Chapter 3 Q&A Name:___________________________

|1. |Explain the difference between the following terms: |

| |a) |Migration: |_________________________________________________________________ |

| |b) |Immigration: |_________________________________________________________________ |

| |c) |Emigration: |_________________________________________________________________ |

| |d) |Net Migration: |_________________________________________________________________ |

| | |

|2. |Arrange each of the following scenarios into the correct category below. |

| |Failed harvest/famine |Warm winter climate |Flooding of a river |

| |Factory is closed |War breaks out |Freedom of speech & religion |

| |Scenic mountain views |Expensive housing costs |Opening of a new factory |

| |Communists take over a government |Good schools/Low crime rate |Low income taxes |

| | |

| |Economic | |Cultural/Political | |Environmental |

| |Push Factors | |Push Factors | |Push Factors |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Pull Factors | |Pull Factors | |Pull Factors |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |

|3. |The most important pull factor for migrants to North America is _____________________________. |

| |(economic/political/environmental) |

|4. |Explain how each of the following has served as Intervening Obstacle to movement. |

| |a) the Rocky Mountains: |

| | |

| | |

| |b) the Atlantic Ocean: |

| | |

| | |

| |c) the Iron Curtain/Berlin Wall: |

| | |

|5. |A person permanently migrating from one country to another is an ____________________ migrant. |

| | |

| |Voluntary migration implies that a migrant has _______________ to move for __________________ improvement. |

| | |

| |__________________ migration refers to migrants that have been compelled to move by cultural or political factors. These migrants are referred to as |

| |_____________________. |

|6. |Check all of the following that are true statements about Mexican migrants. |

| | | |Most long Mexican migrants today are males. |

| | |

| | | |Most migrants work in the U.S. for substandard pay and few benefits. |

| | |

| | | |Tougher security along the U.S/Mexican border has resulted Mexican migrants |

| | | |choosing to stay permanently in the United States instead of going back home. |

| | |

| | | |Most migrants come from areas that border the United States. |

| | |

| | | |Approximately half of the illegal immigrants to the United States are better educated |

| | | |than other Mexicans back in their home region. |

Chapter 3 Q&A

|7. |Use the map to match the description with the correct region(s). |[pic] |

| | | |

| |_______ |Areas of net out-migration |A. |N. America | |

| |_______ |Sends 100,000 + to N. America |B. |L. America | |

| |_______ |Receive the most migrants from Asia |C. |Europe | |

| |_______ |Largest destination for L. Americas |D. |Africa | |

| |_______ |Receives migrants from every region |E. |Asia | |

| | | |F. |Australia | |

| | |

| | |

|8. |1st Peak of European Immigration |

| |a) When did the 1st peak of European Immigration to the U.S. occur? ________________________ |

| |b) Approximately how many people migrated during these 2 decades? ________________________ |

| |c) What region(s) of Europe did these early immigrants come from? ________________________ |

| |d) Name one “push” factor that compelled these people to cross the Atlantic. ___________________ |

| |__________________________________________________________________________________ |

| | |

| |2nd Peak of European Immigration |

| |e) During what decade did the second wave of European immigration peak? _____________________ |

| |f) How many people were coming from Europe per year during this time? _____________________ |

| |g) Besides Germany & Ireland, what other two countries sent a large number of immigrants? |

| |__________________________________________________________________________________ |

| |h) What “pulled” these immigrants the Americas? ___________________________________________ |

| | |

| |3rd Peak of European Immigration |

| |i) What were the two source regions for immigrants during the early 20th century? _______________ |

| |__________________________________________________________________________________ |

| |j) In what geographical region did most of these people settle? ________________________________ |

| | |

| |Recent Immigration |

| |k) During what decades did the most immigrants come from Asia? ____________________________ |

| |l) According to the map on the top of page 95, from what countries are the majority of Asian immigrants from? |

| |_____________________________________________________________________ |

| |m) By the late 1980s, which region replaced Asia as America’s leading source of immigrants? _______ |

| |n) Most Asians migrate to the United States through the process of __________________ migration. |

| |o) From what country does the largest number of legal immigrants to the United States come from? |

| |__________________________________________________________________________________ |

