show them the story bag. Ask a child to take out something from the bag. What is |

| |it? Use story language to begin your story…’Once upon a time there was a little penguin…’ Does she have a name? What is she doing? The child can place her in the arctic scene. Then another child can take |

| |something out of the bag. This is a polar bear. Are they friends? Do they play together? Continue asking children to take the characters out of the bag and support them as they weave a story about them. Is the |

| |man friendly? Has he come to catch one of the animals? Does he come on the boat, or do they get away on it? Perhaps the man has come to help them? Encourage the children to tell the story, and think about how |

| |the animals feel, what they do next. Help them to finish their story with a happy ending. Enhance with chn’s own penguin models etc using playdough |

|Outdoor Act: |Make footprints/ animal tracks in the snow/ talc with white/silver paint on |Look for natural objects and arrange in a cup, saucer or shallow container with a piece of string. Put in the freezer. When |

| |white/blue card (C3, 5) |frozen, remove from container and hang up outside. Provide a range of natural materials regularly for children to arrange, |

| |See also day 5 outdoor play plans |compare and order. |

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|Adult led with: |Adult led with: |Adult led with: |Adult led with: |Adult led with: |

|Obj: Order 2 or 3 items by height |Obj: Order 2 or 3 items by height |Obj: Order 2 or 3 items by height |Obj: Order 2 or 3 items by height |Obj: |

|Children: HA Giraffes |Children: MA Crocodiles |Children: MA Penguins |Children: LA Pandas |Children: |

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|Adult led with: LS |Adult led with: LS |Adult led with: LS |Adult led with: LS |Adult led with: |

|Obj: Construct with a purpose in mind |Obj: Construct with a purpose in mind |Obj: Construct with a purpose in mind |Obj: Construct with a purpose in mind |Obj: |

|Children: A Snowflake |Children: MA Rainbow |Children: MA Raindrops |Children: HA Sunshine |Children: Target ind for AFL |

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