ESL conversation lesson on Judaism


STUDENT A’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B)

|1) |What springs to mind when you hear the word ‘Judaism’? |

|2) |What do you know about Judaism? |

|3) |What are the differences between Judaism, Christianity and Islam? |

|4) |Why have Jews been persecuted so much throughout history? |

|5) |If Jesus was the King of the Jews, why don’t Christians also follow Judaism? |

|6) |Judaism came first, so why is the number of followers of Judaism much smaller than the numbers for Muslims and Christians? |

|7) |What would the world be like today if Judaism had not started? |

|8) |What do you know about customs and rituals in Judaism? |

|9) |Have you ever been inside a synagogue? What must and mustn’t you do there? |

|10) |How are Orthodox Jews different from other Jews? |

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STUDENT B’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A)

|1) |What is anti-Semitism and how can we fight it? |

|2) |What is Zionism? |

|3) |Do men and women have different roles in Judaism? |

|4) |Do you know which holidays are celebrated in Judaism? |

|5) |Do you think Judaism will thrive as a world religion? |

|6) |What symbols of Judaism do you know of and what do they mean? |

|7) |Why is there so much bad feeling between Jews and Arabs? |

|8) |What do you know about Jewish cuisine? |

|9) |How important is the nation of Israel in Judaism? |

|10) |What questions about Judaism would you like the answers to? |


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