AP Biology - Fairfield Prep

Welcome to AP Biology. I look forward to working with you in the fall.

Your summer assignment is to prepare for a test on chapters 3, 4.3, and 5 of Campbell’s Biology (7th edition). These chapters cover the some of the biology you studied as a freshman, as well as some chemistry from junior year. By reviewing this over the summer, we gain valuable class time needed to prepare for the AP test in May. As an aside, we will take a similar approach to covering more material over thanksgiving, winter, and spring breaks as well as some 3-day weekends. If you are interested in getting a jump on this work over the summer, contact me via email.

The Chapter 3-5 test will take place during our second full class meeting. We will not spend class time reviewing this material. In order to help you prepare for this test, I have provided you with a copy of a reading guide written by Fred and Theresa Holtzclaw (faculty consultants to the AP College Board). Complete this reading guide by typing your responses to the questions and prompts into a word document. Any tasks that requiring labeling diagrams should be done in Word using the insert shape and insert text box functions.

This word document will be collected via in the first week of school and will count as 25% of the Chapter 3-5 test.

Be advised that preparing for the test and completing the reading guide will take many hours. I suggest that you begin the assignment before August comes around. Should you have questions over the summer, contact me at adotolo@.

Enjoy your summer,

Mr. Dotolo

AP Biology Summer Assignment Name:

• Type your answers into the Word document.

• You will submit electronically via when school starts.

• Answer in your own words; cite any quotations.

• Diagrams can be labeled using insert > shapes and insert > text box

Chapter 3 [all concepts]

1. Why is water considered a polar molecule?

2. For each of the below listed properties of water – briefly define the property and then explain how water’s polar nature and polar covalent bonds contribute to the water special property. Also, include an example in nature of each property.

a. Cohesion

b. Adhesion

c. Surface tension

d. High specific heat

e. Heat of vaporization

f. Evaporative cooling

3. What is special about water and density?

4. Define the following terms:

a. Solute

b. Solvent

c. Aqueous solution

d. Hydrophilic

e. Hydrophobic

f. Colloid

g. Hydration shell

h. Molarity

5. Label the diagram below to demonstrate the dissociation of the water molecule and then relate this diagram to pH.


6. What defines an acid and a base?

7. Why are “apparently” small changes in pH so important in biology?

8. What is a buffer and write and explain the carbonic acid buffer system in human blood – yes we are back to the equation AGAIN!

9. What is acid precipitation and why is it important to living organisms?

Chapter 4 [concept 4.3 only]

10. Here is an idea that will recur throughout your study of the function of molecules: Change the structure, change the function. You see this in enantiomers, you will see it in proteins and enzymes, and now we are going to look at testosterone and estradiol. Notice how similar these two molecules are, and yet you know what a vastly different effect each has. Label each molecule in the sketch below, and circle the differences.

11. Define functional group

12. There are seven functional groups. Complete the following chart.

| |Hydroxyl |Carbonyl |

| | | |

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| | | |

13. Have you noticed that all the sugars end in –ose? This root word means_______

14. What is a glycosidic linkage?

15. Here is a molecule of starch, which shows 1–4 glycosidic linkages. Translate and explain this terminology in terms of carbon numbering.

16. There are two categories of polysaccharides. Name them and give examples.

|Type of Polysaccharide |Examples |

| | |

| | |

17. Why can you not digest cellulose? What organisms can?

18. Let’s review some key points about the carbohydrates. Each prompt below describes a unique carbohydrate. Name the correct carbohydrate for each.

a. Has 1–4 B glucose linkages

b. Is a storage polysaccharide produced by vertebrates; stored in your liver

c. Two monomers of this form maltose

d. Glucose +________ form sucrose

e. Monosaccharide commonly called “fruit sugar”

f. “Milk sugar”

g. Structural polysaccharide that gives cockroaches their crunch

h. Malt sugar; used to brew beer

i. Structural polysaccharide that comprises plant cell walls

19. Lipids include fats, waxes, oils, phospholipids, and steroids. What characteristic do all lipids share?

20. What are the building blocks of fats? Label them on this figure

21. If a fat is composed of 3 fatty acids and 1 glycerol molecule, how many water molecules will be removed to form it? Again, what is this process called?

