How to Find a Peer-Reviewed Journal Article via the City Tech LibraryFor Project 1, the 500-word Summary, you’ll need an article from a peer-reviewed journal. Please note, this is not the only way to find peer-reviewed journal articles. But, if you’ve never done it before, this is the simplest way to access the sort of database that you’ll need for this assignment. Also please note that in order to have off-campus access to the library site, you’ll need to go to the library on the fourth floor; there, they’ll swipe your student i.d. and activate it for off-campus perusing.So:Go to the City Tech homepage.At the bottom, in the Helpful Links column second from right, clink on the link for Library.On the Library page, you’ll see a column in the middle left called Start Your Research. Click on Find Articles.At Browse By Name, click on the box for J.You’ll see two Resources – click on JSTOR.On the JSTOR page, click Advanced Search.On the Advanced Search page, you’ll have a lot of options. Let’s keep it simple for now. In the first box, put in the general topic you want to find an article for (artificial intelligence, computer security, new advancements in crop rotation, whatever you like). A little further down on the same page, at Narrow By, click the Articles box (please note, you are looking for an article, not a book chapter or book review).A little further down on the same page, at Publication Date, put 2019 to 2019. The article you want to write the summary on must have been published this year.At the bottom of the page, click Search. Links to a lot of articles will then pop up. Happy hunting. Obviously, if you’re not finding what you want, try doing another search, with a new topic or search criteria.Once you find an article, you’ll have the option to download a pdf. You must email me the pdf so I can approve the article for the assignment. Please be aware that I must approve the article – if you don’t get the article approved and continue work on this assignment, you will receive an F. If anything about this is unclear, please email me so I can clarify. ................

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