Pilot Club of Georgia – Pilot Club International – Pilot ...

OFFICER INSTALLATION2017-2018 CLUB OFFICERS It is time to honor our district leadership and renew our dedication to Pilot International…to this District…and our Clubs. Since the founding of Pilot International in 1921, the guiding principles of friendship and service have served to unite us. Today, Pilots strive to Do More, Care More, and Be More as we fulfill our founders’ visions for the organization – building a vibrant organization that makes a measurable difference in the lives of others through dedicated volunteer community service. We continue to focus on the founding principles of friendship and service as we continue to influence positive change in communities throughout the world. To do this, we come together in friendship and give people an outlet for service. We focus on:Encouraging Brain Safety and Health,Preparing Youth for Service,Supporting Those Who Care for Others.The success of our efforts shines through the lives we have touched; the youth we have mentored; the children we have comforted; the families we have helped; and the peace of mind we have imparted. We will continue to be aware and responsive to the needs of others, and to make a true and positive difference in the name of Pilot International and the Georgia District.Would the outgoing officers please stand:Thank you for your leadership and dedication to the Georgia District during the 2016-2017 year. (To Audience) Let us show our enthusiastic appreciation to these officers who have unselfishly and generously given their time, talents, energy, and wisdom to this District. (Lead applause.) Each year, the incoming Governor selects a theme or focus for the next Pilot year. Katharine has chosen “Shining the Light of Service.” As you can see, she has chosen the lighthouse as a symbol of that light. Appropriately, the lighthouse beacon IS a beacon of service. That is its job.The lighthouse was used by 1966-67 Pilot International President Meralda Brennan. Her theme was “Broaden the Beam of the Pilot Light.” Two past Governors of the Alabama District also used the lighthouse. These themes are not intended to diminish Pilot’s focus, but to provide an extra impetus to these ideas within the District.In the early days of our country, the Lighthouse provided a necessary service to navigation. The position of Lighthouse keeper was important as the ships at sea depended on the light to avoid unseen dangers. Today, automation and advanced technology have made many lighthouses obsolete. Those that remain are viewed as cherished memories of history.Will the incoming officers please come forward? _______________________________, ___________________________, ______________________________, ____________________________, as DIRECTORS, each of you is responsible for promoting friendship and unity within your club lighthouse. You are to encourage good attendance and participation in club activities. Make new members welcome and valued. Do you pledge to fulfill these responsibilities and keep the light of Pilot shining? If you accept these challenges, say, “I will.”(Response)(Use whatever symbolism you wish – light a candle, etc.)___________________________, you have been elected to the office of SECRETARY. It is your responsibility to maintain the log of club activities, for this log is the history of the club. Use your skills of listening to help focus the light of service in your community and club. Always be professional and accurate in your duties. If you accept these important responsibilities, say, “I will.”(Response). (Use whatever symbolism you wish – light a candle, etc.)___________________________________ as Treasurer, you hold an office of ultimate trust and extreme diligence. You are responsible for the Club’s finances – depositing funds promptly, paying bills in a timely manner, keeping accurate records of all transactions. And, I’m sorry to say, you must submit tax documents as required. The Club relies on you also to be sure your lighthouse club is regularly informed of the club’s finances. If you accept this important position, say, “I will.”(Response)(Use whatever symbolism you wish – light a candle, etc.) ______________________________________, you have received a vote of confidence from the Club to hold the office of President Elect. This year will be a busy one for you as you prepare to assume the office of President. Your duties are two-fold. You are preparing for the time when you will assume leadership. You must be familiar with the club’s and District’s Standing Rules and policies, and Pilot International Bylaws. You will be choosing your team and beginning to outline plans for your club.Your other duties are serving as the Assistant Director of the Lighthouse Service. You will assist the President and the other members of the Executive Board in keeping the focus of service alive in the club and community. You must also be prepared to take on the duties of President in an emergency.If you accept these important responsibilities, say “I will.”(Response)(Use whatever symbolism you wish – light a candle, etc.)_________________________, the time has come for you to be installed as President. Governor Katharine has chosen the lighthouse to be the symbol of Pilot service within the district. It is the service that is important, not which person or club is responsible for doing the service. Let the service speak. We are told to let our light shine, and if it does, we won’t need to tell anybody it does. Lighthouses don’t fire cannons to call attention to their shining – they just shine. – Dwight L. MoodyLike a lighthouse on a dark and stormy night, may your love and devotion to Pilot continue to shine brightly.The club has placed their faith and trust in you to serve as President. You will be the link between the club and the DAC/DEC. You have become more knowledgeable about the Club’s and District’s Standing Rules and the Pilot International Bylaws. You must be dedicated and committed to keeping the Club on a “true course ever” within our organization. Inspire everyone you meet with your friendship and love of service.If you will accept the responsibilities of this important office, say, “I will,” and place your light on the lighthouse.(Turning to audience) -- Pilots, as valued leaders and valued members, your participation in club and district projects, fundraisers, and events are greatly needed to make this team work. Your support of Pilot International, our noble purpose, mission, programs, and events unite us in friendship and service at every level of Pilot. Together as one, we can DO More, CARE More, and BE More.” Pilots, please indicate your acceptance of these important responsibilities by saying, “I will.”(Response) (Turning to face newly-installed officers) You have pledged to work together to promote Pilot growth and to maintain Pilot’s legacy of friendship and service around the world. It is now our pleasure to declare the Pilot Club of __________________’s officers duly installed. Congratulations and best wishes for a most successful year!(Lead applause)Madam President, this concludes the installation service. ................

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