Below you will find links to and descriptions of all the history assignments we use in the Electronic Binder.  Click on the individual assignment links to get the full instructions and printable worksheets.


We have divided the assignments into 3 categories based on what skills you will use to complete them.


| [pic] |Detective: A detective closely examines historical facts and puts them together in many forms. They work with charts to present |

| |information clearly and logically. They enjoy answering questions and finding details. |

|[pic] | Artist: An artist focuses on pictures to learn about the past. They produce drawings to present information to others in unique ways. |

| |They enjoy creating work that shows off their skill and talent.  |

|[pic] | Profiler: A profiler is mostly interested in people and how they think. They like to imagine themselves in historical situations and |

| |write about how they would have reacted. They usually present their information through short writings. |

|[pic] | Specialist: A specialist in history uses all three of the above skills to create projects that appeal to many people. They are |

| |interested in all aspects of history and present their ideas in complex projects.  |



Partial Class Period Assignments


|Name |Type |Description |

|Acrostic Poem |[pic] |A word from the unit is written vertically and then each letter is used to start each line of a |

| | |descriptive poem. |

|Annotated Illustration |[pic] |Draw a picture of a historical object and annotate it with captions. |

|Be The Thing |[pic] |Write a short explanation of life experiences as if you were a particular object from history (for |

| | |example, if you were a Spartan shield). |

|Bio Poem |[pic] |Complete a poem using a pre-made layout about a specific person (or group) in history. This entry |

| | |requires detailed information about the figure. |

|Bumper Sticker |[pic] |Create a bumper sticker about a specific topic. This activity requires a high level of creativity. |

|Cause and Effect Chain |[pic] |Describe 2 causes and 2 effects of a historical event. This entry requires an event or action. |

|Countdown! |[pic] |Complete a 5 section Graphic Organizer for the topic. |

|Creative Line Art |[pic] |Using a picture with random shapes and scribbles, create a scene depicting something that was |

| | |discussed in the lesson. |

|Day Planner |[pic] |Write out the daily schedule for a person living in history. This explains what a typical person |

| | |would do throughout the entire day. |

|Epitaph / Gravestone |[pic] |Design the epitaph and gravestone for a famous figure. This activity requires some research about the|

| | |figure. |

|Historical Ad |[pic] |Create a print advertisement for a piece of technology from the time period. |

|History Report Card |[pic] |Give grades to a historical figure based on certain elements assigned by the instructor. |

|In and Out |[pic] |Complete a graphic organizer highlighting the influences and contributions of a given society or |

| | |person. |

|Picture Analysis |[pic] |Answer a series of thought-provoking questions about a single photograph or piece of art. |

|Picture Frame |[pic] |Create a graphic organizer in the shape of a picture frame about a historical figure. |

|Postcard |[pic] |Make a postcard as if you were visiting the civilization being studied. |

|TXT MSG SUMRE |[pic] |Write a summary of a historical event to a friend in the form of a text message. |

|Venn Diagram |[pic] |Complete a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast historical figure, events or civilizations. |

|Wanted Poster |[pic] |Create a wanted ( or hero ) poster for a figure in history. |

|You Are There Letter |[pic] |Write a letter to a historical figure giving them advice on a problem they are facing. |


Full Class Period Assignments

|Name |Type |Description |

|Brain Chain |[pic] |List 10 important people, events, or concepts and then create conceptual links between them in a |

| | |graphic organizer |

|Circle Summary |[pic] |Complete the graphic organizer as a lesson summary. Lesson must be divided into 5 parts for this |

| | |activity to be relevant. |

|Comic Strip |[pic] |Create a 3-5 panel comic strip showing an event from a historical period. |

|Flash Cards |[pic] |Create flashcards for the key terms in this lesson. |

|History IMs |[pic] |Create an Instant Message conversation between two historical figures about a historical event. |

|Illustrated Map |[pic] |Draw a map and add captions or small pictures to bring the map to life. |

|Illustrated Timeline |[pic] |Draw a timeline and add captions and visuals to bring it to life. |

|Introduction Speech |[pic] |Write and recite and introductory speech for a historical figure. This may require extra research |

| | |about the subject. |

|Invitation |[pic] |Create an invitation card ( the who, what, when, where, and what to bring, etc. ) to an event studied|

| | |during the lesson. |

|Legal Brief |[pic] |Write a legal defense for a historical figure who may have been accused of committing a crime. |

|Point-Counterpoint Poems |[pic] |Complete two bio-poems side by side to highlight the similarities and differences between two |

| | |historical figures or groups. |

|Recipe for a Civilization |[pic] |Write a recipe with a list of ingredients it would take to create a civilization. ( This requires a |

| | |great amount of abstract thinking. ) |

|Song Rewrite |[pic] |Rewrite the lyrics to a song to make them about a historical event or period. |

|Worlds Collide |[pic] |Draw pictures contrasting key points of two cultures or civilizations. |

|You Are There Diary |[pic] |Write a series of diary entries as if you were a certain historical figue going through the era of |

| | |study. |


Multiple Class Period Assignments

|Name |Type |Description |

|A-Z History Book |[pic] |Create a picture book of key terms from a unit of study. Each will start with a different letter of |

| | |the alphabet. |

|Create a Crossword |[pic] |make your own crossword puzzle. You may use any online site to assist you with this activity. |

|Historical Myspace |[pic] |Create a Myspace page for a historical figure. |

|Historical Picture Book |[pic] |Create a children's book about a specific topic. |

|Historical Play |[pic] |Write and perform a short play about a historical event. This activity may be completed with a |

| | |partner or small group. |

|HiStory |[pic] |Write a creative fictional story using key terms and figures from the lesson. |

|HiStoryboard |[pic] |Create a storyboard layout for a movie. |

|History Board Game |[pic] |Use a basic file folder or sample template to create a board game about a period in history. |

|History Model |[pic] |Write a report on and build a model of a technological achievement from the period of history |

| | |studied. |

|History Newscast |[pic] |Working with a small group ( 3 or 4 ) of other students, film a short newscast presentation on a |

| | |historical event |

|History Newspaper |[pic] |Working with a small group ( 3 or 4 ) of other students, create a newspaper ( broadsheet ) with |

| | |multiple articles and elements from a time period in history. |

|History Web Page |[pic] |Create a webpage about a specific topic from the lesson. |

|Mind Map |[pic] |Create a large word cluster using words from the lesson. Then, write sentences explaining why you |

| | |made certain connections. This is similar to the Brain Chain. |

|Movie Madness |[pic] |Use art and writing to recreate a given lesson as a movie. You will design a movie poster and a movie|

| | |review. |

|One-pager |[pic] |Design a one page magazine-style cover for a lesson. |

|Paper Bag Puppet |[pic] |Create a puppet of a historical figure along a list of statements that that person would or did say. |

|Slideshow / Photostory |[pic] |Create a PowerPoint presentation on a historical topic. |

|Presentation | | |

|Travel Brochure |[pic] |Create a six-panel foldout brochure ( Microsoft Publisher ) that highlights the history, important |

| | |areas and accommodations of a culture. |

|What If? |[pic] |Flip the script on an important event in history. Change one major detail and then speculate as to |

| | |what might change as a result. You will then show your results in a recreated textbook page. |
























































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