Children in Victorian Times - Primary Source

Children in Victorian Times

Work and working

Many children had to ___________to help their families earn enough ______________to live. Employers used them as cheap labour. Many ___________as young as eight or nine, worked a twelve-hour day in factories and mills. They often did boring and ___________jobs.

Children often worked in:

❖ Mills

❖ _________________

❖ Large houses as servants

Children also worked down mines. This was work which was very dangerous, dark and very________________. Children as young as five worked in mine tunnels opening doors for the coal trucks through. Chimney

__________employed young boys to climb chimneys and __________away the soot. They were often burned with hot ________or unfortunately broke limbs or risked death falling from the_______ chimney.

Children in Victorian Times

Work and working

Many children had to w___________to help their families earn enough m______________to live. Employers used them as cheap labour. Many c___________as young as eight or nine, worked a twelve-hour day in factories and mills. They often did boring and d___________jobs.

Children often worked in:

❖ Mills

❖ F________________

❖ Large houses as servants

Children also worked down mines. This was work which was very dangerous, dark and very u________________. Children as young as five worked in mine tunnels opening doors for the coal trucks through. Chimney

__________employed young boys to climb chimneys and __________away the soot. They were often burned with hot ________or unfortunately broke limbs or risked death falling from the_______ chimney.

Children in Victorian Times

Work and working

Copy into your topic book.

Many children had to w___________to help their families earn enough m______________to live. Employers used them as cheap labour. Many c___________as young as eight or nine, worked a twelve-hour day in factories and mills. They often did boring and d___________jobs.

Children often worked in:

❖ Mills

❖ F________________

❖ Large houses as servants

Children also worked down mines. This was work which was very dangerous, dark and very u________________. Children as young as five worked in mine tunnels opening doors for the coal trucks through. Chimney s__________employed young boys to climb chimneys and s__________away the soot. They were often burned with hot s________or unfortunately broke limbs or risked death falling from the i_______ chimney.


inner sweeps Factories dangerous

uncomfortable soot children money

clean work

Read Joseph Taylor’s account of his day in the mine.

Joseph Taylor was ____ years old. He earned _ s_d a day. He has worked in the mine for nearly_______________. Joseph drives the____________ which are pulled by _________.

Daily he rose at_____and started in the mine at__________. My work is hard, dirty and uncomfortable.

Words from the mine: Copy into your glossary and add meanings.

Bait corve mistress onsetter rolley

inner sweeps Factories dangerous

uncomfortable soot children money

clean work

Read Joseph Taylor’s account of his day in the mine.

Joseph Taylor was ____ years old. He earned _ s_d a day. He has worked in the mine for nearly_______________. Joseph drives the____________ which are pulled by _________.

Daily he rose at_____and started in the mine at__________. His work was hard, dirty and uncomfortable.

Words from the mine: Copy into your glossary and add meanings.

Bait corve mistress onsetter rolley

inner sweeps Factories dangerous

uncomfortable soot children money

clean work


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