| |p) From what country does the largest number of illegal immigrants to the United States come from? |

| |__________________________________________________________________________________ |

| |q) What country has sent the most immigrants of all…over 8 million? _________________________ |

| |Which European country did it surpass?______________________________________ |

| | |

| | |

|9. |Europe’s Demographic Transition |

| |Because of the _____________________ Revolution, improvements occurred in public health, medicines, and the production of food. This resulted in a rapid |

| |decline in _____________ rates, allowing the population to __________________ and pushing Europe into the ____ stage of the Demographic Transition. |

| | |

| |To promote more efficient agriculture, England encouraged the consolidation of many __________ farms into _____________ units. This policy was known as the|

| |__________________ Movement. |

| | |

| |Millions of people were forced to ________________ from rural areas to factory jobs in the cities. Many choose to migrate to the __________________ |

| |__________________ in search of farmland. |

AP Human Geography Name: _____________________ Period: _____

Ch. 3.3 Review Questions

|I. Immigration Policies of Host Countries |

|1. |What two laws were passed in the 1920’s for the purpose of limiting immigration into the U.S.? |

| |a) |

| |b) |

| | |

| |How did the establishment of these 1920s “quota laws” affect immigration? |

| | |

| | |

| |Current law permits approximately 620,000 people to immigrate into the United States per year. About 3/4th of these migrants MUST show proof of what in |

| |order to be legally admitted? |

| | |

| | |

| |What ethnic group has especially made good use of U.S. quota laws in the recent years? ___________ |

| |Explain how they use the system to bring others into the United States. |

| | |

| | |

|2. |Why have some less developed countries accused the North Americans & Europeans of “stealing” their best people? |

| | |

| | |

| |What term is used to describe this situation where there is a large-scale emigration of talented people out of less developed regions to places like the |

| |United States? ________________________________ |

|3. |Explain how a guest worker differs from a legal immigrant. |

| | |

| | |

| |What types of jobs do “temporary” guest workers tend to have in Western Europe? |

| | |

| |Why are many guest workers willing to take a low-status job and work for low pay? |

| | |

| | |

| |Use the map on the bottom of page 100 (or 102) to answer questions A and B: |

| |A) What regions are guest workers coming from? ___________________________________________ |

| |B) Name the most popular destination states for guest workers. ________________________________ |

| |___________________________________________________________________________________ |

|I. Migration Between Regions Within the United States |

|5. |The largest level of interregional migration in the United States occurred with the opening of the American ________. Lack of farmland pushed people from |

| |the crowded East to less densely populated regions where ___________ was abundant. |

| | |

| |Between the 1790’s – 1920’s, the migration pattern across the U.S. moved in generally what direction?” |

| | |

| |What were some of the intervening obstacles that hindered migration or movement westward? |

| | |

|6. |The speed of migration during this period was influenced by the development of what two forms of transportation? |

| |A) ___________________________________ B) ____________________________________ |

|7. |According to the map (fig. 3-12 or 3-9), where was the center of U.S. population located by the year 2000? |

|8. |During the last couple of decades, into what U.S. region have the largest number of people moved? |

| | |

| |What push/pull factors were involved in this migration pattern? |

| | |

| |The largest interregional migration of African-Americans has been from __________ to ___________. |

|II. Migration Between Regions in Other Countries |

| | |

|9. |Fill in the chart below to summarize where/why interregional migration has occurred. |

| | |Place where Migration was | |

| |Country |Encouraged/Discouraged |Pull/Push Factor(s) |

| |Russia | | |

| |Brazil | | |

| |Canada | | |

|III. Migration Within One Region |

|10. |Since 1800 the most prominent type of intraregional migration in the world has been from _________ to __________ areas. What is the reason that |

| |approximately 20,000,000 people make this move every year? |

| | |

| |Where do most of these migrants in LDCs end up living? (read paragraphs on Brazil) |

| | |

|11. |According to the diagram on the top of page 109 (or bottom of 90), what is the current intraregional trend in the U.S.? |

| | |

| |What is the major reason that Americans & Europeans have moved from cities to suburbs? |

| | |

| |What name is given to this new migration trend that started to occur in more developed nations toward the end of the 20th century phenomena? |

| |___________________________________________________ |


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