Pitt County Schools

Pitt County Schools

10272C Film and Literature

Instructional Guide

|Time Frame: First Marking Period |


|Goal 1: Make basic connections between written |Are there similarities between written text and the |Students will approach watching films through a |Specifically chosen books to coincide with the |

|text and a visual interpretation of the text. |visual medium? |literary window in order to write about the films. |movies shown. |

| |How can the same elements of literature be applied |Reading and extensive writing will be required. |Assessment should revolve around class discussion |

| |to a film? | |and short writings. |

| |Are the variances from written to visual needed? | | |

|Objective 1.1 Compare a film based on choices that |How does the form of a novel change into a motion |Students will be asked to read a text and determine |Specifically chosen books to coincide with the |

|were made by the director from a published text. |picture? |the changes that might be necessary to change prior |movies shown. |

| |Why does the filmmaker feel it necessary to change |to the film being made. |Assessment should revolve around class discussion |

| |characters/setting/etc.? | |and short writings. |

|Objective 1.1 Compare a film based on choices that |Upon completing the novel (short story) reading, and|Students will be asked to read a text and determine |Specifically chosen books to coincide with the |

|were made by the director from a published text. |viewing the film, can the student make the |the changes that might be necessary to change prior |movies shown. |

| |connections necessary to discuss them together in a |to the film being made. |Assessment should revolve around class discussion |

| |single writing? | |and short writings. |

|Objective 1.2 Analyze literary elements present in a|Do literary elements such as setting and theme apply|Students will view a film and apply basic literary |Specifically chosen film to coincide with the |

|film such as foreshadowing, setting, |to films? |terms in a paper. |applicable literary device selected. |

|characterization, etc. |How does the theme of a movie present itself |The paper should focus on the possibility of |Assessment should be determined by student’s |

| |differently than in a written text? |exacting a theme from a film. |writing. |

|Objective 1.2a: Determine what literary devices were| | | |

|most successful in the way they were presented in | | | |

|the film. | | | |

|Objective 1.2 Analyze literary elements present in a|How important is a cinematographer to the visual |Students will view a wide range of films to |Film selection. |

|film such as foreshadowing, setting, |presentation of a film? |recognize good filmmakers from those that simply |Assessment should/could be based on the speech or |

|characterization, etc. |What other positions in the motion picture industry |make movies. |other presentation of their finding. |

| |play an important role in the presentation of a |A speech could be used to allow the students to | |

|Objective 1.2a: Determine what literary devices were|film? |present their findings. | |

|most successful in the way they were presented in | | | |

|the film. | | | |

|Objective 1.1 Compare a film based on choices that |Can the students take the previously learned |Students will need to read a text, view a visual |Specifically chosen film and text. |

|were made by the director from a published text. |material and apply the concepts on one reading and |representation of that text and use their knowledge |Assessment should be based on the paper. |

| |one film in a comparison/contrast presentation? |to prepare a formal paper. | |

|Objective 1.1a: Analyze how the film accounts for | | | |

|information differently than the text. Determine | | | |

|what was added/omitted for these purposes. | | | |

|Time Frame: Second Marking Period |


|Objective 1.2 Analyze literary elements present in a|Can the students take the previously learned |Students will need to read a text, view a visual |Specifically chosen film and text. |

|film such as foreshadowing, setting, |material and apply the concepts on one reading and |representation of that text and use their knowledge |Assessment should be based on the paper. |

|characterization, etc. |one film that tries to “update” the material in a |to prepare a form of a paper. | |

| |comparison/contrast presentation? | | |

|Objective 1.2a: Determine what literary devices were| | | |

|most successful in the way they were presented in | | | |

|the film. | | | |

|Goal 2: Further one’s visual awareness to see the |With an “updated” version of the film, what choices |Students will be asked to read a text and determine |Specifically chosen books to coincide with the |

|intentions of the filmmakers and how they |did the filmmaker have to make and how does the |the changes that might be necessary prior to the |movies shown. |

|accomplished this through film. |change reflect on the thematic and literary elements|film being made. |Assessment should revolve around class discussion |

| |of the story? |They will also have to determine intent of the |and short writings. |

| |Does the film stay true to the purpose of the |author/filmmaker. | |

| |writing? | | |

|Objective 2.1 Analyze film through literary, |Given that cinema has its own terms and |Students will be asked to locate through research a |Research materials for paper. |

|dramatic and cinematic modes. |expectations, how can a financially ruined film be |movie that is a classic today, but was a financial |Assessment should revolve around class discussion |

| |considered a phenomenal cinematic masterpiece? |disaster when it first opened, view it, and |and research. |

