Finding Business Articles - York University Libraries

[pic] Guide to Finding Business Articles

More detailed Library Web Guide also available at:

What is a business article?


Different kinds of business articles exist e.g.:

← Business articles in scholarly or peer-reviewed journals: Written by academics and researchers, typically focus on original research, use specialized language, contain in-depth articles with specialized language and extensive bibliographies. Examples: Academy of Management Review; National Tax Journal. Use Ulrichs International Periodical Directory to determine if a specific journal is scholarly – type Ulrichs International Periodical Directory in the Search Box at Once in Ulrichs search by journal title. If it is scholarly this symbol [pic] will appear beside the journal title.

← Business articles in trade/practitioner journals/magazines: Target members of a specific business, industry or organization. Written by practitioners or journalists who cover the field. Valued for currency. Typically focus on industry trends, new products or techniques, and organizational news. Editorial review quite common, may contain short bibliographies.

Examples: CA Magazine, Oilweek.

← Business articles in popular business magazines: Target audience is general public and/or business professionals. Focus on general business information especially current trends and news. Examples: Canadian Business; Forbes.

← Business articles in newspapers or newswires: short articles written by business columnists/journalists. Focus on current news in business. Examples: Wall Street Journal, Canada Newswire.

Use an Articles Database


← How will an articles database help me?

An articles database contains many journals which you can search by topic. This includes references or citations to articles e.g. title of journal article, author(s) of journal article, title of journal, volume no., issue no., pagination etc. These databases provide abstracts or summaries of articles as well. The main articles databases for business also contain the full-text of articles for a large number of the journals they cover.

← I know which articles database I need, how do I look it up?

Use the search box at the library home page Type the exact name of the database e.g. ABI/INFORM Global and select Periodical Title from the dropdown menu and press Go.

← I have a business topic in mind, how do I know which database to use?

The database you choose depends on your topic. Many databases are discipline specific e.g. Business Source Premier, while some are multi-disciplinary e.g. Scholars Portal. To find journal and magazine articles on a topic use the libraries guides to finding articles by subject.

Start at the Peter F. Bronfman Business library home page Click on the Finding Business articles link under the Starting Your Research heading.

Main Articles Databases for Business Research:

← Accessing articles databases from home

When accessing databases from home you will be prompted to authenticate yourself using your Passport York username and password.

← Searching an articles database

Search for articles on a given topic by entering relevant keywords in the search box(es). Each database looks different but the same fundamental search strategies typically apply.

← Getting your hands on the journal article

The full-text of the article retrieved using the selected database may be available electronically within the database. Typically the article may be printed, downloaded, or e-mailed (look for instructions in the help screens of the database you are using). Sometimes the full-text of the article will not be available as in this example:


In these cases -

Click on "Find it @York" - this runs a search which will retrieve the article full-text electronically, if available in another database, as well as information from the YUL catalogue where the article is available in hardcopy.


ABI/INFORM Global (ProQuest)

Expansive coverage of business journals and magazines. Includes both scholarly and trade publications. Covers more than 3,000 business and management publications, including more than 2,000 sources in full text. Hint: You can combine searching in several ProQuest databases by clicking on “Select Multiple Databases” and choosing the ones you wish to include in the search.

ABI/INFORM Trade & Industry (ProQuest)

Provides articles from more than 2,000 business periodicals and newsletters with a trade or industry focus with more than 1800 available in full-text. Coverage is for 1975-present.

Business Source Premier

Contains periodicals and other sources, including scholarly journals, trade and general business magazines, monographs, country economic and industry reports, industry yearbooks, SWOT analyses, and market research reports. This includes full-text for over 2,200 journals dating back to 1965 and cumulative indexing and abstracts for over 3,000 business journals.

CBCA Complete (ProQuest)

Provides references, and many full text articles, from over 1,600 Canadian business journals, magazines, newspapers and business sources. Also includes coverage for disciplines other than business. Coverage is for 1970s-present.

Tax Notes International (Use Tax Notes for U.S.A. focus)

Offers coverage of international tax news, analysis of cross-border transactions, special reports, and commentary. Provides weekly updates on the latest international legislative, judicial, and administrative tax developments from over 180 countries as reported by more than 200 of the world's leading tax practitioners.

Scholars Portal

This resource consists of a single search screen that provides access to multiple databases for searching literature in a variety of disciplines. Choose a subject area or select specific databases to conduct a search.

If your goal is to find newspaper articles rather than journal or magazine articles, visit our newspaper guide at . Includes resources such as Factiva, Lexis Nexis Academic and Canadian Newsstand.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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