PHILOSOPHY # I: - Religion and Society


“I cannot live locked up inside myself. I must be open to the world and to those around me. I must be meditative so that other people and the forces found in the universe can flow through me so that I can overcome all illusion about myself and the world and thus discover an ultimate reality.”


“I’m here for one purpose: to get as much 'gusto' out of life as I can. Pain and suffering are evils that must be avoided at all costs, The main thing in life is to always feel good.”


"My purpose in life is to work for the glorification of the group, The individual has no worth as such. I am like a cog in a big machine as I submit my efforts to the larger efforts of the state.”


“I must do whatever I can to increase my own freedom. Freedom means doing what I want to do. Hell is other people. What Is good is that which furthers my Interests."


"I have worth. I must strive to live a life of loving service for my fellowmen, all of whom In the last analysis are my brothers and sisters. Life has a meaning which resides outside of me, that is, in God. and in my relationship to Jesus Christ."


“In the light of death, life has no real meaning. It is a joke - 'the tale of an idiot signifying nothing.”


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