| |Does the review process of a film involve personal |determine why it may not have been successful when | |

| |biases? |released, but is now so influential. | |

|Objective 2.1 Analyze film through literary, |Do the actors chosen to portray the characters match|Short presentations could be used for the students |Specifically chosen films. |

|dramatic and cinematic modes. |with the description of the characters in the novel?|to convey their findings. |Assessment should be determined by student’s |

| |How does this alter the character in general? | |presentation of information. |

|Objective 2.1 Analyze film through literary, |What are the characteristics of the different genres|A comparison chart could be used for the students to|Film selection. |

|dramatic and cinematic modes. |of film? |track the differences (probably need to show at |Assessment should/could be based on the presentation|

| |What are the similarities/differences? |least four different genres). |of the comparison (chart or paper). |

|Objective 2.1a: Compare films from the same genre on| | | |

|their use of thematic elements. | | | |

|Objective 2.1b: View films of the same topic (i.e. |With the presentation of the same topic in movies |A comparison of similar films will be conducted |Specifically chosen films and texts. |

|same book, character, story, etc.) and determine why|(whether it be a character (Al Capone), an event |based on the literary and cinematic elements |Assessment should be based on the comparison. |

|the differences exist and determine which is more |(stock market crash of 1929), or from the same text |discussed previously in the course. | |

|successful based on literary, dramatic and cinematic|(King Arthur)) how are some prepared more | | |

|elements. |successfully than others? | | |

| |What thematic differences are there? | | |

| |What cinematic differences exist? | | |

|Time Frame: Third Marking Period |


|Objective 2.1b: View films of the same topic (i.e. |How are the same topics changed and how does it |Students will need to prepare an argumentative paper|Films shown |

|same book, character, story, etc.) and determine why|affect the story-telling nature of the film? |on the negative aspects of the portrayal of the |Assessment should be based on the details in the |

|the differences exist and determine which is more |How does the film create the characters versus how |film. |paper and how accurately they adhere to the |

|successful based on literary, dramatic and cinematic|they are created in the text? | |assignment. |

|elements. | | | |

|Objective 1.2a: Determine what literary devices were|How are traditional holidays presented in the |Students should select a time of year that movies |Specifically chosen films to coincide with the |

|most successful in the way they were presented in |cinema? |have a theme for (Christmas, Thanksgiving, |theme. |

|the film. |How are the same topics used in films differently |Independence Day, etc). |Assessment should revolve around class discussion |

| |and similarly in the same genre? |They will also have to determine intent of the |and short writings. |

| |What techniques are used to create these traditions?|author/filmmaker on the way the traditions are | |

| | |conveyed. | |

|Goal 3: Integrate one’s literary and visual |What decisions would students make based on the |Students will be asked to view films to make |Journal writing would be useful to show the |

|experiences in order to analyze the visual medium. |presentation of a film? |“directorial” decisions on what to change. |student’s thought progression. |

| |Can a student explain the choices they would make |They should practice this on a film before |Assessment should revolve around class discussion |

| |that could change the film intelligently? |presenting their decisions to the class of another |and presentation. |

| | |film. | |

|Objective 3.1 Determine a thematic similarity |Is there a theme that runs through one director’s |Short presentations could be used for the students |Specifically chosen films. |

|between films, analyzing them through literary |body of work? |to convey their findings. |Assessment should be determined by student’s |

|elements. |What similarities exist between several films by one|Segments from movies should be used to “prove” the |presentation of information. |

| |director that could be seen as a thematic choice by |students’ findings. | |

| |the director? | | |

|Objective 3.2 Write a review of a film using all of |Can the students combine all their knowledge to |A movie view would need to be presented. |Film selection. |

|the techniques (thematic, cinematic, literary, etc.)|present a well-thought-out review of a film? |The students should be instructed to take notes |Assessment should/could be based on the review. |

|learned in the course. |What terminology is required for an accurate movie |during the viewing. | |

| |review? |Many movie reviews should be read in preparation. | |

| |What makes a good movie review? | | |

|Objective 2.2 Determine the role of special effects |What special effects are used in varying genres of |A comparison of films will be conducted based on the|Specifically chosen films. |

|in films and how their presence has the ability to |the motion picture industry? |use of special effects in movies. |Assessment should be based on the understanding |

|make the story more or less dramatic than the |What are the improvements since the early years of |Movies from a wide range of decades should be used |presented by the students. |

|written text. |film? |to show the improvements in the field. | |

| |How are movies more dependent on special effects | | |

| |today than years ago? | | |



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