Pastor Charles Holmes




60 How was it God's Blood? God has no Blood. How could it be? Because it was God's creative Blood that He created in order to redeem us, and came and lived in the same body that He created. Therefore He could not... God had to suffer temptation; He couldn't suffer temptation. He had to suffer sexual temptation. He had to suffer all kinds of temptation, to be tempted by the devil, in riches and powers and--and dominions, and so forth. He had to suffer all of that. In order to do it, He couldn't be as God in Spirit; He had to be God in flesh.

Now, I'm speaking this morning on the Deity of Christ, so that you'll know Who He is that we're worshipping today: not a baby in a manger, or not Santa Claus; but we're worshipping Almighty God, in the Deity of His Son.


Look, I believe that Mary was a virgin. She knew nothing about any man. But Jehovah God overshadowed her, and created in her womb a Blood Cell, which was by Himself a created power. And from that Blood Cell came the Man Christ Jesus. And He was the Blood of His Father by a virgin birth. And it's... That's the Blood that I'm preaching about tonight, that both saves and heals, that unadulterated Blood of the Son of God.

And friends, if you don't believe that, then you can't be saved. No other way, but through the Blood of Jesus Christ which is the Blood of His Father God, unadulterated, no--no sex mixed into it at all. It was a created birth. You believe that? That's the true Gospel, friends.


The life is in the blood. Is that right? And the life of an animal, when the spirit went out of the life, it could not come back and mingle with the human spirit, because it was the life of an animal. Therefore, the desire became the same.

He went back out; the animal life went away; the blood cell was broke up. But when a man lays his hands upon the Blood of Jesus, the head of Jesus, confessing his sin, when that Blood cell was broke, it was the Holy Spirit of Christ Jesus comes back upon the man and takes all sin and desire away from his heart, and he's perfectly redeemed by the Blood of Jesus Christ, and all the sin question is settled.


E-29 And the blood cell comes from the male, and the male produced the blood cell. And the Male this time was a supernatural Being which could not have sexual desire. And God, the Creator, created a Blood cell in the womb of Mary that brought forth the Son, Christ Jesus. You believe it? Outside of that you're lost if you don't believe that. There's not a way in the world for you to be saved.


E-52 He was in the Pillar of Fire as God, Jehovah. He... No one could touch Him. Sin was so far from Him; He couldn't get near them. Then He come and overshadowed a virgin, created a Blood cell in her womb. The child come forth, Jesus, holy body, neither Gentile nor Jew, God's own Blood. And then the great Holy Spirit came down from heaven, the Spirit of God like a dove, descending and went on Him, "This is My beloved Son (correctly on the right translation) in Who I am pleased to dwell in. My Father dwelleth in Me." Ask any good translator of the Scripture and find out if that's not in the Hebrew. Yes, sir. "In Whom I am pleased to dwell." Jesus said, "The Son can do nothing in Himself. Not Me that doeth the works, but My Father. He dwells in Me, Emmanuel." Not another God up there, and another one here, and another one down here; that's heathen. One God in three offices: God the Father Almighty came down and dwelt in His Son Christ Jesus. He gave His life trying to find Hisself back to fellowship with His people, trying to get back. No one could pay the price, all sinners. And His own Son was made sin for us to take away our sins. And that would let the same Father God in the form of the Holy Ghost came down and dwel--dwelt in us and worked through us like He did His Son that was created. Amen. There's your truth.


E-56 Where was it? Here it was at Calvary. Here He goes up, this second Adam, God Himself come down and made man, going up the hill. The devil always did hate that Word, but that's right. Yes, sir. He was more than a prophet. People today with this socialized religion, saying that Jesus was just a good man, a--a philosopher, it's good to hear his teachings. If He wasn't God, if that wasn't Emmanuel's Blood, then He was a man like I am, that's right, and we're lost. He was God. God, the Holy Ghost, overshadowed Mary and created a blood cell that brought forth not a Jewish blood, not a Gentile blood, but God's own blood. Blood comes from the male sex. And this is a created blood, no sex into it at all. And that was God Himself, going walking up the hill there.

Let's look at Him. He had a little robe throwed across his shoulders. It was wove throughout without seam. I notice as He goes walking... I'm looking at Him by faith, showing Him to you all by faith. There's little red dots all over the back of that coat. What makes that like that? As He goes farther up the street, and the cross a rubbing on his shoulder, I notice them little dots begin to get bigger and bigger. What are they? What's the matter? All at once they all become one great big bloody splash. Then I hear something else beating against his leg: second Adam, going up the hill with a bloody garment beating against his leg.


E-88 All right. The Angel of the Lord set with His back turned. Now, now, I hope you all get this. I am not the Angel of the Lord; I'm William Branham. See? I'm your brother. But He was dwelling in human flesh then that He created Himself and just disappeared. Do you believe that? Now, do you believe that was God? The Bible said it was God. Abraham said it was. What was it? A sign that in the last days... Now, remember, when He come in the days of the Lord Jesus, He--God dwelt in Jesus, don't you believe that? That was a virgin born body, a Seed that come from God Himself. And in that Blood cell, when it was broke at Calvary for our sins, then it sanctified the church, that the Holy Spirit could dwell in the church and continue the works of God on down. "Ye are My witnesses, after you've received power." That's right.


E-35 Some people today try to take Divinity away from Him. His sign as Messiah was a prophet's sign, but He's... In redemption He was God.

The virgin Mary, a woman, virgin, knowed no man, the Holy Spirit overshadowed her and created a Blood Cell. That Blood Cell brought forth the Son of God.

Oh, sure, He was more than a Man. He was God. That's right. He wasn't neither Jew nor Gentile. He was God. That Blood Cell come from the male sex which was God. God created the Blood Cell in the womb of virgin Mary. And through that Blood Cell come forth the Son of God.

God lived in there unadulterated Blood, no sex touched to it at all like that. And through that Blood gives us faith to walk boldly to the throne of God and claim any promise that's in this Bible, because God made the promise. That's right. Yes.


When a man, by faith comes to that fountain filled with Blood, drawn from Immanuel's veins, by faith, lays his hands upon the feet of the Son of God and looks yonder at Calvary, and know all the suffering that He done, He done it for Him... Then that Blood Cell was broke on Calvary, was not an animal, neither was it a man. It was God's own Blood and It comes back and gives new birth.


E-24 There would be different ideas about it. But the only way to justly make it so, is to go back and find out what He was yesterday, and what He did yesterday, how He acted yesterday. And then see if He will come and be that same thing today.

Now, everyone believes and knows that the corporal body of the Lord Jesus sets at the right hand of God Almighty at the throne of God, making intercessions upon our confession. You all believe that? And the Holy Spirit is here, which was upon Him, which was God in Christ. Now, this is God in His church. God was in a Pillar of Fire once, the Logos that went out of God, that was the Angel of the covenant that went with the children of Israel through the wilderness.

Then He was manifested, the same God in the flesh, which was His Son, that He overshadowed a virgin, created a Blood cell, and lived in that Body of flesh, the Son of God.


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