Application for Real Estate Company Listing/Advertising on ...

Application for Real Estate Company

Listing/Advertising on The White Coat

Investor Website

Note: This application becomes part of the listing on The White

Coat Investor website, so please fill it out with care. Be sure to fill

out pages 1-2, 8-9, and any pages applicable to your company in 37.

Personal and Firm Information

Your Name: Jawwad Khan

Name of Firm: Compound Projects, LLC

Insert link to your website:

Best Phone number for investors to contact your company: +1 917-6834559

Best email address for investors to contact your company:


What year was your company founded? 2019

Is your company profitable yet? We plan to commence operations

following the closing of this offering.

How long have you been working in real estate? Our executive team,

collectively has more than 50 years of direct real-estate investment, with

leadership roles at Standard Hotels, North Star Capital, Morgan Stanley,

Two Kings Real Estate, Waterfall Asset Management, ETRE Financial.

Please describe your real estate investing experience: Compound¡¯s team

has deep expertise in managing and investing in real-estate projects.

We¡¯ve executed on hundreds of transactions, with over $3 billion in

volume. Our experience spans:

? Whole loan securitizations ? Performing and non-performing loan

trading ? Capital raising for real-estate projects ? Farmland and

sustainable agriculture investing ? Real-estate syndicate (crowdfunded

real-estate investments) ? REIT

What type of company are you? (check all that apply)


A real estate pla,orm connec1ng investors and developers


A private real estate fund


A real estate syndicator


A Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT)


A turnkey real estate company


Other (please describe)

What types of real estate asset classes do you invest in? (check all that





Single family homes












Mobile Homes



Have you personally or your company had any events in the past that are

reportable to regulatory agencies? If so, please attach explanation.


Have any of your former clients sued you or a company you owned or

worked for? What was the outcome? Please attach explanation.


Are you currently involved in a lawsuit by a client or former client?

Please attach explanation. No

Have you or any company you had ownership stake in declared

bankruptcy? Please attach explanation. No

Do you accept investors that are not accredited? Not currently

Other (please list)


Questions for Real Estate Platforms - NA

(syndicators, REITs, and Funds may skip this section)

How do you vet investors? How do you vet sponsors? How many deals

are currently available on your platform to invest in? How many deals

have been available over the last year? How many of the deals on your

platform have gone round trip already? Please insert link to returns on

prior round trip deals through your platform: How do you get paid? What

are the typical waterfall structures for sponsors using your

platform? What is your plan to take care of investors if your platform

goes out of business?

How do you ensure your interests are aligned with the investors?

Questions for Syndicators

(Online platforms, REITs, and Funds may skip this section) How

do you find investors?

We find investors through a combination of our personal networks,

intermediaries, as well as general marketing and solicitation. We have

developed an email list of 19,000 investors and continue to grow this list

through website sign-ups.

How do you choose projects?

Our investment strategy is to acquire, invest in, manage, operate, selectively

leverage and sell residential properties located in the major urban markets in the

United States. We focus on acquiring properties we believe (1) are likely to

generate stable cash flows in the long term and (2) have significant possibilities

for long-term capital appreciation, such as those located in neighborhoods with

what we see as high growth potential and those available from sellers who are

distressed or face time-sensitive deadlines.

To execute our disciplined investment approach, we will take responsibility for the

business plan of each investment. The following practices summarize our

investment approach:

¡ñ Local Market Research ¨C We extensively research the acquisition and

underwriting of each transaction, utilizing both real time market data and

the transactional knowledge and experience of our network of professionals

and in market relationships.

¡ñ Underwriting Discipline ¨C We follow a tightly controlled and managed

process to examine all elements of a potential investment, including, with

respect to real property, its location, income-producing capacity, prospects

for long-range appreciation, tax considerations and liquidity.

¡ñ Risk Management ¨C Risk management will be a fundamental principle in

the management of each of our properties. Operating or performance risks

arise at the investment level and often require real estate operating

experience to cure. We review the operating performance of investments

against projections and provide the oversight necessary to detect and

resolve issues as they arise.

¡ñ Asset Management ¨C Prior to the purchase of a property, we develop an

asset business strategy which will be customized based on the acquisition

and underwriting data. This is a forecast of the action items to be taken and

the capital needed to achieve the anticipated returns. We review asset

business strategies regularly to anticipate changes or opportunities in the

market during a given phase of a real estate cycle. How much leverage

do you typically use in your projects? We typically do not use leverage

for our acquisitions, however, we may employ leverage to enhance total

returns to our Investors through a combination of senior financing on our

real estate acquisitions, secured facilities, and capital markets financing

transactions. It is our policy to not borrow more than 50% of the greater of

cost (before deducting depreciation or other non-cash reserves) or fair

market value of our assets. What are the typical hold periods for your

projects? We intend to hold our properties for 3-5 years. What is your

typical waterfall structure?

Investors receive their pro-rata share of distributions. We do not charge any

promote or incentive fees. What fees are paid to you?

We do not charge any base or incentive management fees. Compound¡¯s business

model is to earn buy-side brokerage fees for the properties we acquire. The

Company may also retain Compound¡¯s affiliates for necessary services relating to

our investments or our operations, including, brokerage, and leasing. Any such

arrangements will be at market terms and rates.

What is the minimum investment in your projects? $4,800 for our current


Are there any special deals for repeat or high dollar investors? Not as this


How many projects does your company currently have? We have one

project available today. We expect to have 15-25 additional projects in 2020.

How many projects have you gone round trip with?

This is Compound¡¯s first project. Our senior management team has been involved

in hundreds of transactions, totaling more than $3 billion.

Please insert link to your track record with this company: N/A. Bios of

management have been provided in the PPM (separately attached).


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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