Valley Park Schools

8th Grade Distance Learning Information (Week 10)Hello, one last time!We hope each of you are continuing to stay safe and keeping healthy! We have officially reached the end of our school year, and it is especially bitter-sweet. During this last week, submit any assignments that you have not yet completed! If you have completed something that is past due, please email your teacher to let them know to check the assignment. We do not usually get notifications if something is completed, and that will let us know to go back and check. Check Infinite Campus to see assignment completion or you can always ask us.Now to get a little sentimental…Eighth graders -- you have been fabulous! We are grateful for the opportunity we had to share our classrooms, our ideas, and our lives with you. Not getting together in person this last quarter together truly saddens us all, and the memories of this last school year will be held close in our hearts. Enjoy your summer, and please come back and visit us!Take care,Your 8th Grade Teachers... Mrs. Byers, Mrs. Fahy, Mr. Probst, and Mrs. Shaiboon457200149123 ................

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