22. On the figure with question 35, label the ester linkages.

23. Draw a fatty acid chain that is 8 carbons long and is unsaturated. Circle the element in your chain that makes it unsaturated, and explain what this means.

24. Name two saturated fats.

25. Name two unsaturated fats.

26. Why are many unsaturated fats liquid at room temperature?

27. What is a trans fat? Why should you limit them in your diet?

28. List four important functions of fats.

29. Here is a figure that shows the structure of a phospholipid. Label the sketch to show the phosphate group, the glycerol, and the fatty acid chains. Also indicate the region that is hydrophobic and the region that is hydrophilic.


30. Why is the “tail” hydrophobic?

31. Which of the two fatty acid chains in the figure with question 44 is unsaturated? Label it. How do you know it is unsaturated?

32. To summarize, a phospholipid has a glycerol attached to a phosphate group and two fatty acid chains. The head is hydrophilic, and the tail is hydrophobic. Now, sketch the phospholipid bilayer structure of a plasma membrane. Label the hydrophilic heads, hydrophobic tails, and location of water.

33. Study your sketch. Why are the tails all located in the interior?

34. Some people refer to this structure as three hexagons and a doghouse. What is it?


35. What are other examples of steroids?

36. Table 5.1 is loaded with important information. Select any five types of proteins and summarize each type here.

|Type of Protein |Function |Example |

| | | |

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| | | |

37. Enzymes are an important type of protein. They will be studied in Chapter 8. For now, use this sketch to review what you know about enzymes. Label the active site, the substrate, and the products. Show what happens to water.


38. Is this reaction dehydration synthesis or hydrolysis?

39. The monomers of proteins are amino acids. Sketch an amino acid here. Label the alpha or central carbon, amino group, carboxyl group, and R group.

40. What is represented by R? How many are there?

41. Study the figure. See if you can understand why some R groups are nonpolar, some polar, and others electrically charged (acidic or basic). If you were given an R group, could you place it in the correct group? Work on the R groups until you can see common elements in each category.


42. Define these terms:



peptide bond

Label each of these terms on the diagrams

43. There are four levels of protein structure. Refer to Figure 5.21, and summarize each level in the following table.

|Level of protein structure |Explanation |example |

|Primary (I0) | | |

|Secondary (II0) | | |

| | | |

|Alpha helix | | |

| | | |

|Beta pleated sheet | | |

|Tertiary (III0) | | |

|Quaternary (IV0) | | |

44. Label each of the levels of protein structure on this figure.


45. Enzymes are globular proteins that exhibit at least tertiary structure. On this figure, identify and explain each interaction that folds this portion.

46. Do you remember when, in Chapter 4, we said, “Change the structure, change the function”? Explain how that principle applies to sickle-cell disease. Why is the structure changed?


47. Besides mutation, which changes the primary structure of a protein, protein structure can be changed by denaturation. Define denaturation, and give at least three ways a protein may become denatured.

48. Chaperone proteins or chaperonins assist in the proper folding of proteins. Annotate this figure to explain the process.


49. The flow of genetic information is from DNA ( RNA ( protein. Use this figure to explain the process. Label the nucleus, DNA, mRNA, ribosome, and amino acids.


50. The components of a nucleic acid are a sugar, a nitrogenous base, and a phosphate group. Label each on the figure below.

You may recall that early in this chapter we looked at the numbering system for the carbons of a sugar. Label the end of the strand on the left side of the figure below that has the number 5 sugar 5' and the other end of the chain 3'.


51. Notice that there are five nitrogen bases. Which four are found in DNA?

52. Which four are found in RNA?

53. How do ribose and deoxyribose sugars differ?

54. To summarize, what are the three components of a nucleotide?

55. Here is a model of DNA, which was proposed by James Watson and Francis Crick. What is this shape called?


56. Why are the strands said to be antiparallel?

57. What two molecules make up the “uprights”?

58. What molecules make up the rungs?

59. For the two nucleotides of DNA below, provide the complementary base.



60. In a DNA double helix, a region along one DNA strand has this sequence of nitrogenous bases:

5'-T A G G C C T-3'

61. Write the complementary strand. Indicate the 5' and 3' ends of the new strand.

This summary table from the Chapter 5 Review is an excellent study tool. Use it to organize material from this chapter in your mind.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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